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Goodness Gracious Meme
16:37 / 07.05.05
Why has no-one mentioned that queen of the 80s airwaves/the original celebrity chef Rusty Lee was standing in Birmingham?

18:30 / 07.05.05
What is it with UKIP - have the suddenly become the more popular alternative to reality TV shows for washed up old z-list celebs?
19:14 / 07.05.05
With respect to RESPECT, It’s also important to remember what a dedicated and hard-working MP Oona King was, and how much prejudice she faced for being a woman (not to mention Jewish) – prejudice I have little doubt Galloway would have been happy to stir-up on the doorstep. Opportunist cunt.
19:37 / 07.05.05
The thing is although I think Galloway has a massive ego an overwhelming sense of his own importence and might well be as opportunistic as Balir himself, there is something else going on in Bethnal Green... I'm not sure how much power he has over his own supporters...
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:43 / 07.05.05
prejudice I have little doubt Galloway would have been happy to stir-up on the doorstep

That sounds terrible, Smoothly - could you point me to the evidence that has led you to have little doubt of this?
Spatula Clarke
20:51 / 07.05.05
(link 5 is the most entertaining, to my mind)

Y'know, when I first watched the beginning of that interview I was of the opinion that, yet again, Paxman's desire to turn into a parody of himself was taking over and that it was just an utterly ridiculous question. But then Galloway kept on demanding that he be congratulated, like the most important thing in the world right at that moment was that he get a public figure to kneel down in front of him and kiss his ring, and that Paxman's question was so bloody ridiculous that there were a million and one ways he could have responded to it that would have made it even more obviously so and forced him to change tack, none of which included acting like a spoiled kid.

So yeah. George Galloway. He may well have a lot that he can bring to the Commons over the next four, five years and he may well have the ability to do a lot of good things for his constituency. Shame that he always comes across as a self-serving twart whenever he's in the public eye, if that's the case.
Tryphena Absent
22:46 / 07.05.05
Oh come on, he'd just won a seat that he wasn't sure he was going to get and Paxman was being his usual miserly self. I was watching the interview, which incidentally took place at around 4am after hours of tension. They both looked exhausted and as obstinate as each other and neither was bending. It was just the wrong interview for both of them at the wrong time of night.

Did Galloway go and interview a pensioner who had been beaten up by someone who was probably a Labour supporter? Oona King tried to smear Galloway's campaign with fervour and we have televised proof of that, she is not an innocent party. Her campaign was at least as dirty if not more so.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
23:16 / 07.05.05
Well, I would just like to add my displeasure that George “I salute your courage, your indefatigability, Mr Mass Murderer Hussein” Galloway was elected; I personally feel he is a slimy opportunist scumbag, get back to your villa in Portugal, phoney working class hero. This was for me, the worst result of the night.
23:21 / 07.05.05
George “I salute your courage, your indefatigability, Mr Mass Murderer Hussein” Galloway

I might be wrong here, but isn't that soundbite taken from an interview 11 years ago, in which Galloway saluted the courage and indefatigability of the Iraqi people rather than Hussein himself?
00:01 / 08.05.05
He says that's what he meant, 'your' plural. But if it was an important distinction to him, it's a odd ambiguity to leave hanging.

That sounds terrible, Smoothly - could you point me to the evidence that has led you to have little doubt of this?

Good point, Flyboy. Oona King dropped that allegation, didn't she. My mistake. I take it back.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
00:01 / 08.05.05
Possibly. That must have been “Sir” in the royal sense (as in the royal we) if he was talking to the Iraqi people. According to reports he was within “smelling distance” of the ‘radical’ lefts best loved killer. But yea, maybe the quote is misunderstood. However, his conduct in the election campaign was less than perfect.
00:05 / 08.05.05
However, his conduct in the election campaign was less than perfect.

Which pretty much fails to distinguish it from anyone else's election campaign conduct.

I'm as suspicious of Galloway's motives as the next man - and I find him faintly ridiculous at times - but I'm not sure he deserves quite the level of vitriol flung at him from certain quarters. If he's opportunist, he's certainly no more opportunist than many of his somewhat less-maligned contemporaries.
Mourne Kransky
00:07 / 08.05.05
I am shocked that George Galloway had the audacity to stand for parliament afresh after his seat was subdivided out from under him and his party membership was revoked because he would keep arguing with the party line.

