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Apparently someone *has* to start a *New* LATESHIFT


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Char Aina
00:32 / 28.07.05
i can redo if required, but it wouldnt be the same.
first thought=best thought, just like ginsberg used to tell me.
yes i did.
i just dropped a beat.
kick it!
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:33 / 28.07.05
ggrr. bloody html
Mike Modular
00:33 / 28.07.05
Pie, yes, definitely.

Hello all. I couldn't resist more snowflake action. That 1223497 is indeed the best one. I kinda tried to do a version... 1223586, but I reckon she's using a Wacom tablet or something, cos there's no way I can get that kind of detail with a mouse.

Trivial Pursuit is a fine thing. I am always in pursuit of the trivial...
00:33 / 28.07.05
Lurid- it's both easy and lovely.
Lurid Archive
00:33 / 28.07.05
A pie is a kind of cake, isn't it? A savoury cake.
00:33 / 28.07.05
It's not like that, Lurid. It's like the best scalp massage ever. Makes your brain all spongy and warm.
00:34 / 28.07.05
never mind the snow, how about the

surely thst's wat pursuing is all about?
00:41 / 28.07.05
For Lurid- 1223629
Char Aina
00:41 / 28.07.05
dudes, snow is so last late shift.
get with the poom.
00:43 / 28.07.05
Actually Toksik, it's two lateshifts ago.

00:43 / 28.07.05
Another cool face one - 1223612
00:44 / 28.07.05
Oh, toksik, how could you have known what you were doing? Barbelith is becoming snowed under.
00:45 / 28.07.05
We should ask Tom if it's in Barbelith's functionality to devour other sites and assimilate them into itself.
Tryphena Absent
00:45 / 28.07.05
I don't like poom, the perspective's all off. My brain can't process that.
Lurid Archive
00:46 / 28.07.05
OK, thanks Mel, a brain. Chopped, sliced and suffering.
00:48 / 28.07.05
You're in a "glass is half full" kind of mood, eh?
Saint Keggers
00:49 / 28.07.05
Or is it "glass too big" mode?
Char Aina
00:49 / 28.07.05
you know what they say, stoatie; in a blizzard everybody gets snow in their long johns.

carpet bombing with links i knew i'd find something for someone.
that one was definitely a favourite, though.

(so was this one, but no one seems to share my fascination. no accounting for taste, i guess.)
00:50 / 28.07.05
1222638's a PUPPY!!!
00:51 / 28.07.05
I actually bookmarked that one, T. Just kept my love secret is all.
Liger Null
00:51 / 28.07.05
Just managed to rip myself (kicking and screaming all the while) from the snowflake site.

How is everyone?
Char Aina
00:52 / 28.07.05
poom is really annoying till you realise there's a shadow.
still not a patch on my favourite flash game at the moment, though.
00:55 / 28.07.05
Yeah, that one is the daddy.

I really liked the one with the wee spaceman solving puzzles on those log/asteroids things though. Don't have the url. He did a follow-up one with the polyphonic spree which is more google friendly.
00:56 / 28.07.05
I'm good Liger. You?
00:57 / 28.07.05
Does it involve underlay at all?
Lurid Archive
00:58 / 28.07.05
So many distractions...when do you lot sleep?
01:00 / 28.07.05
We don't. Protein drips and unfolded paperclips on the eyelids.
Char Aina
01:00 / 28.07.05
did you guys know that in cleveland it's illegal to catch mice without a hunting license?
i just thought maybe you should.
on ethics; if i am doing a job for a friend which i have promised to do and a paid job comes up, am i justified in putting the probono on hold?
ethical or not?
scale of 1 to 10?
Lurid Archive
01:01 / 28.07.05
depends how skint you are.
Liger Null
01:01 / 28.07.05
Drips? Paperclips? Eyes?

Lurid Archive
01:02 / 28.07.05
theres definitely a pain theme to this late shift.
Char Aina
01:03 / 28.07.05
i'm unemployed and at college.
i was gonna do the job for the mates as a college project and the two month course ends tomorrow.
intolerably so?
the cash would be nice, i guess.
Saint Keggers
01:04 / 28.07.05
yes...especially if you consider that maybe those snowflakes are really make out of razor sharp sheet metal!
01:05 / 28.07.05
The friend will understand if there's cash involved. If their pissed off, they'll get over it in time.

HOWEVER, IF A MAN, Looks like a carpet, but also a man, HELPED OUT, would that be such a bad thing? or would that man be a herO/

just goes to show....
01:07 / 28.07.05
Would that be a carpet OF NAILS?!?

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