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New Doctor Who - New Doctor and New Costume


Page: 123(4)5

Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:38 / 18.11.05
Nah, I felt it was more of the Pertwee/Baker 1 vibe.
23:10 / 18.11.05
Love. The. Mole.
00:11 / 19.11.05
um - guys? you can stream it from the bbc children in need website...
11:38 / 19.11.05
I really liked the clip, but the appeal for money at the end of it that makes me think this series is going to get brilliant. They look as if they have a real chemistry. Even moreso than Eccleston/Piper.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:51 / 19.11.05
The only possible downside which, based on six minutes of screentime is unfair, is that Doctor Ten doesn't seem to be that different in temperement from Doctor Nine, just without the survivor guilt he purged at the end of 'Parting of the Ways'. But we'll see how true this is at Christmas.
17:38 / 19.11.05
Well, I think he was playing it as a crossover. There were a lot of Eccers' mannerisms, but these slowly ebbed away, replaced by generic goofiness.
08:26 / 20.11.05
Furthermore, of course, it might be that he's deliberately aping 9's mannerisms in order to put Rose at her ease. Also, don't botched regenerations produce damaged Doctors? I seem to remember that Six was started off very prickly and demented indeed, although my knowledge is a bit hazy...
All Acting Regiment
12:18 / 20.11.05
I wonder how they're going to work K9 back into the story. Any ideas?
12:55 / 20.11.05
I think I remember hearing that the Doctor will visit Sarah Jane and take K-9 back in that episode.
13:59 / 20.11.05
Maybe he needs someone to explain to Rose how regeneration is normal, or something. She saw one regeneration and was in the Five Doctors, so would be a good candidate. Presumably she still has the K9 from the spin-off.
16:46 / 21.11.05
Link to K9 news.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:46 / 21.11.05
God, the Master was once the most powerful being in all existence, now he runs a school. Not even a special school for super villains or wizards, but just a school. Poor Master. It must suck to be him these days. I wonder if they'll pretend that Eight Doctor story where he died never happened?
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:53 / 22.11.05
I thought it hadn't been confirmed that Head is the Master?
12:55 / 22.11.05
Far from being confirmed, it's been actively denied. Although I don't know how much faith I have in those denials.

"An evil race of Cat Women," eh? Sounds like good camp fun. I wonder if that means we'll be getting off-planet.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
13:22 / 22.11.05
They say this season has the first off planet story, I can't remember what it's called though... some ref to the Devil or Satan???

I really don't want to see Head as the Master. Ugh. I hate Buffy so my opinion is stilted, but you need a really special and frankly bizarre actor to play the part. Look at Delgado and Ainley. They were both so camp and yet still threatening. And they really knew how to hold a vibrator in a way that got your attention.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
13:54 / 22.11.05
You obviously never saw ASH play Frank 'n Furter in the Rocky Horror Show.
Poke it with a stick
11:22 / 04.12.05
Good to see advances in special effects haven't seen a return to the "man in cloak with big mask as monster" days, isn't it?
Reminds me of one of the creatures in that Dan McClure Journey to the Centre of the Earth film...

The Sycorax and The Doctor
12:00 / 04.12.05
or the drakh from b5...
Mister Six, whom all the girls
14:44 / 04.12.05
What's very interesting for me is that on US TV there's been this big uproar in the news about the 'banning of Christmas.' Not just in Christian TV, but broadcast news has shown 'outrage' over the removal of the term Christmas from winter break, saying it's a breach of their constitutional rights, etc... Guess they don't know any Jewish people, huh? Very weord holiday to defend for its religious significance seeing how far down the slippery slope of commercialism it's come, but what do I know?

I dunno what they'd think if they saw killer Christmas trees and Santas blasting people down in the streets.

I'm pretty amused.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:26 / 04.12.05
I like how Tennant is all "Him? I'm not with him!" in that photo.
All Acting Regiment
18:05 / 04.12.05
If that thing about an evil race of cat women was true, it might have something to do with those leopard/jaguar folk from the last ever episode of the old series, Survival.
19:58 / 04.12.05
You know "Survival" was originally going to be called "Cat Flap", but apparently the name caused too much sniggering in certain quarters and they had to change it. (Completely hearsay, but I did hear it from a guy who now writes Who novels, and he did have some connections even back then...)
20:38 / 04.12.05
I like how Tennant is all "Him? I'm not with him!" in that photo.

Even more so given he's been caught in his PJs. (Which, apparently, he wears for a large chunk of the episode).
Mister Six, whom all the girls
21:01 / 04.12.05
from the oh-gee:

"The new issue of Radio Times has revealed two new titles for forthcoming episodes of the second series of Doctor Who. Mark Gatiss' episode is entitled The Idiot's Lantern, according to the magazine, while the 13th and final episode of the season (written by Russell T Davies) bears the ominous title of Doomsday."
All Acting Regiment
07:04 / 05.12.05

A Cheetah Person, for reference.
07:41 / 05.12.05
The idea hiding somewhere behind Survival was passable, the execution was dreadful. Please, let's hope it has nothing to do with the new series.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
11:47 / 05.12.05
Survival is a frsustrating show, like so much of Dr Who it has some really great ideas and what-not... until something awful wrecks it (which yes is its charm at the same time). In Survival's case, it had so much going for it and felt like the beginning of something new. However, the plot was flimsy, the gimmicks tired in only three episodes and... the hacky sack playing Master and animatronic cat didn't help.

Having said that... seeing it recently, I was very exhilerated by the freshness of the story and the genuine feel that this was a very definite step in the right direction for the program.

But I don't think that the new series will build on it. I heard a while back that McCoy will be guest-starring in an episode... anyone know anything about that?
15:21 / 05.12.05
hacky sack playing Master

Might I ask for some elaboration on that subject?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:52 / 05.12.05
I used to read Doctor Who Magazine around the time of the last Sylvester McCoy series, at the time they reported 'Survival' was originally called 'Cat Flap' so it's well-known... to the three or four of us that made up DWM's readership at the time.
15:57 / 05.12.05
And I was one of those four...
Mister Six, whom all the girls
17:30 / 05.12.05
In Survival, the Master has... learned how to control a race of Cat People... apparently by twirling around silver colored hacky sacks and making purr-sounds.




So you can see why it got cancelled, yeah?
Mister Six, whom all the girls
17:46 / 05.12.05

Very spoilerish but it's in the Daily Mirror, I think.

Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:06 / 11.12.05
I always had a soft spot for Ghost Light, extremely compressed story telling which collapses in the end because it tries to tell too much too fast.

And that Tennant link isn't working any more.

Christmas trailers. Only teasers at the mo, proper thirty second job some time this evening.
All Acting Regiment
09:46 / 11.12.05
For the first time in ages I'm going to miss having a TV here. Sigh.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
11:48 / 12.12.05
The trailer looks ver interesting. 'Aliens of London' writ big! TARDIS pinball! Harriet Jones! The gherkin being destroyed! And Mickey and Rose's Mum!

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