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odd jest on horn
01:58 / 06.05.05
R. U. Seerius ?

What a ripoff!

Nice placard though
odd jest on horn
01:59 / 06.05.05
And what's with gothy girls in the BNP?
Tryphena Absent
02:04 / 06.05.05
Did you see her sneer? Ugly thoughts make ugly people... Roald Dahl was right.
Bed Head
02:13 / 06.05.05
Oh, ace. Kilroy has refused to speak to the BBC, is apparently in an almighty huff. The nation cackles. He’s only just saved his deposit, but lets hope they give it back to him in coppers.
odd jest on horn
02:22 / 06.05.05
Was the loonie just applauding Howard off the stage?
Tryphena Absent
02:29 / 06.05.05
Third term but still no Bethnal Green announcement. Groooaaannn.
odd jest on horn
02:33 / 06.05.05
Tryphena Absent
02:35 / 06.05.05
YES YES YES YES YES YES. Respect gained!
Bed Head
02:37 / 06.05.05
Wowzer. Respect indeed. And, finally, a speech I can properly whoop for.
odd jest on horn
02:38 / 06.05.05
What's he so angry about, Nina? (Aside from the war, obviously)
Tryphena Absent
02:42 / 06.05.05
Read the Respect site
Bed Head
02:45 / 06.05.05
Ah, also New Labour do hate him, personally. They expelled him from the Labour party on trumped-up charges. Then they abolished his old seat from under him when they were ‘tidying up’ some constituency boundaries. And the Bethnal campaign has been stuffed with allegations of dirty tricks. He's alleging they'd do all sorts of underhand things to stop him from winning, and he could be right.
odd jest on horn
02:49 / 06.05.05
I got thoroghly confused as I stared reading :-) But coughed up the answers :-)
02:53 / 06.05.05
You wanted Galloway to win?
Tryphena Absent
03:05 / 06.05.05
Fuck yeah. I think Galloway's on the side of the angels and Respect is a party that I can like. I recommend talking to China Mieville about it.
Bed Head
03:10 / 06.05.05
It’s not a for vote, is it? It’s an against. I wanted every MP who voted for the war to lose their seat. It’s not that I think George Galloway is at all nice, but an anti-war bellow is what I want to hear right now.
The Strobe
06:04 / 06.05.05
Still here, still at work. Re: Labour's historic victory: oh blah. 37% of the popular vote, it's not a lot, really, is it?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:05 / 06.05.05
Tell me the BNP didn't get one single MP? Please? It's depressing me next morning. Yes, Labour had a decreased majority but although the Lib Dems were the only party to increase it's share of the vote it's the Tories that won the most seats, so unless Blair quits and then Brown decides to invade a country because he finds it too difficult to spell I don't see the Lib Dems doing so well next time round.

I despair in this country. Last night they voted for bigotry and racism. Michael Howard has his vidication to continue pandering to base instincts, Blair said before the election that if they won he's bring back Blunkett to the cabinet, showing he doesn't believe it contradictory to claim the moral high ground alongside an adulterer, the danger to the Lib Dems is that they'll slide to the right to try and ensure power next time.

Doesn't look like UKIP, Veritas or the BNP have managed to get one seat, probably unnecessary when you have the Tories fighting on most of their policies.

Carshalton in Surrey was held by Lib Dems, Labour held Dewsbury in Yorkshire, in both cases fighting Tory candidates who used 'gays are coming to bugger your kids' Clause 28 scare tactics. Letting the side down a bit Surrey heath voted in Michael Gove, who seems to have undergone a Damascene revelation on the subject when he became a Tory candidate.
08:31 / 06.05.05
I don't despair. I don't think the country voted for bigotry, etc., etc. so much as we voted against Blair - and I think the bile/poison is largely concentrated in him rather than his party per se. It must be pretty obvious to the Labour Party what now needs to be done in order to reclaim (at least some of) the country's confidence: they have to get rid of Blair.
Not in the Face
08:58 / 06.05.05
Getting rid of Blair -

But will they? I think this makes Blair more secure for the first 2-3 years at any rate. Although a majority of 66 is fairly solid it does mean that the party has less room for the kind of rebellion seen previously. MP's that would have voted against the government when they had a huge majority, confident it wouldn't mean anything, will now have to step in line. And I don't see it working the other way round (i.e. Blair being more conciliatory) - he still holds the reigns of power in the party and none of his allies lost their seats.

Far more likely they will stick with Blair, perhaps he'll limit some of the contentious issues and he'll step down in the run up to the election.

Sad as it is to say it, the most likely way that Blair will go option is if GW makes a move on Iran.

I also don't see it as a massive vote against Blair. A lot of the seats lost seem to have been natural Tory places anyway. All they had to do was appear less insane and internally divided to get them back.
09:18 / 06.05.05
Hmmm. I'm dubious about Galloway until the accusations of anti-Semitism in Respect's capaigning can be proved one way or the other. Also, I'd like to see how much time and effort he actually dedicates to constituency work - that is, whether he actually does anything to improve the lot of his very poor constituency or whether his constituents are neglected as he grandstands in Parliament.

On the plus side, the election of Galloway is a pretty definite assertion that, no, Iraq is not going to go away as an issue, which is nice. I think Hislop was quite acute about Blair's habit of saying, in effect, "I've explained it to you, I've told you why you should stop hassling me about it, and if you are still concerned about it you have obviously not paid attention".

Also, Kilroy! Tee hee...
09:39 / 06.05.05
Yeah, but Letwin got back in... and not even a love of Dr Who was enough to save Tim Collins...

