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Lost (E4 Thread)


Page: 1234(5)6

12:02 / 22.12.05
Wasn't the plane what she got from the lockbox at the robbery?
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:55 / 22.12.05
Um, Lady, we saw how Kate got the plane in her last flashback episode.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:31 / 22.12.05
Oh, I forgot about that.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
09:25 / 29.12.05
See, that episode worked a lot better with all the little vignettes rather than one long one, though the bit about five guns didn't really make sense, most likely the agent was working with Kate on something, hijacking the plane perhaps? And nice to see Jack and Sawyer break down and make out in the middle of the jungle, just like we all knew they were going to, from the first episode.

And is it me, or is blowing open the hatch and then everyone hiding in an enclosed space probably the silliest idea anyone's had in the whole history of anything (and I'm including the Hooded Claws attempts to kill off Penelope Pitstop)? So, they half demolish it blowing the hatch off, then get everyone inside, close it, cover it over with mud so no-one finds it (after they've locked themselves in) then hope The Others don't find them and starve them out? I thought Locke was supposed to be the clever one?

"If you want to keep a secret, don't tell the fat guy."
08:07 / 12.01.06
is this the right thread to say, after last nights terrestrial double episode,

ever had the feeling you've been cheated?

some great white knuckle bits but on the whole just more mystery piled on top of everything and unless this is a great story arc that ties it all up it's going to look like here comes tomorrow by the end of season 2. hhhm, intelligent mold running the island, i like it...
08:26 / 12.01.06
ever had the feeling you've been cheated?

I would have done had I stuck with it, but luckily I started missing episodes after about Ep 5 and just gave up. I decided to watch the closers last night and... hadn't missed a thing, apparently, except D'elenn turning up and a couple of minor characters gone. Won't be bothering with the next season, then.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:14 / 12.01.06
ever had the feeling you've been cheated?

Not really - cube is right to the extent that with Lost, you can sort of figure out the kind of show it is relatively early on, "right, so they're never going to even ask the obvious questions let alone get any answers with any speed", so you just have to decide whether or not the show has anything else that compels you to watch. Personally I'm still enjoying the episodes in which stuff actually happens, like the season finale, although I should add the caveats that a) I read spoilers, and b) I watch it with other people and there is always a lot of heckling.

Still, good moment from last episode: how long the scene with the raft encountering the boat was before the shit hit the fan. Very painful for different reasons whether you know what's coming or not. Just how happy the four of them are, followed by "We're going to have to take the boy", repeated several times before anything happens - that sense of total disbelief... And then shit blows up.
09:33 / 12.01.06
Petey, I'm glad you wrote that first paragraph: you saved me the hassle.

You read spoilers? Whilst I don't mind spoiling some things, IMO one of the pleasures of Lost is speculation.
11:35 / 12.01.06
but i'm not sure it's even worth speculating (unless you spoiler hounds know something) as it just seems like a random collection of playing with your expectations characterisations and spoooooky occurences. unless there is a big and very clever reveal at some point that explains the lot of it i will feel a bit hard dopne by, tho agree i can sometimes just enjoy it as it is and get caught up in it.

my guess is that there will be a scooby doo ending next season, that dashing doctor will ahve been behind it as he wanted to build an amusement park on the island all along.
11:54 / 12.01.06
From what I've read (interviews and suchlike) there is some kind of plan, and you're missing the point that short-term speculation is not only fun but more than possible in that doesn't depend on overarching, unifying plot devices.

I made a fair few predictions that turned out to be true in the first series.

Current long-term prediction: Hurly will end up buying the island. The writers might not have figured that out, but if they half a brain between them they'll realise that he has to spend his money on something, and that something will have to be pretty big, otherwise what's the point of him having all that loot?
11:57 / 12.01.06
For me, long-term speculation is as much about exploring narrative potential as it as about making accurate predictions
yawn - thing's buddy
12:07 / 12.01.06
thought the handling of 'extras' - exploding dynamite n all - was very alan moore.

some sharp stuff in last nights double bill.

michael's got to be the crappiest dad in existence tho.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
14:24 / 12.01.06
Have to say, watching the entire series at legs of, say, 8-10 episodes at a time is really very rewarding...

For those who don't know, I picked up the whole first season on DVD in Canada back at about episode 3 here on terrestrial, and watched it all the way through over about 3 was really very good, though I found the format a little tiring occasionally...a couple of plot driven Island episodes amongst all the clever exposition and flashback wouldn't have gone amiss.

The finale was just bloody great though, I thought. Particularly the exploding loudmouth. Fantastic. And I loved the cheerleaders at the airpost with - *gasp* - Da Numbaz! on their sweatshirts, and all the other mise en scene incidences of the Numbers generally throughout that double.

It's a good mystery. I definitely need to get my sister to send me Season Two...can't be doing this 48 week malarkey...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:25 / 13.01.06
Was the smoke after they blew up whatever grabbed Locke supposed to be weird or was that dodgy CGI?

It's very like Battlestar Galactica, in that a season doesn't map out over a year and there's often a lot of carefully planned running around in circles to hide forward development of plots.

