I think you are missing my point Ganesh, but thank you for your citicism.
Why would anyone think I, specifically, should be outraged because JP2 is being praised for doing his job? Most people are, especially if it meets the standards of their peers and superiors.
Why would anyone try and draw any comparison between Alexander VI and John Paul II is beyond me. However, I do understand that both you and Xoc are saying that JP2 could have taken a broader stance on issues, a more open and tolerant position....I just don't think that was possible and other people seem to think that too.
He was chosen by the Catholic church, and only by a 178 Cardinals. This hardly gives the global catholic parishoners a voice. So he was chosen by a few select catholic, essentially for the benefit of a few select catholic. That is the way the church works, and why I don't agree with it. It has the foundations of corruption built into it.
I can't blame JP2 because he believed in it, because was actually a servant to the College of Cardinals...a puppet, a point that public can focus their outrage on when the rest of the cardinals make unpopular decisions and hide behind the Pope and the devotion that millions of followers have towards JP2, someone whom they feel so personally connected to. Probably why the Pope needs such a big hat.
Seriously though, the Pope is just a sacrificial lamb. He couldn't have taken a stand against anything if the rest of the college wasn't behind him. Why just hate him? Hate all of it. If the College of Cardinals doesn't approve of a a potential pope's agenda, he doesn't get to become pope. It is all preordained, so to speak. I think you are giving him too much credit. However, we could just go back to the Borgia days and give the Pope a whole lot more authority to whatever his own personal agenda is. I am not sure what would be worse, but I do know that at least JP2 is not the only one with blood on their hands in this case.
Do you get my point Ganesh? That the whole entire Catholic church is corrupt and I'd never expect much else from it but lies, prejudice and perversion? I can't understand why you or anyone would! I am not endorsing their policies, definately not. I also have barely mentioned the so-called "good things" JP2 has done because I think it is irrellevant. I am certainly not outraged about it when it is mentioned though, because that is what people do when other people fulfill their expectations, and he did.
But YES, he was just doing his job. Which, was being a good figurehead and making an appearance for the church, much like Dubya does for the Republicans. Part of that was pushing the agenda of 178 cardinals, whom he sold his soul to for the honour and prestige of being the Pope.
So, I have now reduced any pope in modern times to about as significant as a man-puppet. How can I feel any outrage toward that? My outrage is with the entire catholic institution and how it manipulates the world with their hidden agendas by feeding on faith of the poor and deluded masses, while leading us all into the slaughterhouse.
Any change that the Catholic church makes is for it's own benefit. Even if, and I repeat, even if that change is to allow gay marriages, lesbian popes and contraception and a brothel on every street corner. It would all just be a part of the catholic agenda and they would chose the appropriate pope to bring through the new policies. At this moment in time though, support for homosexuals and gay marriages doesn't serve them well. Now, that is what makes the foundations of the Catholic church, IMO.
I personally, would rather see the Catholic church purged and liquidated rather than reformed. The idea that anyone is throned as "God" or "Jesus Christ" above anyone else is just inviting corruption and abuse.
River's Gonna Rise
by David & David
God Ain't In His Heaven
Something Ain't Right
I Hear Church Bells Ringing
In The Middle Of The Night
They're Dragging A Man By His Insides
Through The Broad Daylight
Thieves Have Their Season Sure
But It's Getting On Midnight
And The River's Gonna Rise
It's Gonna Rise
There'll Be Dancing In The Street
When The River Done Rise
Cold Wind Is Blowing
Flags Flapping Much Too Slow
The Monkey Men Sell Paradise
To The Girls From Tupelo
Black Shirted Boys In The Badlands
Play Machine Gun Rodeo
The Downtown Missions Packed Too Tight
With Folks That Got Nowhere To Go
But The River's Gonna Rise
It's Gonna Rise
And There'll Be Dancing In The Street
When The River Done Rise
God Ain't In His Heaven
Something Ain't Right
The Tv Newsman Smiles And Says
The Curfew Starts Tonight
They're Killing A Man From The Inside
In The Broad Daylight
While The Propped Up Puppet Wags His Head
And Watches All The Proud Things Die
But The River's Gonna Rise |