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New Doctor Who - New Doctor and New Costume


Page: 12(3)45

12:44 / 17.10.05
Stoatie, you can get a digibox for tuppence-ha'penny now, I think. Well, for the price of an Arkham Asylum deluxe edition, anyhow. If you want, I'll sign your copy of Hinterland and you can flog it on e-bay to get you started.

But, back to the matter in hand, yes. Well done all concerned.
13:07 / 17.10.05
Morgan Computer is selling Medion refurbs for £30 - freeview only and far from beautiful, but it seems to work OK so far - got one at the weekend.
13:32 / 17.10.05
(I used to have one, but the lack of an outside aerial meant I couldn't pick up jack shit. Especially if the buses were running. Maybe they're better now; that was a few years back. Also I don't actually want one otherwise, and it seems a bit silly just for one programme... still, I guess I only bought an actual TV aerial for the DW series, so... maybe it's traditional).
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:32 / 17.10.05
Is this going to be the Angel to the main series' Buffy?
Or Dr. Who Nights?
16:28 / 18.10.05
I'm hoping RTD is sneaking in the Adult Sci-Fi series he's always wanted to do under the cover of a Doctor Who spin-off. I'm hoping for something in the vein of Dark Season and that Invasion: Earth miniseries, but you know, better. Btw has anyone mentioned that one of the writers is the creator of Sapphire and Steel?
Lama glama
12:42 / 08.11.05
Just momentarily reviving this thread, I thought that Barbelith Who-fans would like to know that there will be a 15 minute Doctor Who segment during this years Children in Need event. Tentatively, the time of airing is between 9:00 and 9:30pm on the night (Nov 18). It's supposedly going to be set between Parting of the Ways and the Christmas Invasion. Found this information on Gallifrey One.
12:59 / 08.11.05
I'm just hoping its more 'curse of fatal death' than 'dimensions in time'...
Bed Head
16:24 / 10.11.05
Don’t click here if you don’t want to see what a Brian Hitch-redesigned Cyberman looks like.

It’s a link to the offishul BBC site, kids. And an offishul BBC photo. All above-board and proper, like.
Bed Head
16:38 / 10.11.05
the modernised version have been superbly redesigned by Edward Thomas’s design team and Neil Gorton at Millennium FX.

Oh, you see, it immediately turns out that I don’t know anything.

But... *squeeeee*! Goth-y cheekbones! Victoriana-armour! With a little bit of 80s disco-robot! All good things. God, I love Dr Who.
16:42 / 10.11.05
But, oddly the heads are different from those that appeared in Dalek... ah well, there's 1001 ways to write around that.

In other news it seems that the Children in need thing will be part of continuity and follow on immediately from the end of season 1...
Bed Head
16:50 / 10.11.05
...and will be only 3 minutes long, apparently. Perhaps the traditional ‘costume-choosing’ scene? No bad thing if they get all that nonsense out of the way before we have a *proper* episode on Christmas day.
Lama glama
17:43 / 10.11.05
I'm not sure if I particularly like the idea that it's set right after "Parting of.."

I'll assume that we'll get some of Rose's initial reaction to the new Doctor during this. I don't like the idea that something that is so crucial for the establishment of the new Doctor-Rose relationship could easily be missed if I'm nipping out to make tea or feeding the dog.

Of course, I'm sure it'll be fun and in no way will it be the real meat of the establishment of their new relationship. Still, having said that, Rose's initial questioning and reaction was one of the main things I was looking forward to in the Christmas Invasion..
17:54 / 10.11.05
May I just borrow from another thread?

Xorn lives! On Mondas!
Mister Six, whom all the girls
18:51 / 10.11.05
Ehhhh... I dunno.

The head design is nice, but... guess I'll have to see it in context but I'm not terribly excited.

I was hoping for something more organic, to be honest.
Poke it with a stick
21:26 / 10.11.05
And, I'm sorry but - bootcut legs? Looks like the Beeb wanted to keep the Robot Wars designers off the streets...
01:02 / 15.11.05
From Dark Horizons:

Billie Piper has quit her role as "Doctor Who" sidekick Rose Tyler before the second season of the series starts reports The Mirror.

The 23-year-old star told producers she did not want to become typecast as they begged her to stay for a third series of the hit show. BBC chiefs have now launched a secret bid to find her replacement.

The choice mirrors Christopher Eccleston's decision to quit his role as the Doctor before the first series even went out (Eccleston played the title role for the 12-episode first season run). Piper did stay on to film the second season with new Time Lord David Tennant and a Christmas special.

A source says: "The BBC are auditioning other girls to take over. They want to have the next actress all lined up when they announce Billie's departure. They are quite miffed about her decision. The casting people have been conducting secret auditions with a small number of actresses and keeping it very, very quiet. They are after a relative newcomer so this is the role which puts her in the public eye".
07:13 / 15.11.05
has quit her role as "Doctor Who" sidekick Rose Tyler before the second season of the series starts reports The Mirror.
Piper did stay on to film the second season

Oh, the subtleties of language. Big shocky intro to make it sound as if she's quit already, when in fact they quietly inform us she has/may have decided to leave before the show is broadcast. Two seasons of 13 episodes is pretty repectable, and companions do get typecast, so good luck to her.
All Acting Regiment
07:27 / 15.11.05
Companions always rotate. Way of the world.

