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Saint Keggers
03:46 / 17.04.05
Ah...the bad thoughts kind of booze. I hate that stuff.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
03:50 / 17.04.05
I don't care for it much meself. And it's not so bad as I have to remember to disconnect the very probable "Act Like A Dumbass" mode.
03:51 / 17.04.05
Is there anyone on barbelith who doesn't drink alone anymore?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
03:54 / 17.04.05
Wasn't like I was aiming to, Sally girl. It sorta happened. My partner in crime went to bed. And I remain awake, abusing the online access.

03:57 / 17.04.05
Oh, I'm not accusing. I haven't been drunk with people in years, and I've been plenty drunk. I'm just sort of in the "what's wrong with all of us?" state of drunk.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
04:02 / 17.04.05
Kinda of how I feel at this point.

Not so much a state of self-pity, but a universal sort of pity.

Why is all this--universe, personal, mental, panglobal--so very wrong?

It irks me that I have been feeling this for a long time. Actually...since...forever.

You know?
Saint Keggers
04:06 / 17.04.05
The world sucks.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
04:07 / 17.04.05
It doesn't suck. It's sick. We need to make it better.
04:11 / 17.04.05
I've kind of learned to relax into it. I occasionally feel guilty, because I think I may just be complacent, and that's no good. Meh.
04:14 / 17.04.05
Morning, 'lith.

Home from girlfriend's so I can wake up and be productive tomorrow. However, the coffee before the drive home has other ideas about when I'm going to get to sleep (and, therefore, when I'll wake up and how productive I'm really likely to be).

Here's the question: I saw an old reel to reel tape recorder at the thrift store today for $10 (£5) and I coveted it. I still covet the damned thing, only - what the hell could I use it for?

It doesn't have to be REALLY useful, just the tiniest shred of an excuse would have been enough to buy it. But I couldn't even manage that.

Little help?
04:15 / 17.04.05
Buy it. I demand it.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
04:16 / 17.04.05
To me, pop culture, as much I heart it, does the same thing. Makes me relax, makes me forget. But then I have to shake myself.

These things that we see are only media-fed corporation images.

It's hard to forget that.
Saint Keggers
04:18 / 17.04.05
10 buck for an impulse buy is a good deal. The fact that you waited makes it an even better deal. Go. Buy.

I want to buy a bunch of puzzles and spray paint them different colours then use them as wall paper.
04:19 / 17.04.05
But what can I /do/ with it?

And where can I get reel to reel tape for recording?
04:22 / 17.04.05
Burn that bridge when you come to it.
04:23 / 17.04.05
If nothing else, you can sell it to a nostalgic emo kid who wants to score some indie street cred.
04:24 / 17.04.05
Fair enough - I'll go back tomorrow.

It's the kind of gadget that somebody's going to love.
Saint Keggers
04:27 / 17.04.05
Stick two rolls of duct tape on it.
Saint Keggers
04:28 / 17.04.05
Well, Im heading off to bed. Goodnight all.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
04:28 / 17.04.05
And again, now I feel left out. But then, I do live in a city with so many of those goddamn emo kids.....
04:30 / 17.04.05
To me, pop culture, as much I heart it, does the same thing. Makes me relax, makes me forget. But then I have to shake myself.

I've managed to reduce myself to a cartoon watching lump (ever since Buffy and Angel ended). It just gets harder and harder to get surprised and apalled over each new thing that the US government does because it's just not a surprise any more.
04:32 / 17.04.05
Night Keggers.

My city is sorely lacking in emo kids, fraught with basketball fans. Hell, I tried to become a basketball fan. I'll give you seven Duke fans for three emo kids.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
04:34 / 17.04.05
Man, I miss Buffy and Angel.

Guess I can peg another Southerner, huh, Sally?
04:38 / 17.04.05
New Englander, and current North Carolinian. I actually used to be Mazarine, back in the olden days.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
04:40 / 17.04.05
I remember you, Mazarine!

Really, in EnCee, eh? Research Triangle area?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
04:41 / 17.04.05 never liked me, did you?

04:47 / 17.04.05
I don't really think we interacted that much- I never really felt like I knew that much about you. Sides, I was very much a different person in the Nexus days- hell, I was a very different person a year ago (hence the name change).

And yep, I am part of the great yankee migration down to RTP. I love it down here. Nothing like moving from the greater Albany area to NC to make a person feel a lot happier.
04:50 / 17.04.05
Gah, that sounds horribly waffly- at no point did I dislike you. The first thing that pops into head when I think of you is Grant mentioning (this is probably years ago) that you were going to see Concrete Blonde, and thinking "spiffy."
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
04:53 / 17.04.05
Well, I apologize.

I keep the same name because it was the same fictionsuit I ever came under. It still applies, but quite a bit less than it used to. I haven't figured out who I should be these days, but the same can be said of so much. Again, take my apologies.

If you ever venture down my Southern way, there's a pint and a decent conversation in it for you. Deal?
04:58 / 17.04.05
Oh honey, nothing to be sorry for! You were you, I was me. It's perfectly chill (as the youth say. Or said. I'm about three years behind on "the youth" vernacular).

I got rid of the Mazarine suit after I blew up at someone (probably not even memorably) on the board, because I realized that that suit was just sort of firmly associated with being kind of thin-skinned and wishy-washy to me. So, voila, Sally Dammerung. (Not intended to be a Wagner reference, believe it or not.) Actually, (interestingly) the first thing I think of when I hear "Kali" is "Kali, n. 1. Barbelither who isn't around enough anymore. 2. Goddess of the Hindu pantheon."
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
05:00 / 17.04.05
Well, the pint and the conversation still remains on the table.

Thanks much by the way. I didn't want to be forgotten; but then again, I didn't want much to be remembered the way I was before.
05:01 / 17.04.05
The same goes for you, if you ever make it up to RTP- though it'll probably be sangria with extra rum, rather than a pint. Where is your section of the south? I want to say Atlanta way, but my brain is faulty, and riddled with the inaccuracies of champagne.
05:04 / 17.04.05
It's tough when you've been around as long as we have. It's like being in the same school system since kindergarten, or something.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
05:06 / 17.04.05
I am, in fact, currently in Atlanta. Drinking the very last of my alcohol. Hoping that a possible hangover will somewhat either help me avoid the mass amount of family in town, or just let me slip into permanent brain death as to avoid said family.

I'm 28...isn't this supposed to end at some point?
05:09 / 17.04.05
I'm 25. I'll let you know. And no, I don't reckon it is, at least not permenantly. The whole ebb/flow thing. I think it may also have to do with southern families, in some way. God knows my family has hung onto its fair share of issues.

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