I am even more shocked that he is so suspicious of and irritable with the media after their recent fabulous scoops showing that he has horns and a tail, particularly the Telegraph's masterpiece where they found the documents saying "Here George, have lots of money for being my mouthpiece, Love Saddam". He has done pretty well financially out of libel settlements because every fucking one has been a pile of right wing bilge dreamt up to vilify him and shut him up.

I am appalled that he has unseated Oona King by resorting to unscrupulously democratic methods. She is a BLACK WOMAN. How dare he! She must be a lovely person because she is a BLACK WOMAN and the voters of Bethnal Green should have been made to vote for her. She was a loyal Blairite and therefore, like Calpurnia, above suspicion.

Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
00:31 / 08.05.05
Don’t forget that Oona king is also half Jewish, and we know how much the radical left loves Jews?
Mourne Kransky
00:38 / 08.05.05
She could be Mother fucking Theresa for all I care, finsbury. The voters of Bethnal Green preferred the Respect party man to a loyal Blairite, as is their right. What relevance has the race or religion of her parents or her own gender for that matter?

I'm sure Oona King is a fabulous human being and full of crunchy goodness but her constituents disliked the fact that she supported Blair in his illegal and ill-advised warmongering and kicked her out.
00:38 / 08.05.05
She's also black, and we know how much blah blah fishcakes.

She's also female, and we know how much blah blah pishcakes.

He's also got a moustache, and we know how much blah blah insert your own insinuation here.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:06 / 08.05.05
Well, actually he does look like a slimy toad, with an unfortunate choice of facial hair. But, to give him credit, he has earned his money and earned himself a place in our beloved parliament. I am now going to stick my fingers in my ears, close my eyes and sing la la la whenever he is on the telly, so there. A very mature response, and one which I feel is well justified.
Spatula Clarke
01:22 / 08.05.05
She could be Mother fucking Theresa for all I care, finsbury. The voters of Bethnal Green preferred the Respect party man to a loyal Blairite, as is their right. What relevance has the race or religion of her parents or her own gender for that matter?

Well, yeah. But that's sort of my point. What was preventing Galloway from booting Paxman squarely in the nuts with an answer along those lines? Besides a desire to play up to his as the biggest victim there ever was?
Spatula Clarke
01:23 / 08.05.05
Bloody brain. Image. "Play up to his image."
01:27 / 08.05.05
What was preventing Galloway from booting Paxman squarely in the nuts with an answer along those lines? Besides a desire to play up to his as the biggest victim there ever was?

Angry failure of articulacy? Petulance? Red mist? I don't think anyone would claim he's immune to any of these...
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:39 / 08.05.05
The fact that it was an outside broadcast prevented any physical violence. Galloway, being more accustomed to sharing a room with a mass murderer, is obviously on match for the man Paxman. Can’t let it go can I?
01:43 / 08.05.05
No, Finsbury, you can't seem to let go of the overblown "mass murderer" rhetoric. Perhaps you'd like to start a separate Head Shop thread examining the concept of politicians sharing roomspace with (or being) individuals responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands? You're clearly appalled by it in Galloway's case, so an attempt to quantify your apparently instinctive abhorrence might prove fruitful.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
02:05 / 08.05.05
Ganesh, I do not think that pointing out that Saddam Hussein was a person who ordered the death of thousands of individuals is an expression of overblown rhetoric. But you are right, the subject of politicians cosying up with killers is a bit more serious a subject than the chat that occurs in the conversation thread. I will refer my comments to other, more appropriate, areas of Barbelith.
odd jest on horn
08:59 / 08.05.05
Isn't it correct that Galloway, was actually against British support for Saddam, when there was British support for Saddam? I.e. when most of the atrocities were commited by Saddam.
Spatula Clarke
11:41 / 08.05.05
Angry failure of articulacy? Petulance? Red mist? I don't think anyone would claim he's immune to any of these...

