Read all the above, and the linked thread about the Peace Mango.
You know, maybe this is the wrong way to apprehend this kind of working. Here is an idea I had some time ago: Do you remember in Illuminatus!, what they say about 'Aum'?
It's a drug complex elaborated by the Erisian Liberation Front. They slip it to unaware God's Lightning members tomato juice and such. It's supposed to turn neophobes into neophiles. Here is the effect on Joe Average:
"Further investigation revealed that Oedipuski had been a construction worker and until very recently well liked on his job, behaving in a normal, down-to-earth manner, bitching about the government, cursing the lazy bums on Welfare, hating niggers, shouting obscene remarks at good-looking dolls who passed construction sites and— when the odds were safely above the 8-to-1 level— joining other middle-aged workers in attacking and beating young men with long hair, peace buttons, or other un-American stigmata. Then, about a month before, all that had changed. He began bitching about the bosses as well as the government— almost sounding like a communist at times; when somebody else cussed the crumb-bums on Welfare, Stan remarked thoughtfully, "Well, you know, our union keeps them from getting jobs, fellows, so what else can they do but go on Welfare? Steal?" He even said once, when some of the guys were good-humoredly giving the finger and making other gallant noises and signals toward a passing eighteen-year-old girl, "Hey, you know, that might really be embarrassing and scaring her . . . !" Worse yet, his own hair begun to grow surprisingly long in the back, and his wife told friends that he didn't look at TV much anymore but instead sat in a chair most evenings reading books. The police found that was indeed true, and his small library— gathered in less than a month— was remarkable indeed, featuring works on astronomy, sociology, Oriental mysticism, Darwin's Origin of the Species, detective novels by Raymond Chandler, Alice in Wonderland, and a college-level text on number theory with the section on primes heavily marked with notes in the margin; the gallant, and now pathetic, tracks of a mind that was beginning to grow after four decades of stagnation, and then had been abruptly stomped. Most mysterious of all was the card found in the dead man's pocket, which although waterlogged, could still be read. One side said : THERE IS NO ENEMY ANYWHERE (and the other side had 'Hail Eris', in code)"
'There is no enemy anywhere'. So true in a sense. Most of the problem plaguing humanity could probably be traced to a lack in education, intelligence and open mind. If we could change the mind of humanity and skew it towards more freedom of thought and curiosity... That would be much better than trying to influence outcome of outside events.
My best idea: make a self-replicating viral servitor that could infect the mind of everyone, having the kind of effect Aum has. An enlightenment-intelligence virus.
Thing is, I'm a total dick at designing servitors. What do people that are good at it think? Is it possible? Would it work? I know I've used before on a national scale a self replicating form to influence the outcome of a vote. It plugged right into people unconscious and just delivered the message (In this case: 'NO' :-) ), and then replicated a few times. Looked like it quite worked (the vote was won by a huge margin after all), but here is something much more ambitious and complex.
Maybe do some tests first with forms that are designed to self destruct after some time, before launching the real thing in the wild? We could experiment the content of the delivered program on volunteers, you know, trying to enlight-bomb each other 
Frankly I'm all ear about any thought you might have on the subject. What we could put in the program, the self replicating part being quite easy.
Now what bothers me about this is that the Enochian Angels don't seems to think it is a good idea, and prefer evolution forced by external means. (Scroll down to highlighted part to read relevant quotation)
Just a thought, you know. |