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New Doctor Who - New Doctor and New Costume


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17:00 / 25.07.05

Reproduced from this story on the christmas special and the new series.

We've got Anthony Head and Elisabeth Sladen (Ex Doctor Who companion Sarah Jane) guest starring along with a return of Penelope Wilton, oh yes and Stephen Fry is writing an episode.

The question I have to ask is, which of the series developers is on Barbelith? I think we deserve to be told .
17:33 / 25.07.05
Hmm, a trendier outfit. I like it.
Lama glama
18:02 / 25.07.05
Nice. I didn't quite like the look of it on my first view, but it has grown on me. Love the trainers! Tennant, seems to have a face thing going for his Doctor. It seems as if he's always close to erupting in laughter.

Or maybe that's just a Tennant thing.
19:58 / 25.07.05
He's hot... I like it too.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:17 / 25.07.05
This looks good. Is Liz Sladen playing Sarah-Jane Smith though? That would be daring, she's also got a K9 as well...
Goodness Gracious Meme
20:41 / 25.07.05
Better threads, definitely.
Bed Head
21:32 / 25.07.05
Dudes, is that a mod look? Stripey suit, four buttons? I *really* hope they keep the Stamp voice now...
Evil Scientist
07:19 / 26.07.05
Dr Who goes Eastend gangster. I like it.

Now we need Bob Hoskins as The Master.

Or has that role been taken by Mr Head? He'd make a fantastic Master.
09:12 / 26.07.05
I shall be investing in a new trenchcoat forthwith.
10:07 / 26.07.05
oh yoghurt, that's what all the hep katz be sporting next season? fanboys trenchcoats? not seen the like since keanu called-up on his trendy mobile and said 'you can keep it actually, gone off it a bit'.

after seeing him in that quatermass thing i reckon he's definitely got what it takes to stand artound labs and talk nonsense believably yet hold a grin. his grin is far less rubbish than dr eccleston's grin. loving the new look, dreading the real-world ramifications.
All Acting Regiment
11:38 / 26.07.05
Can I just get consensus that "Tennant in brown trenchcoat" = "Hell of a lot cooler looking than Keanu Reeves Without Even Teh Trying!!11!!!1!"?

Thanks. You're right. This vaguely Mod, vaguely "Withnail & I " look is a cracker.
11:54 / 26.07.05
It's not the bloody trenchcoat that brings the coolness, you fools, it's the mod-suit, the scruffy hair and the trainers. The trenchcoat does add a interesting, if subtle, dissonance to the whole equation, however.

I know, I know: fashion pseud.
11:57 / 26.07.05
the trenchcoat is the 'for the telly' bit, just like for keanu his was the 'for the film' bit of the look. for the real life human being who doesn't have lighting, make-up and lots of excuses to break into a billowy run, it's the 'for the wallies' bit.
12:07 / 26.07.05
What you're saying is: you don't like trenchcoats.
12:24 / 26.07.05
nothing against them at all. it's the way the ungainly wear them in public places that annoys me.
12:32 / 26.07.05
and, frankly, yes in the privacy of their own homes too.
14:43 / 26.07.05
I feel similarly.

Where'd that topic go?
15:01 / 26.07.05
>> We've got Anthony Head .... guest starring

Is this Anthony Stewart Head of Buffy fame?
paranoidwriter waves hello
15:16 / 26.07.05
I likes the new retro look (is that an oxymoron?). (IMHO) Only zanier Doctors (i.e. Master Tom Baker) should wear bright colours or have a weird wacky trademark like a really long scarf. Not that our new Doctor won't be as left-field as he should be; but, you know, just look at Tom Baker: what an amazingly unique and fascinating looking man he has always been. He'd look cool in anything. I've always thought he's got the kind of appearance that children have to stare at in happy bewilderment for ages. I know I have, whenever I've seen him on my vidiscreen.

Hmmm.... I've always wanted a Cary Grant / James Stewart era suit, and now I'm even more tempted to rob a bank, go shopping, and find a second-hand, fitted, retro, brown pinstripe of my own. Shame I can't wear ties or leg irons.
15:20 / 26.07.05
Is this Anthony Stewart Head of Buffy fame?

Yes indeed.
16:42 / 26.07.05
I go the impression from the beebs site that it is the old assistant Sarah Jane appearing in this new series. Weren't there rumours at the end of the first series about K9 though. Looks like the little fella may well be returning then.

