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Penetration Lateshift


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Brigade du jour
22:13 / 23.02.05
"Penetration ... ooh, penetration ... penetration! That's all you need ..."

Hello everyone! The old lateshift seemed a little tired and may even have fallen asleep, so in the spirit of phoenix-like resurrection ... here's another one.
22:15 / 23.02.05
I've just been sundered by a lateshift. Oooooooo!
22:18 / 23.02.05
I like it up the nose rather than in the ear.
22:28 / 23.02.05
ouch! that's my eye!
Brigade du jour
22:36 / 23.02.05
Personally, I find penetration all a bit messy when it's administered in a purely physical fashion. My favourite penetration is of the miiiiiiiiiind ...

How is everybody? Apart from their particular invasions, that is? I'm at work, can hear my colleague listening to Led Zeppelin II way too loudly on his headphones. Even I'm tapping my feet to Bonham's bouncy beat.
Benny the Ball
22:38 / 23.02.05
Is it supposed to go up there?
Brigade du jour
22:43 / 23.02.05
I think it's supposed to go where it feels goooooood.
22:43 / 23.02.05
I'm feeling dirty, for all the wrong reasons. (Against my better nature, I've been immersing myself in the JBF AGAIN... I must stop).

Evening, all.
22:47 / 23.02.05
hey stoat!

I'm tired and as usual avoiding beginning my late shift of grading...
Benny the Ball
22:48 / 23.02.05
I'm going to bed early on this late shift - horrible night shifts have messed up my mind, and I'm flying to Bulgaria tomorrow, and not even a bottle of red has made me feel anymore relaxed and ready to dream a full night away - so I'm going to steer clear of the risk of tapping away at the shift for the next five or so hours, playing football management games and listening to music, and instead I'm going to have a big glass of water, brush my teeth, and read a little more of the Napolean of Notting Hill.

G'night all - enjoy the deep penetration.
22:51 / 23.02.05
Night, Mr The Ball.
Brigade du jour
22:51 / 23.02.05
Good night Benny, we'll stick one in in your honour. The double preposition was intentional.

Stoatie, have you actually taken on an identity and contributed to the JBF or are you just spying and laughing? Either way, can we have some highlights please?
22:55 / 23.02.05
Apparently Quitely's new artwork for the Morrison All Star Superman looks too gay.

FUCK!!! I've just discovered that they do Bagpuss pasta shapes!!! Why didn't anyone tell me this before?
22:55 / 23.02.05
Am I being dense or just woefully ignorant...JBF? (John Birch Forum?)
22:57 / 23.02.05
Byrne. Other than that, though, you're not far off...
Saint Keggers
22:57 / 23.02.05
23:05 / 23.02.05
23:09 / 23.02.05
'Lo Keggers.

Stoatie, I just bought the Brass Eye DVD today. Are the menu's meant to be all fucked up in a twisted example of Morrisian humour? All the episode selections take me to the peadophile special and the Play All only plays the first episode. Or is the DVD (as is more likely) all mashed up on ecstasy pipes?
Brigade du jour
23:09 / 23.02.05
Keggers! Duuuuude! (hug)
23:09 / 23.02.05
Mine doesn't do that... I think yours may indeed be all drunk and pissed up on booze.
Brigade du jour
23:12 / 23.02.05
Friend of mine put on a Brass Eye DVD when I was round her house recently. Assuming there's only one Brass Eye DVD (like Highlander) then she definitely played more than one episode. I'd only had a snifter of absinthe at that point so I don't think I was hallucinating. Take it back to the shop, if I were you.
23:15 / 23.02.05
I think that's the course of action. It's quite an odd thing to happen though. Presumably these things are all written from the same source, so what went wrong?
Regardless, somebody's getting rammed up their own fudge tunnels for that one.
Saint Keggers
23:16 / 23.02.05
Lost is on tv right now and so Im turning commercial air time into lith time.
6 more days and I leave for vancouver! Yay!
23:19 / 23.02.05
What errand do you have there?
23:26 / 23.02.05
Q. What do you get if you cross two monkeys and a banana?

A. A fight.
Saint Keggers
23:30 / 23.02.05
Just visiting a friend.
Brigade du jour
23:43 / 23.02.05
Keggers, do you groove? Because then, like Bryan Adams, you can be a groover from Vancouver. And all will be well.
Saint Keggers
23:49 / 23.02.05
Nope...but I do get down and have been known to totally rock-out!
23:50 / 23.02.05
Duh, Byrne! Of course.

I ate dinner--jacket potato (as y'all call 'em over there) and chili (often misspelled in England as "chilli," I've noticed). Oh I feel so much better. I thought I was getting depressed; I was just hungry--missed lunch entirely, had a few pretzels. Bad plan.

I see the catkins are emerging on the pussy willows, however.
Saint Keggers
23:53 / 23.02.05
Ah pussy willows and cat tails...memories of my youth in the country come fluttering to my mind.
00:00 / 24.02.05
We're supposed to finally get our Proper Snow today... I'm excited. I love snow. This is one of the many reasons I wish to move to Iceland.

I'm eating a home-made curry, with a whole bunch of aubergine, courgette, potato, and Quorn chunks. It's not bad at all, considering I can't cook.
Saint Keggers
00:03 / 24.02.05
You can take your love of snow..and..and...oh never mind!!!
I've reached my snow withstanding limits for one year.
Brigade du jour
00:09 / 24.02.05
I love snow too, so long as I'm indoors looking out of the window at it, rather than trudging through the motherfucker with three heavy bags of shopping. Grr.
00:11 / 24.02.05
We got our first proper, proper snow today. I was out in town CVbombing when a full-scale blizzard just dropped out of the clouds.

All the trees and gardens out my back window are coated in icing. Night-time blue with a slightly orange tint from the streetlights poking through the branches. The window's open slightly and it's fresh, crisp and there's the sound of the river coming in from a couple of gardens down.

My perfect kind of night.
00:12 / 24.02.05
The cemetery where my dog's ashes are buried always looks gorgeous when there's snow on it.

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