K9's back this series, no?
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:29 / 15.11.05
Dear RTD, please cast Sarah Smart as new Doctor Who assistant, ok thnx bye.
Evil Scientist
07:46 / 15.11.05
New look cyberman is being previewed on the beeb's Doctor Who website. Me like, me like plenty. Not too sure about the feet, but other than that it looks goooood.
Matthew Fluxington
12:19 / 15.11.05
Wait, I don't understand - why don't they just kill Rose off and get a new companion?
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:23 / 15.11.05
Um, I think that's what they are doing (or writing out rather than killing off)?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:28 / 15.11.05
It's also not a surprise. At the start of season one Billie made clear that she wouldn't be staying longer than two seasons anyway.
15:43 / 15.11.05
Huh. The new Cyberman head reminds me of Ultimate Iron Man...
15:55 / 15.11.05
Perhaps you've been reading too much lying in the gutters...
16:08 / 15.11.05
Hah! Just read LITG. I'm not the only one, then.
Matthew Fluxington
17:54 / 15.11.05
I'm a little worried about this series without Rose. To me, the show is all about the relationship between her and The Doctor.
All Acting Regiment
17:58 / 15.11.05
You mean, more so than it has been previously? I'd picked up on that as well. They'd need to do something special to find a companion to make up for her.
18:57 / 15.11.05
The show was more plot-driven before, and the companions were seldom that important, yes. I'm sure RTD can come up with someone with a similarly interesting relationship with the Doctor, though. Rose was about introducing us to a whole new world, someone else can surely help us take the next step.
Bed Head
21:52 / 16.11.05
Yeah, I think it’s more about having a character there who’s Dead Keen to ride in his Tardis. I know a lot of people won’t want to hear this, but I think the whole Doctor-Mickey relationship has a way to go yet. T’was quite sweet at the end of WW3 when the Doctor acknowledged/covered for Micky being too scared to go travelling in the Tardis. There’s definitely potential for the greater part of an arc there: Mickey managing to find his nerve, then being suitably freaked out by seeing OTHER WORLDS and stuff. And then being into it, because, c’mon, who wouldn’t be?

Which is not to say that Mickey’s still going to be around when Rose isn’t. Just that it’s more about the Tardis, and how they all respond to it, than anything else. Lynda-with-a-y was falling over herself for the chance to take a trip in his Tardis, whereas Adam's approach to time-travelling was All Wrong, all about quickly grabbing something and taking it back 'home'. And they were both set up to be directly compared with Rose.

Anyway, y’know, hopefully after Billie leaves, there’ll still be Jack. Tbh, I’m more interested in how Jack’s going to interact with the Tennant Doctor than just about anything else. New Doctor is a tad more weedy-looking than Eccles was. The dynamic is different before they’ve even opened their mouths.

(Also: according to today’s tabs, the whole Billie situation is still Not Yet Decided. Apparently. But I do think the show can survive a lack of Rose. It’ll be totally fucked if RTD leaves after series 3, though.)
Mister Six, whom all the girls
12:26 / 17.11.05
Jack's getting his own series and won't be in season two as far as I know. Season 3 possibly.

The Rose/Doctor relationship is very strong and I'm glad that the show knows this. Was it on this board that I heard the rumor of a US backer renaming the program as 'Rose and the Doctor' to distance it from the low-appeal Doctor Who?

Anyone big-upping the K-9/Sarah Jane thing really needs to see the 1983 spinoff K-9 and Company... I love Sarah, don't get me wrong, but too much is apparently not a good thing.

Anyone watching Children in Need tomorrow night (Friday Nov 19th) for the second glimpse of the Tennant/Piper jive? I'm in the US so I'll miss out but it would be cool if someone reports how it goes.
12:38 / 17.11.05
I'm sure it will be torrented... the clips i've seen of it so far make it look like a deleted scene/bonus material for a future DVD boxed set, which I'm sure it will be...
16:21 / 17.11.05
Mickey managing to find his nerve, then being suitably freaked out by seeing OTHER WORLDS and stuff.

And then tell Rose's mum about it as they sit on a bench in Cardiff, pretending it's London. If he can nail that, the part is his.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:20 / 18.11.05

So, the Children in Need special? Right between the end of the last season of Who and the Christmas Special, the Tenth Doctor reassures Rose that he is indeed the Doctor, and offers to take her home for Christmas, only en route he starts belching Vortex energy, his regeneration is going wrong, sending him manic...

It'll be on UK Nova in a few hours, don't worry...
19:25 / 18.11.05
Typical, Scotland gets it late. Anyway, manic unpredictable energy, Cloister Bell. All a bit too Davison and Baker2 for me. I almost wish I hadn't seen it. Still, five weeks and we'll get the full picture.

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