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19:52 / 03.02.06
Not late at all. But am killing time before going out later tonight. Anyone about?
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
20:05 / 03.02.06
20:15 / 03.02.06
Oh good, Papers Hi! What's up?
I am calming jangling pre-date nerves.
20:27 / 03.02.06
Yup, staying in tonight. Kinda tired. Just popped in to say I'm proud that I slipped in my first 'lith reference to the paper yesterday. A bit oblique, but while talking about a programme on badgers, I used the word "mustelid" - the family that includes weasels and, well, y'know... I have a sad life.
So, date, huh?
20:43 / 03.02.06
I actually think the mustelid thing is pretty cool cube!
The date: Yeah probably a bit too overly enthused about the whole thing really. But early stages yet but I really like them so... yay and whatnot!
20:47 / 03.02.06
Also watching this. Which is kind of funny and kind of sweet too.
Brokeback to the Future
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
21:09 / 03.02.06
Best. Video. Ever.

I'm getting ready to head off to work. I might stop and get something to eat on the way.
21:42 / 03.02.06
Yes and take a leisurely stroll.

Wish me luck!!!
21:50 / 03.02.06
That is awfully good. Good luck, dude.
22:02 / 03.02.06
Anyone still there? Just got back from seeing Bauhaus. They were ace.
Eloi Tsabaoth
22:03 / 03.02.06
The Brokeback trailer seems right to me. In the second film, when the Doc drugs Marty's girlfriend and suggests they stash her in an alleyway unconscious, he's absolutely fine with it.
"You're the doc, Doc."
P. Horus Rhacoid
23:36 / 03.02.06
Anyone still here? I too am only around for a bit, killing time and cooking food before going to a party. My bastarding roommates ate the steak I was going to make, but I just found out that there is more steak buried in the 15-20 pounds of meat hanging out in our freezer. I have delicious root beer too.
P. Horus Rhacoid
00:03 / 04.02.06
Oh. My. God.

Root beer + kahlua = gustatory orgasm.
Tryphena Absent
00:24 / 04.02.06
Bing bing
P. Horus Rhacoid
00:42 / 04.02.06
Come in!
01:10 / 04.02.06
Yarrr. There is a man in my bed, and he is all straight and things, so I cannot sleep with him. Also, he has the Dreaded Lurgy, so I can't just get in there to actually, you know, sleep. Short version: I will stay up all night! Good evening, beautiful 'lithers1=!
P. Horus Rhacoid
01:14 / 04.02.06
What on earth is a 'lurgy,' aside from something to dread, obviously?

That sucks though, on both the straight and the dreaded-lurginess fronts.
01:17 / 04.02.06
's a colloquial term in the South of England for the sort of illness that's easy to catch, unpleasant when you've got it, but doesn't last too long. Often accompanied by flu-like symptoms and lots of complaining.
P. Horus Rhacoid
01:24 / 04.02.06
Actually, that sounds like what I had last week. The flu-ishness and complaining especially.
01:27 / 04.02.06
Horrible, horrible thing. And onomatopoeic, as well, "LURGggggHHEE!" being the noise one makes when hacking up one's lungs into the sink. I could have sworn that the last lot of my friend's chest-contents had bits of rib in it.

On reflection, this may be Too Much Information.
P. Horus Rhacoid
01:44 / 04.02.06
Okay on second thought that sounds significantly worse than what I had... great name, though.

So other than the violently ill man kicking you out of your bed, anything exciting going on?
01:48 / 04.02.06
Very little. It is quiet in this neck of the woods and I can't motivate myself to read the Freud that's looking at me accusingly. And yourself?
P. Horus Rhacoid
01:52 / 04.02.06
Hanging around mostly. At some point soon I'm going off to a party but I'm having trouble motivating myself, I kind of just want to go to bed at some point. Also it's a fancy dress party and I have no formal clothes whatsoever. My only collared shirts are plaid flannel. I'll make my way there eventually but it's a long walk and my room's warm so I'm not in any rush. I'm also drinking kahlua and rootbeer, the cocktail of the gods.
P. Horus Rhacoid
01:56 / 04.02.06
Also I just remembered I have The Ultimates on my computer (I know, I know, people like me are stealing the bread out the mouths of comic-book writers' children) so that's gonna delay my departure for a bit as well.
02:13 / 04.02.06
Hah. Sounds relaxed and Good to me. I am currently fixing my cane, whihc despite having a handy spring-loaded vial* in the handle, has a tendency of falling apart at inopportune times.

*I bought it second-hand. I'd love to know how it got like that.
P. Horus Rhacoid
02:43 / 04.02.06
Wow, that sounds like a sweet cane. I've mustered the energy to go out now (it being almost midnight- parties start laaate over here) so- good luck with the whole not-sleeping, sweet-cane-repairing, and not-getting-sick things.
02:54 / 04.02.06
Wow. I just lost a game of scrabble to drunken opponents. Am I the most pathetic 'lither here?
Tim Tempest
04:23 / 04.02.06
No man. I think that the most pathetic lither award might go to Oddman, as he hosted a party, but due to his medications, he can't be mixing in alchol, as that combination would produce some rather undesirable results, SO EVERY LAST MOTHERFUCKING FRIEND OF MINE WENT OUT DRINKING AND LEFT ME TO ROT.

Fucking bastards.
22:06 / 04.02.06
Let's get this bitch on!

What? That's how I talk.
22:08 / 04.02.06
Hold the phone! Interview with a vampire is on! Superstar vampires.
Liger Null
23:11 / 04.02.06
Looks like I'm about to win a Mego Fonzie Doll off e-bay.

This is what happens when you mix online auctions and psycotropic substances.
23:14 / 04.02.06
AWESOME. That's probably the most awesome thing I've heard in my whole life! SERIOUSLY AWESOME X MAXIMUM AWESOMOSITY AND AWESOMENESS!
Liger Null
23:18 / 04.02.06
What's even more awesome is he's only 99ยข so far. Plus $6.00 s/h.
23:31 / 04.02.06
"We're all gonna be three little Fonzies - and what was
Liger Null
23:34 / 04.02.06
Twenty-eight minutes to go

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