I like the look. A hint of the old doctors without getting really silly (the film version which just made the doctor look silly running around San Fransico in all that tweed) with enough new, current styling for the new fans to latch onto.
16:51 / 26.07.05
so did they show how the Chris Eccleston Doctor reincarnated in the mini-series? And will we see a reincarnation scene in this one? How many incarnations is this anyway? There are only 12 for his race, right? I feel like we're at around 8.
17:30 / 26.07.05
Yeah, there was a end scene where Eccleston bursts into flame, only to come out looking like David Tennant. Best burns scar ever.

Tennant will also be the 10th Doctor Double-U in the line.
This Sunday
21:30 / 26.07.05
I dunno I liked Eccleston (sp?) quite a bit. Just the right edge of mad bastard. But... I won't be satisfied until we get some scarf going on again. Big, possibly stripey and a little too fuzzy. Of course, I missed half the eps this round, since I can't remember television schedules that originate in the States, much less any other channel(s) - so, maybe there was scarf action before and I missed it? It's not like I'm asking they alternate between Sly Stallone and Sean Hayes as Doctors, y'know, just a little accessory.
Bed Head
21:46 / 26.07.05
but, you know, just look at Tom Baker: what an amazingly unique and fascinating looking man he has always been. He'd look cool in anything.

Here’s a thing, pw - you talk about Tom Baker being cool in anything. The Tom Baker outfit is, basically, the scarf. That's it. I think maybe the various jackets he wore were provided by BBC. But the rest of it was his own clothes, and it changed from story to story. However, when John Nathan-Turner took over as producer, he had the idea that each Doctor and each recurring character should have their own set costume - for marketing purposes or some numpty-headed piece of reasoning like that - so then you’ve got Peter Davidson wearing the same pair of trousers for years on end, Tegan always wearing the same air hostess uniform week after week after week, Adric always in the same jumper and badge combo.... suddenly, no-one ever changed their clothes. And so it was until the series died.

The Eccleston doctor had his jacket, but that was it as far as it went. He changed his shirt, y’know. So, I'm kinda hoping this suit + plimsoles thing will just be a general look, rather than the one and only suit he ever wears. After all, nobody wants a stinky Doctor.

In other news. K9! Sarah-Jane! My God, that is genius.
22:28 / 26.07.05
Galifreynianites don't stink. It's part of their super-mystical-alien NA
22:36 / 26.07.05
Sarah-Jane, K9... yes indeed, this will rock. Like the new look, though, as has been pointed out, I doubt it'll be exactly the same every week.
Bed Head
22:56 / 26.07.05
I bet Adric stunk though. He didn't look like the type of boy who'd change his socks too often.
Evil Scientist
07:36 / 27.07.05
Sarah-Jane's back! I can't wait for a bit of green-eyed monster from Rose. It's always a bugger to meet your significant other's ex.

We need some upgraded K.9. action too, slicing cybermen in half with a Vorlon-style nosebeam.
10:09 / 27.07.05
Is there anything more solid on K9?
Jack The Bodiless
10:10 / 27.07.05
Is anyone else seeing uncanniness in the similarity between the above pic of Tennant-Doctor and the Haus Of Ill Repute?

Just me? Right then.
Bed Head
10:17 / 27.07.05
Is there anything more solid on K9?

I don’t think so. It’s all just strong rumours from ‘insiders’ at the mo. And the fact that it’s RTD’s show, and he likes K9.

They’ll be trying to save this one for after the tabs have run a ‘bring back K9!' campaign, prob.
10:29 / 27.07.05
Does anyone know if the BBC owns K9 or if it is like UNIT and the Daleks and is part owned by a third party? It seems unlikely that anone else owns a piece of K9 and that being the case RTD would be the only one stopping K9's triumphant return... perhaps he'll do it in the same style as the cyberman in Dalek, perhaps handing SJ a box marked K9 mk IV at the end of the episode...
11:08 / 27.07.05
Is anyone else seeing uncanniness in the similarity between the above pic of Tennant-Doctor and the Haus Of Ill Repute?

I think it's a phenomenon not infrequently remarked upon where Tennant is concerned. That particular photo does appear to further enhance the similarity.
Eloi Tsabaoth
11:17 / 27.07.05
Does this mean The Doctor will be defeating the Cybermen by pointing out their woeful misinterpretation of the Iliad?

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