Yeah, I think it’s more about having a character there who’s Dead Keen to ride in his Tardis. I know a lot of people won’t want to hear this, but I think the whole Doctor-Mickey relationship has a way to go yet. T’was quite sweet at the end of WW3 when the Doctor acknowledged/covered for Micky being too scared to go travelling in the Tardis. There’s definitely potential for the greater part of an arc there: Mickey managing to find his nerve, then being suitably freaked out by seeing OTHER WORLDS and stuff. And then being into it, because, c’mon, who wouldn’t be?
Which is not to say that Mickey’s still going to be around when Rose isn’t. Just that it’s more about the Tardis, and how they all respond to it, than anything else. Lynda-with-a-y was falling over herself for the chance to take a trip in his Tardis, whereas Adam's approach to time-travelling was All Wrong, all about quickly grabbing something and taking it back 'home'. And they were both set up to be directly compared with Rose.
Anyway, y’know, hopefully after Billie leaves, there’ll still be Jack. Tbh, I’m more interested in how Jack’s going to interact with the Tennant Doctor than just about anything else. New Doctor is a tad more weedy-looking than Eccles was. The dynamic is different before they’ve even opened their mouths.
(Also: according to today’s tabs, the whole Billie situation is still Not Yet Decided. Apparently. But I do think the show can survive a lack of Rose. It’ll be totally fucked if RTD leaves after series 3, though.) |