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Lost (E4 Thread)


Page: 123(4)56

12:05 / 13.10.05
shannon - is that boone's sister (was there a hint that boone's gay last night? dint she say 'your new boyfriend' or something? he does, after all, run a 'marriage business', and there's no-one else identified as gay yet. if so, i'm really looking forward to his northstar moment)?

anyway shannon - hant you heard 'she's useless' - good only for not being able to utter the words 'finding nemo' and tempting the guy who's never ever seen a nearly-unclothed girl before. (y'know, muslim - it's a bit like being a virgin.) at least her uselessness won't be remedied in the same way that charlie's was 'we need a little guy to go in the tunnel'/ 'don't be glum charlie, you're not useless, you're small' fucking poor guy, bet he's regretting playing the hobbit now...

anyhoo, in the escape boat i'd have me, sawyer, rousseau, ethan and the dog.

still watching it religiously though gumbs? oh aye.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:53 / 16.10.05
I really liked the way she was "I'm fucking useless." And there's that beat where the entire audience expect Sayid to say "You're not useless, you're a beautiful snowflake."... And then they solve the map. But instead he doesn't really care about mending her broken heart or anything.

As for Kate, I presume she gave the case to Sawyer because she only wanted to open the case if no-one else was around. Interesting how she's been completely good and honest in this show, except only when her past comes up. I'm thinking she is either responsible for, or thinks she's responsible for, the explosion that brought the plane down in the first place.

But who were those people in the lake, why was her case under their chair, how did she know it was 'her' case and why were they so badly decomposed? The first five or six episodes happened over the space of a week or two, suddenly we're months down the line, as I assume that's the only way they could have decomposed so badly, or does running water hasten the squishyfication process of a corpse?

I feel sorry for Daniel Dae Kim and Yoon-jin Kim, with the exception of the episode with their story they've almost had nothing to do. I'm hoping the husband finds out about Sun knowing English soon, just for them to actually have a role in the story. I'm also fairly sure he knows English but hasn't told his wife, mainly because I can't see how Jack would have communicated the concept of "Some of us are going to move off the beach and inland to a cosy cave with running water" through mime.
22:46 / 16.10.05
Can I just say: Lady's post really makes me wish I hadn't downloaded the rest of the season so soon.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:53 / 20.10.05
Listen Mr Locke, I am a big fan of your ambiguous craziness and how it is ambiguous whether you are helping Young Michael Elpick grow as a person or just brainwashing him, but I must protest about:

a) the way your speech about Mickelangelus 'may' have foreshadowed the writers' intentions to keep us staring at an undeveloping plotline for four months;

b) yet another character death fake-out!
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:32 / 26.10.05
Here's a new game, try and predict who's backstory is going to be next. Will it be the guy from Becker, or the guy from Matrix Reloaded? MAKE CHOICE NOW!
11:32 / 26.10.05
It's got to be the black guy, Michael? Walter's dad. Or maybe Hurley. But my money's on Michael.
The Falcon
22:10 / 26.10.05

Who's left? Sawyer? I think I've missed one or two.

And Jack's had two. Nice to see something ultimately go right for Oz's former narrator for once, anyway.

Some RD (real death) is overdue. I vote, uhm, Jack probably.
23:23 / 26.10.05
excuse me, exactly what episode did air last on e4?
The Falcon
23:24 / 26.10.05
The ep about Michael (of Oz fame) & Walter.
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:19 / 27.10.05
Who's left? Sawyer? I think I've missed one or two.

Sawyer had his flashback, in which we learnt that his name isn't really Sawyer. Kate has also had two. Her second one made me wish that she's become a more interesting character by indulging in a sudden burst of ultraviolence. Preferably against Jack.

Does every viewer hate Jack now, or will anyone defend him?
09:36 / 27.10.05
"You hit like a ponce"

Who knew the little fella had it in him, and to go for the bad arm as well. Dirty fighter Charlie. Although he did make up for it with the comedy montage of him "trying" not to read the diary.

Just one question: Now that the comic book is no more is that the end of the polar bears?
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:09 / 27.10.05
I dunno. As I said earlier, Rousseau says to Sayid "If we're lucky, it's one of the bears", or something like that, which to me implies the bears predate the plane crash.

I wonder whether Walt's ability* is to attract animals that he thinks about, hence the bird flying into the glass door, rather than creating them. That makes the bear in the comic a huge coincidence. Oh! Unless the comic was on the island, not the plane, before the crash.

*Or rather, one of them, as I suspect there's more to him being "different" than that, hence his deadbeat step-dad's freaking.
12:07 / 27.10.05
I take your point Pete, but wasn't the bird that hit the glass window the exact same species that Walt was talking about and reading about when the folks were "not listening".

