Goodnight, cube. I too have a dad visit in the morning. I’m pretending it’s not happening.
And you’re probably right, suedey. About being in control and maths and so on.
And, 'dreen, I kept previewing this post and then backtracking again because, oh, bugger - I’ve only got some rather old and utterly unserious rubbish to show anyway - and I think you’ve already seen some of this, suedey.
A couple from my aborted Dr-Who-as-drawn-by-Aubrey-Beardlesy A-Z thing. Which, er, I haven’t ever actually told any of you about:
R for Romana:

Aaaand, probably NSFW, so I’ll link (hey, I was ripping off Beardsley’s Lysistrata drawings):
S is for Sharez Jek
...probably only funny if you know the characters.
And, some muppet watchmen: the one I got so far with and then couldn’t be bothered finishing/making into a half-decent Timberlake likeness:

...and the half-baked sketchbook version that never even got properly started:

...oh, but what a wonderful film it would make, eh? Just as long as the songs are good. |