For me the most important storyline through the year was Sun and Jin's. That really did tug at the heart-strings, and each time we went back to them we learnt something that really turned things around 180 degrees. And when, in the last episode we saw that apparently Jin was planning to try and escape with Sun to a new life after she had very nearly ran away from him because she thought he was a bastard... I nearly got a bit misty-eyed at that.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
23:24 / 16.01.06
Lost- You Uncurious Motherfuckers.
06:21 / 17.01.06
Lady, the smoke was supposed to be weird.
00:53 / 19.02.06
I missed the first couple of episodes of Lost so resolved not to watch any of it until it all came out on DVD.

We have just spent the last three days watching the whole 25 episodes, back to back.

Then I went to look for the release date of series 2 in the UK. Some sites say August (this surely can't be right, can it?) and others say early Spring. What is early Spring? There are snowdrops in the park, is early Spring now?

Also, what's the score with episode 25 and whether it has or hasn't been shown on UK TV?
01:04 / 19.02.06
Well, as C4 usually like to leave a gap of a year from one start of season to the next, I'd suggest that you're in for a long wait Lula.

Why not try downloading season 2? 'Swhat I do.
10:06 / 19.02.06
the 4 have been saying that it won't be the usual year's wait. still at least 16 weeks or so of desparate fishwives to go first tho, no?
The Falcon
11:14 / 19.02.06
Yeah, they said Spring. Which could be like May.
18:08 / 15.03.06
dammit there's crocuses in my garden and season 2's STILL not on!

if i have to wait much longer i will need to make this noise: grrrrrrraaaaahhhhhhggggghhhh!
09:24 / 16.03.06
I'd say it's pretty much a dead cert you'll have to wait for Desperate Housewives to finish. June probably.
09:58 / 18.03.06
got the first disc off screenselect this week and noticed that just after the first appearance of the "monster", there was some background dialogue along the lines of:
"there was something really familiar about the noise it made"
"really? where are you from"
"the bronx"

anyone here been to the bronx?
any familiar noises spring to mind?
17:14 / 02.05.06
Not seen anyone mention it yet, but its back on C4 tonight.

18:27 / 02.05.06
The thing that does my swede about this thread is that I sooo want to talk about this show with my fellow Brits, but, ya know, I can't resist the lure of the download.
20:15 / 02.05.06
Oh, Boboss, I hear ya.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:37 / 03.05.06
Only watched the first of the three episodes so far. It's the usual nonsense so far. I wonder if I'd like it all more if I didn't know they were making it up as they went along (as opposed to say a plan like B5). I wonder why that matters to me here when it doesn't matter so much for my enjoyment of Battlestar Galactica?
19:08 / 03.05.06
I wonder if I'd like it all more if I didn't know they were making it up as they went along

I'm pretty certain that's not true. Granted, I think they make some of it up as they go along, but I'm inclined to believe Lindeloff and chummy (on the podcast) when they say that they know where they're going and they know which stops they're likely to make along the way.
Apparently, Abrams has taken a backseat and he was the biggest obstruction to preplanned continuity.
The Falcon
22:27 / 03.05.06
Embdy phoned The Hanso Foundation yet, then? They started playing that advert for them during the first ep, and I was all 'what an odd, yet engaging, advert...' until it became clear.
The Falcon
22:29 / 03.05.06
Ooh, the relaxing music goes a bit creepy for a sec when you close yr browser on it.
Disco is My Class War
15:09 / 05.05.06
Am I missing something, or is it all blank, the black background bit with curvy boxes and creepy new age music?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:35 / 05.05.06
I really like how we get the same scene in the first three episodes with absolutely nothing done to try and give a new slant to the scene. In each case it's the same. It's only after the third time we see it that things move on. I can't help but think that on every level the story would have been more exciting if they didn't sort out the timer. After all, they could then wander around going "Does that mean we're all going to die?" And thank God for Sayid, yet again the magic Iraqi have fixed a fried computer without any kit, without knowing what it's for and with apparently an automatically booting program.

This is the best new comedy currently on C4.
The Falcon
14:36 / 17.05.06
Ah, when that big Nigerian-looking fella showed up I wasn't sure, but after last night I am. Simon Adebisi! Brilliant.
15:48 / 17.05.06
i find the whole thing similar to reading a single page of a novel each week, with the added annoyance of having to read the last paragraph again each time. having said that i'm still hooked on the intrigue...
13:46 / 18.05.06
yeah, damon lindelof seems to be taking a similar approach with his writing on "ultimate wolverine vs hulk".
some people think its frustrating but i find the characters strong enough to hold my attention inbetween the smatterings of plot-revealage.

i actually thought the jin/sun episode this week was a really good example of that.
the korean episodes must be the hardest to write (certainly for jin) as its harder for the viewers to tie the flashbacks in to what's happening in characters' heads "now" (ie on the island) if those characters are unable to (verbally) communicate with their fellow islanders.

top marks all round, it couldn't have worked without great writing and a stunning performance from daniel dae kim.

anyway, leaving the hollywood choad-choking aside for a moment we progress to plot speculation:
the people who mr echo and jin were hiding from, were they all kids? i couldn't tell
what is the others' apparent obsession with children all about?
if the others are hanso foundation scientists (which seems possible), what kind of experiment would children be required for?
my money is on some kind of pyschic/parapsychological typerthing

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