Hi ya loves!
Erm...I need a question answering and thought I'd ask the late-shifters for advice...? Erm, you see, I've got this rash and... Oh-Only kidding! I haven't really... Honest, I swear!
Seriously though, I've been "working" on a new thread idea and when it's time I'd really like to post it somewhere on Barbelith to gleam the pearls of your collective wisdom (slime, slime, suck,suck, creep, creep....). Problem is: I don't know where and indeed whether to post it? It's basically about "Trust", in particular in respect of anonymity online and the dangers of various forms of exploitation (etc. I promise there's nothing underhand or personal about it (i.e. in respect of past/current threads and other members), and hopefully it is only offensive insofar as the post is still a bit long and contains my usual mix of anecdote, notion, and questioning. Sorry, I try but essentially I can't really help my style of writing: I is who I is, an' all...? Anyway, It's called "Who can YOU trust?"
So, any advice, please? Any old threads I should check out first? Which fora is best for this type of thing? Or even, "Down with this sort of thing!"? [Father Ted]
Oh, to get back into the LateShift Spirit: "Sygil Snowflakes" is a f**king genius idea! I had to stop myself last night after screwing around with the snowflake website for two whole, non-stop hours after I read that! And you're all right, it is bloody addictive! I love it, and I gotta stop going there and doing it.... Like now.... I mean NOW!....erm... |