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Pope John Paul II is now dead.


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17:24 / 19.04.05

All hail the Rat King...
17:27 / 19.04.05
Writing in the Italian newspaper Avvenire, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger slammed the UN's proposals for a "New World Order".... Ratzinger noted that "at the base of this New World Order" is the ideology of "women's empowerment," which erroneously sees "the principal obstacles to [a woman's] fulfillment [as] the family and maternity."

I don't know what the "olives" connection might be. He did write something prominent about Christ in the Garden of Olives, but that's a wee bit tenuous.
rising and revolving
17:40 / 19.04.05
It's funny. Having missed the chance to see Montreals purple cross so far, last night I was drawn to head up the mountain and check it out up close after having spent an evening invoking.

Funny. I remember thinking briefly as I went up that I may have missed my chance (I really haven't been following the whole deal) but I knew it was going to be there until the Cardinals decided. I just hadn't realised that they'd already had two chances to decide - if I'd known that, I would have gone up earlier.

Strange how things pan out. Or not.
Mourne Kransky
20:07 / 19.04.05
Bring on the comfy chair!
20:35 / 19.04.05
I know it's not a beauty contest, but surely I'm not the only one who finds him a bit scary looking?
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:09 / 19.04.05
It's a good thing, though - I mean, it provides clarity. You look at this fuck, you know what he is, you know what he deserves, you know what anybody who bows the knee to him deserves. The world gets simpler every day.
21:12 / 19.04.05
Well, he's a safe pair of hands, in a comically unsafe way. Same position as JPII on everything, same problems - AIDS and paedophile priests. Not going to last too long. He's a breathing space while the church works out what to do with the Church JPII made reliant on JPII.

He will, of course, live forever.
21:17 / 19.04.05
That was my thought, too.

First pope to rule from a hospital bed with a respirator and artificial heart, aged 101.
07:47 / 20.04.05
I had managed to spend an evening being at least a bit hopeful that we might loose some of the pathological anti-socialism that coloured John Paul II's dealings in Latin America.

Instead, I find out this morning that not only is everything the fault of a violent reaction to student Marxism in the 60s, but we can add some UN Is Teh Great Satan bollocks and Islamophobia to the list too. Genius!

(please someone give me a better reason then Islamaphobia for blocking Turkey's entry to the EU. I get that there are many, but I'm far from convinced they are the ones he's working on)
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:57 / 20.04.05
Interested in dating foxy Ratfinker? His dealbreakers include rock music and Buddhism...
12:15 / 20.04.05
I heard on the news that the pontifex calls Ratzinger "God's Rotweiller".
12:17 / 20.04.05
I sincerely hope he called him that... otherwise, we have some two-pope highjinks to look forward to.
12:39 / 20.04.05
According to R4 news he also believes politicians who support abortion should be denied communion.
12:45 / 20.04.05
Am I messing up my plurals and tense? I meant this:

Main Entry: pon·ti·fex
Pronunciation: 'pän-t&-"feks
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural pon·tif·i·ces /pän-'ti-f&-"sEz/
Etymology: Latin pontific-, pontifex, from pont-, pons bridge + facere to make -- more at FIND, DO
: a member of the council of priests in ancient Rome
lonely as a cloud...
13:10 / 20.04.05
"The current successor of (Saint) Peter ... is willing to do everything in his power to promote the fundamental cause of ecumenism," the 78-year old Pope said.
"Theological dialogue is necessary, the deep study of historic reasons behind past decisions is also indispensable. But the most important thing is 'purification of memory', which John Paul II so often mentioned, which is the only thing that can bring souls to accept the full truth of Christ."
(full article

It seems Ratty wants to lure religious leaders to his den, and perform "purification of memory" on them, so that they "accept the full truth of Christ"! And he talks about himself in the third person!
"Do you expect me to talk, Benedict XVI?"
13:11 / 20.04.05
Ah, I see. The pontifex is usually a short form of the pontifex maximus - that is, the Pope. There are, however, also the pontifices. Gotcha.
Tryphena Absent
13:26 / 20.04.05
Wasn't ratty a character in a children's programme?
lonely as a cloud...
13:52 / 20.04.05
Almost certainly, Nina.
Grey Area
14:06 / 20.04.05
Wind in the Willows?
14:14 / 20.04.05
Yes. River Rat. The hero.


Flyboy's article is pretty good -- I found something hopeful in the very last paragraph of the sidebar:

On the other hand, Ratzinger is believed to have on occasion acted as a moderating force, opposing, for example, a formal declaration of infallibility for the teaching on birth control.

Hmm. That's really interesting.
14:15 / 20.04.05
Dick Whittington, comes to mind.
Multiple Man
14:17 / 20.04.05

Uncanny, Non?
lonely as a cloud...
14:23 / 20.04.05
I was thinking more along the lines of:
14:24 / 20.04.05
AS I can no longer access Flyboy's link, I am going to have to paraphrase, but it was something along the line of, Ratzinger believing that buddhism is an auto-erotic spirituality that provides transcendance without moral *obligation/accountability...or something to that effect.

Get a clue please! Maybe he should have a chat with the Dalai Lama.
14:26 / 20.04.05
No. You're all wrong...


(Strangely, I found this picture on a site talking about Mr Hayes's appearance at the Water Rats' Ball... conspiracy?)
14:32 / 20.04.05
Jesus, it gets weirder... apparently Melvyn Hayes was voted King Rat 2005!
14:55 / 20.04.05
How about this? Separated at birth?
Grey Area
15:01 / 20.04.05
My favourite cartoon on the subject this far:

16:46 / 20.04.05
This man has had a brain hemorrhage. Jesus, people.

New Pope Not Gonna Last Long

I have this funny feeling that the Church is trying to hasten the Apocalypse. Sooner this guy is out, the sooner Peter the Roman comes along, and then it's APOCALYPSE PARTY TIME!!

Or maybe they just want to kill Ratzinger. His brother effectively said that's what they're doing.
16:47 / 20.04.05
Rather than "hasten the Apocalypse" perhaps I should have said "immanentize the Eschaton"...

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