Fraction and Larroca's Sensational Spider-Man annual is, I think, well worth a look if you, you know, ever cared for Spidey. It's really, really good - especially for what's essentially a romance comic with minimal kicks to the face. (I mean, I guess there are certain characters like Spidey and the Flash - maybe even Superman - I'd say, where it behooves the writer to devote a lot of time to pay a lot of lipservice at least to their ongoing relationships, but yeah. Where it should at least be a goodly part peanut brittle, Americana... fuckin' romantic, you schlubs.)
So, I don't really want to spoil it for anyone, but he (Fraction) draws a lot on old continuity without it ever being remotely inaccessible, makes a neat use of the anachronisms of this, does a really clever dual internal narration trick which has some proper emotional punch and makes coherent and appealing the current status quo, which I'm now rather a fan of, given I like my Marvel guys put through the wringer. Defiant. I'm so enthused I give the one panel superhero cry a total pass.
I've not read any Spider-Man comics really since a few Jenkins/Buckingham ones which were decent character-driven, sweet and kind, if a little boring about 5-6 years ago, and before that the big UK reprint books, I guess. Some of which was really good; I mean, the Sin-Eater saga, that's pretty much the gold standard in Spidey, or it was given an eight-year-old's perspective on it, twenty years ago. But this certainly lives up to that perspective, and, furthermore, Larroca delivers the Romita Sr. dimples on MJ.
This is kind of a goofy post, but whatever. It's a neato-keen comic. |