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Penetration Lateshift


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22:15 / 01.03.05
SWM, early twenties, seeks like minded 'lithers with a good sense of humour for late night talks and a damn good shifting.

All offers considered.
Spatula Clarke
23:51 / 01.03.05
You can't afford me.
00:01 / 02.03.05
I've been saving up my pocket money.

Frankly, I'm surprised a diva of your stature is even talking to me.
Benny the Ball
00:14 / 02.03.05
I'm in pain! I've woken up in the night with my right shoulder throbing like a beast and I cannot get comfortable at all. It hurts, it hurts, it really really hurts...
00:22 / 02.03.05
Barbelithing's sure to clear that right up.

Is it really bad? What do you think's up with it?
00:27 / 02.03.05
Really trying to resist "right shoulder pain/throbbing beast" jokes just now....
Benny the Ball
00:32 / 02.03.05
I've no idea. Hopefully it's just where I've been sat at a computer for a large part of the day and then rather stupidly stretched my back out a little cold before bed. But damn, it is horrible. Dull pain when doing nothing, sharp pain when I move. And I really cannot get comfortable at all, so sleep is looking like a no no tonight.

Anyway, enough of all that, what's happening in the lateshift (take my mind off of the pain, please!)?
00:38 / 02.03.05
I'm trying to get into a script frame of mind, but it's hard. Writing has been sloooooooooow the past week and I really need to pick up the pace.

Other than that, it's a fairly slow shift so far. The usual suspects seem to be in a rather quiet and pensive mood tonight.
Benny the Ball
00:43 / 02.03.05
I'm in a similar, er, place. Script re-write which is all plotting out in my head, but not getting down as quickly as I can think it.

I'm off to watch Closer tomorrow, hoping to get some inspiration.
00:51 / 02.03.05
I've just had to go back and scrap about twelve pages that need to be totally rewritten. It's a good thing, but a tad frustrating, seeing as it also means some major adjustments to earlier scenes.

I've not seen Closer yet, though I've heard the good word. In fact, I don't think I've been to see any new films since I lost my last job in a cinema. It wasn't the greatest job in the world, but you can't complain about getting to see every film worth watching (and many which weren't) for two years on the trot.
00:53 / 02.03.05
Good evening folks. I don't write, but I promise to nod my head a lot while you discuss it.
00:56 / 02.03.05
Don't worry. Nodding is what writers do best.
01:03 / 02.03.05
I will nod off while you all talk.

Oh I'm just bein' needlessly cruel.

It is, however, time for me to wander off to the land of nod. I'm just poking my nose in to see what's up.

I'd love a snow day tomorrow, except for the fact that it would mess everything up pretty much royally...still, for--was it iconoplast who wanted this?--a fellow 'lither's sake, I will pray for one, whereever ze lives.
01:12 / 02.03.05
As opposed to writing, I've been scouring Google Images for good stencil materials. Summer is coming, and it's time to make some t-shirts! I've been scrounging for Japanese woodblock prints to silkscreen. I'll be scrounging through my old sketchbooks when I get home...
Benny the Ball
01:12 / 02.03.05
The snow looks fine as long as it doesn't settle and turn to slush and dirty horrible winter crap.

Typing slowly.

Closer - it was sold on the trailer as being a little serious, but I've heard it's quite funny.
Benny the Ball
01:15 / 02.03.05
It's a creative lateshift! Shoulder is getting a bit better, but still hurts to make sudden lunges for the 'y' key!
01:29 / 02.03.05
You shouldn't lunge at it, you'll just frighten it away. Sneak up on it from behind, or lay a clever trap. This should save you some trouble and make it easier on your shoulder.
01:30 / 02.03.05
Consider substituting it with "wi" instead?

Ach. Frustrated with my lack of drive tonight, I'm going to have to throw in the towel. Please, for me, make things of beauty to inspire and delight.

Have a good night.
01:31 / 02.03.05
I found this link, last night, and have been pretty consumed ever since.
01:33 / 02.03.05
Oh, and despite the pretty impressive snowfall, school refused to be closed today. Bunch of god hating communists, I swear.

I do appreciate all the wishes and squicky wish-equivalents, though.
Benny the Ball
18:42 / 02.03.05
is it too early to start this up? no caps for me tonight, shoulder still bad. i'm laying on the sofa listening to spurs vs forest and moaning and rubbing my shoulder.
23:39 / 02.03.05
We don't take kindly to early shifting 'round these parts.

Anybody (still) about?
23:55 / 02.03.05
I'm up late working on another freelance article... feels like I'm just chucking incohearnt words into a document ...
00:02 / 03.03.05
Hiya sleaze

I was in much the same frame of mind last night. Irritating and frustrating. Bit of a better handle on it tonight, though I'm kind of burning out now...
00:12 / 03.03.05
I am quite reconciled to just churning out words at the moment and then editing it into something cohearant on the morrow...
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:15 / 03.03.05
evening all. I have just finally concluded my birthday celebrations (various things over 5ish days. Egotist, moi?) with old friends and spliffs and pulp/Roxy/humanLeague.

00:24 / 03.03.05
Oooooo. Happy birthday!

Pulp, Roxy Music and The Human League?!?

You must be well connected..
00:27 / 03.03.05
so you've been on a 5-day party week and you are still cohearant enough to type? girl - you must be slowing down in your old age
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:29 / 03.03.05
God, I wish

Oh and thank you (though as I say, i have been celebrating stupidly long, and it's prolly about time to call a halt.)
00:29 / 03.03.05
It's actually harder to get Pulp to Leave chez meme than it is to get them there - - they are anyones for the chance of a spliff and a slice of pizza...
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:31 / 03.03.05
Sleaze - Saturday/Sunday was a bit of a Lost Weekend... so I've been slowing down since
Alex's Grandma
00:32 / 03.03.05
B-but GGM, it seems a bit early
00:36 / 03.03.05
So how many years do you have tallied up on your bedroom wall?
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:44 / 03.03.05
I'm 30.

(now I feel like I'm an internet hotttie chatroom )
00:47 / 03.03.05
Shit! We're not!?!

Damned confusing tabulated browsing!

I thought you were HotGrrl69 for a second there.

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