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Questions and Answers - Part 3


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17:24 / 03.04.07
Hey 'Lula!

The recipe said to bring the mixture to a low simmer on the stove top then pour into container and bake at 300 for 1/2 hour. Do you suggest a lower heat/longer time in the oven?
18:54 / 03.04.07
Simple question (for those who know): Which download facility (of which I just can't remember the name) is used mostly for books and downloads?
It's a unusually stripped down programme (visually at least)...
Any clue?
18:56 / 03.04.07
PS: It has been recommended and spoken of here previously. (If that gives further hint).
19:29 / 03.04.07
XK, the recipe I know is at 160C for 40 minutes.
19:53 / 03.04.07
ok that's 320 F. Close enough to make me think I'm doing something else wrong.

Ok so please critique this:

2 cups goat milk
4 eggs (2 are yolks only)

Milk is warmed and eggs whip in on the stove top then poured into a dish which bakes for 40 minutes at 320/160.

Is my egg to milk ratio screwed up?
19:57 / 03.04.07
If I was to guess, it'd be that goat milk has more fats or different proteins than cow milk.
13:48 / 04.04.07
Well it's a goat milk egg custard recipe, so I'd think they'd suggest adding a fat if it needed it (goat < cow). I think 'Lula maybe right that I'm cooking it too hot & too fast.

New Question:

Anyone know where I can get a thin white samue? This is the casual pants/jacket worn at home by the Japanese and monks. I can find all sorts of colored ones but not a lot of joy finding white ones. Thanks!
13:50 / 04.04.07
I am editing an annotated biography for a friend of mine, and at some point she makes reference to the Guerilla Girls and how they, "...used humor to challenge the language of art criticism, for example: the patriarchal model of the “master” in “masterpiece”, or translating the word “genius” to mean testicles....".

Translating the word genius to mean testicles!? What? Who tried to do this? I can't get a hold of my friend, nor can I locate anything relevant on Google.
14:15 / 04.04.07
it's on their site

Search the page for 'testicles' and you'll see the quote.
14:28 / 04.04.07
Well, duh. Thank you, XK, once again!
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
14:35 / 04.04.07
I know that being in below-freezing temperatures is dangerous and bad, but is there any real health risk to being stuck in rather cool temperatures -- say five or six degrees C -- for any period of time? Just extreme annoyance?
15:12 / 04.04.07
From my recent first-aid class the answer would be yes.

The very young and old should obviously not be exposed to uncomfortable temps. For the rest of us we need to understand the enivornment is putting a strain on our bodies. The effort of heating ourselves properly requires appropriate clothing and food/fuel.

If you dress to be comfortable at that temp, keep your blood sugar at a good level, and are in good health you should be ok. When you start getting tired you need to respect your body is signalling a decline in the ability to maintain warmth.

I am but an egg tho, so....
Eloi Tsabaoth
16:41 / 04.04.07
This one's been frustrating me. Who are the three men in The Art of Noise's Close To The Edit video?
Every source I find simply says that they're the 'male members of the group', but as the same people appear in the Dragnet video after Paul Morley and Trevor Horn have left that leaves only JJ Jeczalik and Gary Langan. Who is the third man? Are the other two even Jeczalik and Langan? And why the hell is this annoying me so much?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
16:45 / 04.04.07
I can understand that it's not good for you to hang out in uncomfortably cold temperatures, but I can't really understand what happens to you if you just stay in a cool place. Do you just... die, eventually?
16:46 / 04.04.07
No, it usually just warms up a bit. Around April.
16:54 / 04.04.07
(Incidently, Haus, it was just snowing here - in April, near MattS. Maybe next month.)
19:26 / 04.04.07
but I can't really understand what happens to you if you just stay in a cool place.

Hypothermia. Respect it.

It'll also depends on how much you're eating. Shivering takes energy.
All Acting Regiment
19:36 / 04.04.07
I have just made an origami bird
19:36 / 04.04.07
Yes, clothing +food+health= improved cold tolerance.