That's more or less what I said originally - I have serious difficulty understanding what people found appealing about him, given that he seems to be guilty of most of the above every single time he opens his mouth in front of a television camera, other than that he wasn't the Labour candidate and was standing on a policy of "war is bad, mmmkay?" Why Respect and not, say, the Lib Dems or another of the independent candidates?
12:08 / 08.05.05
Ganesh, I do not think that pointing out that Saddam Hussein was a person who ordered the death of thousands of individuals is an expression of overblown rhetoric.

No, but your repeated use of "mass murderer" and apparent insistence that merely being in the same room as Hussein (and 'seeming to be implicating in supporting him') is morally reprehensible tends to focus primarily on outrage-driven emotive shock value, while brushing aside

a) the fact that, whether or not you choose to believe him, Galloway has repeatedly insisted that his praise was aimed at the Iraqi people (partly for their determination in the face of suffering caused by the actions of Western "mass murderers")


b) the wider context ie. the fact that political leaders 'cosy up' to those who order the deaths of hundreds of thousands of individuals - and, in the case of Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld et al., are responsible for ordering the deaths of hundreds of thousands of individuals - on a near-daily basis. When they're not directly sending others out to do the mass-murdering themselves, they're doing business, selling arms, harbouring dictators, training torturers and commissioning atrocities in the name of 'national interest'. Within this context, George Galloway inhabiting the same room as Saddam Hussein and 'seeming to be implicating in supporting' him is small potatoes indeed.
12:13 / 08.05.05
given that he seems to be guilty of most of the above every single time he opens his mouth in front of a television camera

This has been addressed above, hasn't it? While it's clear that Respect did have a range of policies on subjects other than the war, televised coverage has tended - perhaps understandably - to focus pretty much exclusively on Galloway's stance over Iraq. I'm not sure to what extend this is Galloway's fault as opposed to the media's, but it seems unfair to lay blame for the one-track coverage exclusively at his door.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:24 / 08.05.05
we know how much the radical left loves Jews

Do the radical left not like Jews, then? That sounds terrible, could you point me to the evidence, etc etc.
The Falcon
15:07 / 08.05.05
Yeah, this is a new one.

I'm not too sure about George, despite his 100% Dundee status, though. Did he not call Saddam a 'great man'? Or was that Tony Benn?
14:39 / 10.05.05
Don’t forget that Oona king is also half Jewish, and we know how much the radical left loves Jews?`

They certainly hate Karl Marx. The cunt.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
22:23 / 14.05.05
“Do the radical left not like Jews, then? That sounds terrible, could you point me to the evidence, etc etc.”

“Yeah, this is a new one.”

Is it really such a surprise that the pro-Palestine stance of the ‘radical’ left strays into anti-Semitism? One commentator of the anti-war marches, noticed that chants of “death to the Jews”. Put ‘radical left Jews’ into google and there is a page about the ‘radical lefts’ attitude towards Jews at the top of the page, along with others, there is also pages about Jewish influence on the left and support of the left.
00:34 / 15.05.05
Well, it's ki-i-inda a surprise that you'll attempt to conflate 'radical left' with 'anti-semitism' on the basis of stuff you've discovered in Google searches. As a psychiatrist, I'm desperately hoping you're able to see the logical flaw in this.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
00:50 / 15.05.05
Hell no, I referenced wikipedia in my Uni. Dissertation. I’m sure there will be repercussions from those superior types who make up academia, but who gives a flying Adam? The common touch, I’m lazy like that. Now I am going to be even more un-analytical and say that there is a definite 'wiff' of anti –Semitism on the part of the pro-Palestine left.
00:56 / 15.05.05
Now I am going to be even more un-analytical and say that there is a definite 'wiff' of anti –Semitism on the part of the pro-Palestine left.

And I'm going to ask when, exactly, "radical left" evolved into "pro-Palestine left" - and, naturally, whether "pro-Palestine" maps directly onto "anti-Semitism".

I suspect you may need a new thread to explain exactly what you mean.
Alex's Grandma
01:06 / 15.05.05
Indeed. Bearing in mind that raising questions about the current administration in Israel isn't not quite the same thing as a free-form blanket hatred of teh Jews in general, surely...

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