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Questions and Answers - Part 3


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20:48 / 03.06.06
How much does a civil partnership cost? Just the basic legal bit?
20:57 / 03.06.06
Just found out, but in case anyone wanted to know it will cost £100. Thats £30 each to register for partnership and £40 to sign. Same price for marriage, but the hets have to spend an extra £3.50 for a marriage certificate. Thus proving that being gay costs less.
Char Aina
21:31 / 03.06.06
just in case folks dont look at the last page...
paranoidwriter waves hello
00:58 / 04.06.06
Sorry Toksik, can't help with your ports.

New question: I've just been watching Jonathan Ross interviewing Noel Edmonds and they mentioned the "Cosmic Ordering Service". Does anybody know any more about this? From the little I've read it sounds similar to sigils, but so far I haven't been able to find exactly how one places an order with the Cosmos (or whatever it is you're supposed to do), so I might be wrong. So, anyone got any info to share? Cheers.
12:37 / 04.06.06
toksik - Changed firewall recently? If there's something blocking outgoing ports the programs may not be able to connect. It's odd you can't to gmail, though, as that uses port 80 like every other web page, though it does have a few extra bits built in now, so maybe that's the issue.

Anyway, google talk uses port 5222, and you also need the SSL port open (which is port 443). In fact, if you can't get to secure pages (bank pages, the checkout of reputable websites) at all, then that could well be the problem.

To fix it, make sure it's not blocked in the firewall and that everything else is behaving normally (it can never hurt to run a virus/spyware scan, either).
16:30 / 04.06.06
Paranoidwriter: I've only been briefly exposed to it, but basically it seems to be a new age self help book where you wish/pray to/ask the cosmos to get you stuff. Generally money and other material items it would appear. No real meat to it by all accounts.
Char Aina
19:05 / 04.06.06
thanks, dude.
now... how do i do that?
i use grisoft, and i am finding it hard to figure out how to look at ports.

oh, and i hear gmail uses 995..?
or is that lies and madness?
19:18 / 04.06.06
Hmm. Do you have a router, am ADSL modem or a cable modem?
paranoidwriter waves hello
11:06 / 05.06.06
Thanks, The Return of Phyrephox. I'm naturally suspicious of anything championed by Noel Edmonds, but I just wanted to be sure I wasn't being unfairly dismissive. Much obliged.
12:21 / 05.06.06
Hot Vinyl: danger of records warping?

How hot can a room get before I need to worry that the records I've got stored in there might warp?

In case it's relevant: they're stored upright, quite tightly packed together on shelves in a wooden cabinet. May get a bit of direct sunlight in the early evening.
17:22 / 06.06.06
Okay, forget that. Here's an easier one: Is Yahoo knacked? I cannae get on to Flickr or Yahoo Groups, and I'd like to know if it's a general prob or I'm being - *gulp* - blocked.
Essential Dazzler
15:41 / 09.06.06
Just set up a four-player LAN in out Halls. I'd like to know if any of the following games can run if only the host has a copy of the disk:

Aliens Versus Predator
Rainbow Six: Raven Shield
And Ghost Recon

Cheers in advance, you lovely geeks.
15:40 / 12.06.06
Do Americans know the world cup is on?
15:43 / 12.06.06
I'm pretty sure I ran an AvP PvP game between two PCs with only one set of game disks... it was a long time ago, though.
16:44 / 12.06.06
AvP I am fairly sure can run without the disc, though you lose the music.
the credible hulk
16:47 / 12.06.06
Do Americans know the world cup is on?

I'd hope so, their team is playing today.

Canada sure knows it's on. My whole house is watching this thing.
Essential Dazzler
17:04 / 12.06.06
Cool, AvP was the one I was most looking forward to. Unfortunately, all my potential victims buggered off home yesterday. Now I have to wait for September to swing by again.
08:51 / 16.06.06
German pronunciation question - what does putting an umlaut over an "a" do?
09:01 / 16.06.06
I think it lengthens and flattens it a little. The only example I can think of right now is the Easter Bunny - Osterhaasen, which has one over the first a, so that you get the a sound closer to "arse" more than "graze". I'm sure someone will set me right there.
09:02 / 16.06.06
Turns it from an "ah" sound into more of an "ay" (as in "way") sound. "Mann" sounds like it looks, "Männer" (men) is like "mayner".
09:11 / 16.06.06
Heh, almost exactly opposite cross-posts!

In sudden doubt I got out the German dictionary. In the phonetic alphabet an umlautless a is just 'a', but with an umlaut it becomes the symbol that looks like a backwards 3, which the dictionary says should sound like the 'e' in 'set', so my pronunciation was a bit off there.
02:40 / 17.06.06
Actually, when my mom (born in Hamburg) says "Gräfin," it sounds almost like an American "Gray-fin," or nearly a poshy British colonial "Greffin." I can fake an umlaut on any vowel by imagining the two dots on either side of my upper lip, as if I'm holding two unpopped popcorn kernels in the corners of my mouth, but it's never exactly right.
16:15 / 20.06.06
I own one of these:

A Sony-Ericsson K750i

Last week it dived head first into a pint of cider. It seems to have made a reasonable recovery however the keys 1,2&3 along with up & left on the control stick are fucked. I gather this is more to do with the sugar in cider than the water.

Do I a:
half submerge the phone in warm water and risk it dying - could this break the mic?

or b:

Navigate backwards through all menus and never send a text again whilst contemplating phoning the home insurance people?
16:29 / 20.06.06
if you do elect to submerge it remove the battery first!
All Acting Regiment
17:50 / 20.06.06
'Friad I don't know much about phones, pro.

Is there such a thing as a chart showing the names and dates of the classical writers and characters in chronological sequence? Can I find it or something similar?
18:36 / 20.06.06
What do you mean by "classical"? Like, Euripides?
18:41 / 20.06.06
Would this catalog help?

Or this one? (it's on a timeline...)
All Acting Regiment
22:47 / 20.06.06
That's great, Grant, just what I was looking for.
07:16 / 21.06.06
With the phone, it might be worth trying some WD40 (with the battery removed, natch) and leave it off for a while. You might end up with a rather greasy phone, but keep buffing it with a paper towel and the worst of it should come off. I've never tried it on phones but it does a great job with other such sticky-gunked things.
08:22 / 21.06.06
German pronunciation question - what does putting an umlaut over an "a" do?

ä is like the a in ham.
11:01 / 21.06.06
But "ham" with a German accent? Eh?
11:30 / 21.06.06
I discussed yesterday evening which german peoples might have the thickest german accents. I believe it´s the Bavarians and the Saxonians. I, as a Prussian, have a delightful and wholesome accent.
11:34 / 21.06.06
Why is there no Junction 3 on the M1?
11:38 / 21.06.06
Do Nurse Practitioners have the medical authority to sign people off work?
21:29 / 21.06.06
M1, eh? After a bit of digging, it looks as though there may have been one at the junction of the A1 and and A41, Mill Hill. Because the junction 2-4 section was finished ten years before the 1-2 section, perhaps it was realised that people were driving way too fast on motorways to suddenly drop into a residential area and they got rid of it. I dunno, maybe the real junction 3 goes to Mornington Crescent secret bunker.

And nurses signing sickies? As long as your boss doesn't check (and they don't, ever), who cares?

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