It's snowing right the cripiping now. Supposed to keep snowing all night.

If you stay out in the cold with out these things your body starts drawing the blood into the torso to keep the organs warm and frostbite of the extended bits occurs.
22:11 / 04.04.07
I have just made an origami bird

Have you really? Can I see? Aces!
All Acting Regiment
12:24 / 05.04.07
Oh, this is the questions thread - I thought it was the happy thread! Ah well. Yes, you can see when I sort out my camera.

I now have a new question. Small relative now has 1/72 scale napoleonic types (found a second-hand shop selling a huge sort of grab-bag, go me), and wants to know of games which can be played with them. I said I'd look on the net, and I am, but if anyone would happen to know any sort of free wargames rules type thingy floating around (care will be taken to remind small relative of difference between plastic grenadiers and real people)? I sold all my old schit stuff at puberty, alas.
13:04 / 05.04.07
Crikey, so many... how small is your relative? It's usually a payoff between realism and complexity, you've got your simple but fun rules and your takes-hours-to-play-realistic-weather-morale-and-ammo rules that are only fun if you're a teenage geek.
13:10 / 05.04.07
Free rules at Freewargamesrules dot co dot uk unsurprisingly. Also see;
fish confusion errata
13:59 / 05.04.07
"The word genius is related to the Latin word for testicles. Maybe that explains why it's so rarely used to describe a woman."

I don't think this is true. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, "genius" is from the Middle English "genius" meaning "guardian spirit", from Latin "genius": "procreative divinity, inborn tutelary spirit, innate quality." The Indo-European root is "*gen-": "to give birth, beget".

I don't see why you couldn't infer feminine generative power from this just as easily as masculine.

In any case, beware the etymological fallacy.
14:02 / 05.04.07
Shurely phallacy?
14:09 / 05.04.07
I think that the forest may haved missed the trees, there, goofy. The GGs are in part situationists, and that etymology is being used as a piece of situationist critique. That is, a knowing lie used to draw attention to a truth. In this case, one could look at the fact that genius is itself a masculine word, grammatically, or consider how many times one finds reference in Latin to the genius of a woman rather than a man, or indeed, which is the ultimate point, how many women are described in terms of genius rather than men. The gen/genesthai/gonad atuff is, I imagine, quite deliberately incomplete, to stimulate further thought.
fish confusion errata
14:12 / 05.04.07
Fair enough. I just wanted to point out the inaccuracy: they said "genius" was from the Latin word for "testicles", which is not true.
14:23 / 05.04.07
Well, actually they said it was related to the Latin word for testicles, which is accurate, if incomplete - gemini (literally, as we all no doubt know, "the twins", and a common way for Romans to speak of the contents of their man-satchel) is also, as far as I know, related to the Indo-European root "gen", meaning as it does "double-born"
fish confusion errata
14:46 / 05.04.07
Well that's really cool. I guess they know more Latin that I do.
14:50 / 05.04.07
It had me going "whu-" for a bit there as well, and I'm meant to have at least a passing knowledge of the language, if it helps. I was trying to puzzle out "test-" as a stem, and then it struck me that I was a) too late and b) too formal.
fish confusion errata
14:52 / 05.04.07
Hold on - "gemini" is not related to "genius". That is, "gemini" is not traced back to the IE "gen-".
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:04 / 05.04.07
So what is a lady genius then? A genia? Geniatrix?
15:17 / 05.04.07
Is it not? No gen-genesthai-gener- connection? Interesting... Do you have a Lewis and Short handy? Mine's at home.

As for our lady genius - that's just it. There's no feminine form (genia, it would be - second declension, baby!). The word genius is masculine in gender, even if the person being described as a genius is a woman. Which, as has been said, the person being described as a genius usually isn't.
jentacular dreams
15:18 / 05.04.07
fish confusion errata
15:24 / 05.04.07
I'm going by the online AHD:

I wouldn't say that "genius" is masculine in gender, since English nouns have no gender. But I appreciate the knowing lie used to draw attention to a truth.

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