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New Doctor Who - New Doctor and New Costume


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13:46 / 27.07.05
tea and biscuits
18:46 / 27.07.05
Still mourning Nine, give me a few more months.

(He does look rather dashing though doesn't he? If only Billie weren't wearing that awful townie fur-collared coat thing.)
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:05 / 27.07.05
Yes, Rose certainly shouldn't be dressing like a "townie", should she...

Did you pay attention during ANY of the last series?
All Acting Regiment
20:45 / 27.07.05
Does anyone know if the BBC owns K9 or if it is like UNIT and the Daleks and is part owned by a third party? It seems unlikely that anone else owns a piece of K9...

K9 himself is owned by a stray dog's home down south somewhere. I saw it on Dr Who confidential. He collects money for the charity. That is, the actual model is owned by the dog's home and they have a dish next to him saying "Donations Please".

Whoever owns the copyright, you'd have to be fucking tight to keep the great K9 to yourself, unless you were planning a spin off TV series about him that I heard mentioned ages back in Dr Who Magazine.

That probably asked more questions than it answered. Sorry.

About the Rose/"Townie" (not a word I use anymore, but that's a different kettle of fish) thing: I reckon that outfit suits her right down to the ground. It's what people in the normal world wear, the whole point being she sets off the Doctor and gives us a clue as to his alieness.

If she was dressed like him, they'd just look like a couple of fucking students.
22:00 / 27.07.05
I did think I wasn't liking the Tennant Doctor because I like the Ecclestone one so much. But now I've seen that picture I've totally changed my mind. I am that weak.
22:10 / 27.07.05
I think Rose's clothes look quite pretty
05:34 / 29.07.05
Isn't it worrying when Dr Who starts to dress like you?
(ok I don't have the mac but everything else is in the bag).
Time to get a new outfit myself!
08:17 / 29.07.05
Thinking of regenerating, rawk?
10:43 / 29.07.05
Isn't it worrying when Dr Who starts to dress like you?

I'd take it as a sign that you've made it.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:59 / 29.07.05
It's odd considering how the TARDIS has got an unlimited wardrobe how so few of the younger companions have bothered playing dress-up with an infinite closet.
07:22 / 01.08.05
Luckily I don't have the floppy hair and the foppish grin...

Feeling a tad obvious in my converse now though. Dagnammit!
10:06 / 01.08.05
Yeah, nobody wears them. Just Dr. Who.
Poke it with a stick
16:43 / 10.08.05
Let the debate over recurring messages and the series finale begin: The Beeb buys A new Bad Wolf?
A fall of geckos
22:40 / 10.08.05
That was mentioned in a question in the weakest link section of the Bad Wolf episode - something about where the great cobalt pyramid is based.

It's an anagram:
21:35 / 11.08.05
Congratulations... I was told all that in the strictest confidence (on pain of utter death) last week.
Russell had already leaked it, kinda, then the beeb went and bought the site, too early in everyone's estimations. Someone got in trouble for registering the site despite being told to by RTD.

Yes, Torch Wood is the new Bad Wolf. Once again it's an idea that they don't know what to do with but they think it's a good one. Ok, they have basic idea but that can and probably will change.

Apparently, geeky insider info coming, it was the only way one of the guys working on the last series could hide his sensitive Dr Who info. He gave it all the anagramatic name, Russell found out and stole it.

The connection to the Dr is obvious... now we just have to wait and see how it's played out. After the Bad Wolf thing I have every faith in RTD doing it justice.
agent darkbootie
21:54 / 22.08.05
Aw, I was actually kinda let down on how "Bad Wolf" played out. Turned out to be about nothing but itself, really. Which I suppose could have been kinda clever, but after the huge build-up I expected more.

Still... Liked Series One, and I'm lookin' forward to Series Two.
20:29 / 23.08.05
Potentially huge spoilerage on Lying in the gutters at today.
Anthony Head is....

Oooooh, could be good!
agent darkbootie
20:52 / 23.08.05
This rumor has been kicking around a while.

First broke in the tabloids, so nobody's given it much credence, but you never know.

He is credited as playing The Headmaster of the school.

Head. Master.
20:54 / 23.08.05
So, is that a confirmation that the rumor isn't complete rubbish?
21:03 / 23.08.05
Do we need Spoiler warnings? Or a spoiler thread? Or a T-shrt printed saying "!I have t3h Secrit Nowlege!"?
agent darkbootie
03:21 / 24.08.05
I'm wearing that shirt right now. See? See me wearing it?


The rumor may or may not be complete rubbish.

20:25 / 24.08.05
The rather lame head-master explanation doesn't do it for me.
Lying in the Gutters has a better explanation. Still conjecture at this point though.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:57 / 13.09.05
Captain Jack, back in season three, not season two. Meanwhile, John Barrowman is doing 'variety'!
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:56 / 13.09.05
Having only recently seen 'The Doctor Dances', and having recently read rumours that he wasn't coming back at all, that's a big relief. We need to know what he did during those two 'missing' years!
Bed Head
09:38 / 17.10.05
Oh. My. God.

Captain Jack - the series, anyone? Post-watershed RTD sci-fi? Am I wrong to be squeeing with JOY at the prospect of this stuff actually happening?
Bed Head
09:43 / 17.10.05
BBC3 hopes to begin screening Torchwood at the end of the next series of Doctor Who adventures, in which the Doctor will be played by David Tennant.

...I mean, about the only thing wrong with the last series of Dr Who was that it stopped after only 13 episodes. But, having something else all ready to start playing as soon as series 2 finishes? That works.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:54 / 17.10.05
My jaw is on the floor.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:00 / 17.10.05
I imagine Warren Ellis is a teeny bit jealous, especially reading all that "they have to get the alien tech without the UN or US knowing" stuff. Oh, and the swearing.
11:22 / 17.10.05
Whooh. I like that.

Well, apart from the "BBC3" part.
Bed Head
11:32 / 17.10.05
Yeah, I suppose there’s the possibility that ‘Ellis vs Torchwood’ might be the new ‘Morrison vs the Matrix’, ie one or two minor similarities somehow teased out into a lengthy exercise in fanbase-agitating and coattail-riding. That’s if Ellis can get it up like Morrison can.

But lets not spoil the moment worrying about what that beardy fuck will say! Rejoice! The New Adventures of Captain Jack, beamed into every living room in the land! It’s like I’m dreaming. What a lovely surprise. Life is beautiful.
12:04 / 17.10.05
Sorry, had to be done.
12:20 / 17.10.05
every living room in the land that has digital.
12:22 / 17.10.05
That’s if Ellis can get it up like Morrison can

id est in the presence of ladies.

Squee, not least because this could be grown-up Dark Season. With Captain Jack. Gor blimey.
12:25 / 17.10.05
Could indeed be very cool, though.
Bed Head
12:31 / 17.10.05
Stoat: It’ll be like Casanova, dude: first broadcast on BBC3, to pull people in, and then repeated on BBC1. (Also, haven’t you been offered a free digibox? I could’ve sworn I read a Prominent Barbelith Poster offering his old box to you somewhere. So to speak.)

Me, I think it’s ace that BBC3, ie new! exciting! channel on the lookout for viewers, sees something like this as ‘flagship’ material, as something that will expand their audience and make them the place to be.

I am all a-squee. Still.

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