Nina: I feel sad about the Pope's death, not because I particularly cared about him as a person or his position (though I think there is something admirable about sticking to your guns enough to become the bloody Pope) but because I always feel sad when a person dies of Parkinsons and blood poisoning and the after effects of a damaging operation, even if they're in their 80s. Pain just makes me upset even if I think the person suffering it is a fascist.
I'm not the biggest fan, really, of either Catholicism or its head... he may have been progressive on some issues, but HORRIBLY BAD on others...
but the media coverage over the last week has been absolutely horrible. (And I'm a "strictly Radio 4" kind of guy.) Every half-hour, for the last fucking seven days, we've had a blow-by-blow description of what it's like to die, slowly and (presumably) painfully of old age and its attendant complications.
I'm sorry, but there are many other people in the world I actively hate, and... I'd have a hard time watching any of them go through that shit.
(Although there was a part of me that was thinking that if he held on much longer, sooner or later he'd be asking his aides to sort him out with an assisted suicide... "hey, I'm infallible, seriously man, let's change the rules, I'm the POPE! I'M IN AGONY!!! go on..." I guess I admire him for not doing that; it must have been fucking tempting. But that part of me also knows it's BAD. Very BAD. To find that funny.)
It's not like the office has been abolished. There'll be another Pope real soon. And, very probably, a much LESS progressive one.
But seriously. I'm not a religious man. But as far as I can tell, if there's any justice, pretty much all broadcast media people involved in this circus, on the showing of the last few days, are going to hell. And deservedly so.
The slow death of an old man is not a sideshow. Ever. |