That's how I saw/read that moment...
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:40 / 27.10.05
Yes. But the theory still works.
08:45 / 28.10.05
it was great to see him back where he belongs, in a wheelchair, if only for the one scene.

last two episodes have been good, fighting, action and scares, even when the thrust of the narrative has been shit like 'dad n son'.

guess next week's must be 'how i got so big, and why a month's diet of fruit and fish hasn't taken off even a pound'.
11:17 / 02.11.05
Next week (or actually tonights) is Charlie's second "flash-back".

Oh and as I didn't know where to put this, check out this months issue of SFX which has a three or four page article on all the theories out there on what the island is...
11:23 / 02.11.05
it'll be his third won't it? plenty yawning when the charles is the star.
Lama glama
12:35 / 02.11.05
I would advise E4 Lost viewers to avoid picking up SFX. They seem to be operating under the assumption that readers are up as far as the season finalé. They even divulge what the "monster" is to some extent.
13:53 / 02.11.05
Cheers for the warning Llama, and Gums you counting the pilot as one of Charlie's back stories or did I miss one?
08:17 / 03.11.05
soz, i read 'charlie' and thought 'jack'. really rubbish, irrelevant flashbacks this time round, saying little more than 'charlie's a tiny tit'. jack, meantime, is punchy as heck, which is an unexplained switch. liked them being stalked by a baddie though, and the way that only around half of the people on the island could be arsed going to the funeral of one of their murdered fellow strandees.
The Falcon
10:04 / 03.11.05
Yeah, the wheelchair. And, 'he's buying a paper company in Slough'. Nice little easter eggs for (pretty much) the only telly I've liked in the last five years.
The Falcon
10:06 / 03.11.05
Also, and this may just be me, but Jack v. Ethan II brought memories of Ultra Magnus v. Galvatron back in the day.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:01 / 01.12.05
The last few episodes of this have gone a long way towards restoring my FAITH in this show. Prior to the second Locke episode, I found myself thinking "this is never going to be as good as 'Walkabout' again, is it?" But now I BELIEVE again. I have been sent a SIGN. Do you see?
11:41 / 01.12.05
The whole faith thing in this show really gets on my tits.
In fact, the whole faith thing in american drama really gets on my tits. It's fucking everywhere.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:58 / 01.12.05
Um, but surely in Lost the point about Locke's faith is that it is by no means unambiguously a good thing? More the other way, really. Locke's faith in his father leads to him losing a kidney, and his faith in the island leads to Boone being fucked-up (and a lot of smack floating around for Charlie to find one day).
12:07 / 01.12.05
All true. Thanks for annihilating my grouchery.
16:57 / 03.12.05
I bought Lost season 1 on amazon uk, and watched and liked it very much. But I realized something: it´s only half the season!

The other half won´t be available until january. I searched the video stores this afternoon, but lost is not for rent.

And since I don´t have a tv, I might have to wait a whole month, until I can see the second half of the series. Can you imagine how I feel?
17:14 / 03.12.05
If your computer's up to it you could download the rest of the series.
15:21 / 06.12.05
Done and done. That was very useful advice. Thanks, Boboss.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:58 / 22.12.05
Kate: Don't look at me with your damn accusative eyes! Yeah, I somehow forgot to tell you all that I was being transported back to 'Merka on that plane but at least since we've crashed I've been useful and cute all over the place rather than Redneck Joe over there stealing stuff and being an arsehole to everyone unless he needs something. Come on, who are you going to trust?

Oh, and otherwise, just show us what's in the damn hole!
08:00 / 22.12.05
They still haven´t aired Season 2 where you live yet? That´s mean! If you want to, you can download the first nine (!) episodes of S2 from itunes (US), for example.

The second season is pretty exciting, but quite different compared to S1.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:36 / 22.12.05
Hush now.

I quite liked the fact that, in an episode which revolves partly around the issue of who knows and who has been told what, they dropped in Walt knowing something about the Hatch, which he couldn't possibly know, and thus freaking me out once again...
09:41 / 22.12.05
They still haven´t aired Season 2 where you live yet? That´s mean! If you want to, you can download the first nine (!) episodes of S2 from itunes (US), for example.

The thing is that you can't legally download S2 in the UK yet. UK people don't have access to the US iTunes TV show store and even if they did, they would need a US billing address to be able to purchase goods from it...
Tryphena Absent
09:44 / 22.12.05
Walt: I am the voice of the island. I bring Polar Bears to this hell hole. I am incredibly annoying but Nina would rather watch me than Kate. Ha!
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:07 / 22.12.05
There's also the question of how Kate got her hands on the little plane when she left it there on the back seat of the car after the not-that-surprising-really shooting of her childhood sweetheart. It would be nice to know that the producers and writers had a plan they were working to as, at the moment, the name of the game seems to be trying to keep balls in the air and not commit to anything. After all, about a month ago it seemed that Locke was able to see inside the capsule and it's contents, a month later and we still don't know.

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