A boring campaign but some interesting results... and everyone can justifiably claim some element of victory (well, politicians usually claim victory no matter what happens on the ground, but this time everyone ACTUALLY DOES have something to celebrate)

The Tories and the Lib Dems both returned more MPs, but more importantly in the Lib Dem's case they have increased their share of the vote and their position against the other parties - the Lib dems are in a stronger position to win more seats in thed next election...

Labour have one their historic third term with a greater majority than Thatchjer achieved in 1987 - Blair looks set to beat her record for time in office too although there is speculations he might go sooner rather than later...

A number of independant MPs elected too which I view as positive though at leastv two of these are Labour rebels; former party members...

Any news on if the Greens returned an MP?
09:42 / 06.05.05
I voted for Galloway so feel slightly smug and satisfied about it, and a nice man from the BBC asked my opinion and took my picture this morning, democracy in action (he's probably from the a Blairite wing of MI5, and they'll kick in my door at 3 AM tonight). Don't know what the long term effects will be but it's nice to see the smug bastard get a bit of a kicking.
Jack Vincennes
09:48 / 06.05.05
Does anyone know how many votes you need to not lose your deposit? There was much talk of that last night, and I realised I don't actually know what the cutoff is...
Jack Vincennes
09:53 / 06.05.05
Edit submitted on that (it's not true) -I saw a green on the bbc map that wasn't PC green, and assumed it was... the Green Party. In fact it was the independant. Next time I will read before I post and not just look at the pretty pretty colours.
Not in the Face
09:58 / 06.05.05
how many votes you need to not lose your deposit

5% I believe. So close Kilroy, so close.

Nice to see Veritas got less than Monster Raving Looney party in Newcastle
10:29 / 06.05.05
Nice to see some independants winning again,

Richard Taylor for Wyre Forest, the doctor who was protesting about his local hospital being gutted was re-elected.

Peter Law, an ex member of labour elected in Blaenau Gwent with 58.2% of the vote.

George Galloway, Respect candidate for Bethnal Green and Bow wins with 35.9% of the vote and a majority of 823. I'm really not sure about this one, it's another independant candidate in the house which is good, Respect have an MP which is good, but look at the ammount of times he actually voted as a Labour MP 3% of all votes, 3%! That reminds of what Killroy got up to in Europe, I hope he proves that he's not all mouth no trousers and gives people the MP they need.
10:37 / 06.05.05
Howard is going to strand down as leader! (after the leadership rules have changed) It seems the Tories are now committed a policy of seppuku for any leader who achieves anything less than absolute victory...

But seriously - he's said that at the next election he would likely be 68 meaning he would be 74 at the end of any potential first term - he's seeking to pass the batton to a younger candidate...
Fist Fun
14:28 / 06.05.05
"It must be pretty obvious to the Labour Party what now needs to be done in order to reclaim (at least some of) the country's confidence: they have to get rid of Blair."

Which would work well for the New Labour project. Drop Blair as momentary scapegoat, let history judge him, and fire in someone more popular to aim at a fourth term in office.
Mourne Kransky
01:01 / 07.05.05
Looks like I got from this election exactly what I wanted. I want to be rid of medacious, smirking, self-serving Blair sooner rather than later. I want Brown, with his remarkable and probably unique skills, leading the party back to somewhere bridging its Socialist roots and the demands of remaining electable.

A Labour Govt with a smaller majority and Brown itching to snatch the reins of power from Tony and Cherie. I just hope Gordon is up to the challenge. He is going to have to make his move and sing Take A Chance On Me in time to be having a honeymoon with the electorate as the next poll bursts upon us. He has not, thus far, shown an inclination to doff the cloak of the Eminence Grise and take up the Prime Ministerial cudgels. He must.

The Lib Dems have positioned themselves well. Thery have benefited hugely from the admirable anti-War vote and have taken more seats than they have for half a century. More importantly, pethaps, they are now very well placed for a push next time to take significantly more seats around the country.

Yes, some seats have gone Tory. They will always be there snapping at the heels of the progressive vote but they're a long, long way still from recreating their Thatcherite glory days. Put a measure of proportional representation in place, as they have done to marvellous effect in Scotland, and everybody gets something from the process but nobody gets a smirking fucking Blair showing his arse, baboon-like, to Bush with no demur.

Marchons, citoyens...!
15:35 / 07.05.05
So what's this Galloway business about? Explain in Americanese, please.
15:48 / 07.05.05
He got all pissed off about the war and was very vocal about it, so he got kicked out of the Labour party AND they abolished his old constituency, so I'm not sure if he founded the Respect party or joined up or what, but anyway, he fought a vitriolic, at times violent campaign, and ended up taking the seat away from the Labour candidate, in an area which had been Labour for over 50 years. He's really feisty too (big surprise I know!) and every time I saw him on TV he was getting into it with someone.

Does that help?
15:51 / 07.05.05
Char Aina
16:35 / 07.05.05
for balance it should also be noted that galloway praised saddam's 'indefatigability' on camera during the sanctions and bombings phase betweeen the wars.
he was villified for that, amongst other things.

he is a for ce for good in many ways, but he really does seem to love the sound of his own voice and does occasionally do incredibly stupid things.

posing for the disembodied head picture in the papers a while back for one, complete with big fat "i'm a lefty, me" cigar. i cant imagine it helped his image.

some links...

Char Aina
16:37 / 07.05.05
(link 5 is the most entertaining, to my mind)

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