See, that episode worked a lot better with all the little vignettes rather than one long one, though the bit about five guns didn't really make sense, most likely the agent was working with Kate on something, hijacking the plane perhaps? And nice to see Jack and Sawyer break down and make out in the middle of the jungle, just like we all knew they were going to, from the first episode.
And is it me, or is blowing open the hatch and then everyone hiding in an enclosed space probably the silliest idea anyone's had in the whole history of anything (and I'm including the Hooded Claws attempts to kill off Penelope Pitstop)? So, they half demolish it blowing the hatch off, then get everyone inside, close it, cover it over with mud so no-one finds it (after they've locked themselves in) then hope The Others don't find them and starve them out? I thought Locke was supposed to be the clever one?
"If you want to keep a secret, don't tell the fat guy." |