Looks like I got from this election exactly what I wanted. I want to be rid of medacious, smirking, self-serving Blair sooner rather than later. I want Brown, with his remarkable and probably unique skills, leading the party back to somewhere bridging its Socialist roots and the demands of remaining electable.
A Labour Govt with a smaller majority and Brown itching to snatch the reins of power from Tony and Cherie. I just hope Gordon is up to the challenge. He is going to have to make his move and sing Take A Chance On Me in time to be having a honeymoon with the electorate as the next poll bursts upon us. He has not, thus far, shown an inclination to doff the cloak of the Eminence Grise and take up the Prime Ministerial cudgels. He must.
The Lib Dems have positioned themselves well. Thery have benefited hugely from the admirable anti-War vote and have taken more seats than they have for half a century. More importantly, pethaps, they are now very well placed for a push next time to take significantly more seats around the country.
Yes, some seats have gone Tory. They will always be there snapping at the heels of the progressive vote but they're a long, long way still from recreating their Thatcherite glory days. Put a measure of proportional representation in place, as they have done to marvellous effect in Scotland, and everybody gets something from the process but nobody gets a smirking fucking Blair showing his arse, baboon-like, to Bush with no demur.
Marchons, citoyens...! |