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Barbelith Wandering Song/Album


Page: 12(3)45

17:22 / 08.02.05
Is it there yet? Is it there yet?
00:23 / 09.02.05
it is here.
20:12 / 09.02.05
okay, well i was a bit worried because grant's audacity file wasn't working. but i found the wav files for the tracks and after playing around with the volumes in another program, i was able to get it to what was probably close to the audacity file. I must say, excellent work so far guys. I'm blown away. This is going to be hard just to make par... the song is already so good. I'll try my best though.
02:53 / 10.02.05
Yeah, I was getting trouble with the audacity myself. I'm wondering if the full-song-sized (silence included) .wav files for tracks wouldn't be a better way to go in the future.

Or maybe I just messed up the file somehow. That's always a possibility.

Anyway, I'm thrilled it's there.
19:04 / 12.02.05
I figure when I send mine out, I'll include both the audacity file and the individual tracks. Phex can decide what to do with it when it gets to him.

I think I'll also include mixed down mp3 versions of all the versions so far (so grant, maybe you should email me a mixed down mp3 of yours, just in case i got the mixing wrong) with a little note telling the others to do the same (and to do the seperate track mixdowns as well)
14:54 / 14.02.05
I'll try to remember to do that when I'm on the computer at home (where the file is).

Really, though, I'm perfectly happy to think of the vocals as placeholders for someone with a voice, so "final mix" wouldn't really matter.
17:47 / 14.02.05
I actually like your vocals alot. They fit nicely with the song - kind of dead pan and unpolished, but very well done. I wasn't planning on re-doing them (although I'm considering adding a harmony part), but I guess if someone further down the road wanted to, then they could.
17:49 / 17.02.05
well, i'm leaving tomorrow morning for the carribean, and unfortunetly this thing is ready to be shipped out yet, so it's going to have to be delayed a week. ): When I get back though, I'll make sure I get it finished and sent out as soon as possible.

Also - I was going to try to program a drum track, but I need to know the BPM and time signiture to make this a bit easier. so, lekvar - do you happen to remember what it was?
21:53 / 21.02.05
I'm not going to be able to give you an exact answer for a bit, but I remember it being somewhere between 78-80 bpm. I hope that helps.
16:01 / 28.02.05
01:07 / 01.03.05
okay, I'm back, and I've made some progress
I figured out the bpm was 78 and I've started working on a drum track that I think fits pretty well
it's fairly likely that I'll be snowed in tomorrow (and perhaps even wednessday as well) so I'm going to try to get a little more accomplished
wish me luck!
12:13 / 01.03.05
Good luck!
Phex: Dorset Doom
20:23 / 06.03.05
How are things going?
18:59 / 10.03.05
(heavy breathing on the line.)
19:06 / 11.03.05
Sorry, I've been busy. I have flushed out the drum track I started a little bit, but honestly, I haven't been able to get all that much done. I'm planning on spending my weekend doing as much work on this and the Barbelith film script as I possibly can though. If I'm lucky, I'll even be able to get it shipped out by monday (but don't take that as a promise :P ).

So, sorry for the delay. I haven't abandoned you all.
21:27 / 12.03.05

the drum track (programmed in Fruity Loops) is just about complete, but there are some problems. when trying to line it up with what's already there, i noticed that the guitar isn't always in perfect rhythm, and so there are parts where the drums go in and out of synch with the guitar. i tried to remedy this the best i could by cutting out the drums on the parts where it's the most noticeable or where it becomes distracting, but there are still parts where you can hear it. it's not blatently obvious, but there are parts where it just sounds kind of... off. i've already had this in my hands for too long, and i don't want to keep everyone else from having their chance, but maybe someone down the line could play with speeding up or slowing down certain parts the guitar track ever so slightly (or even cutting them up and moving certain pieces a millisecond or two over) so that it lines up better. it's not a hard task to do, basically just trial and error, the aim being to line up the spikes in the waveforms of both tracks.

I think I'm also going to try to find better drum samples to use in the loops. the ones i have now sound too fake, and they don't really work together. if anyone has any good samples, or knows where i can get some, i'd be happy to hear about it.

I'm thinking about recording a backing vocal too, but that depends on how much time I have. if i don't get to it in a few days, I'll just send it out without one.

anyway, just wanted to let everyone know that it's progressing, and it won't be long before you get your turn, Phex.
17:54 / 14.03.05
If you're talking about the electric tracks I layed down, feel free to delete them. They were there to give a melodic framework to work with. If it's detracting, cut it.
15:57 / 22.03.05
Camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah, doo-dah
Camptown race is five miles long, o-de-doo-dah day.
18:36 / 22.03.05
I heard somewhere that "Camptown Ladies" referred to prostitutes. Puts a whole different spin on that song.
14:26 / 24.03.05
Should we start a second track backwards up the list, just for kicks? Since it is an "album" and not a "song," after all....
18:52 / 24.03.05
I can't see any reason not to. Put me last, as I'm always suffering some kind of computer foibles. Withiel, if you're thinking of contributing, now would be the time to pipe up.

Any updates, TeN?
04:02 / 27.03.05
I am terribly sorry... I'm starting to turn into quite the procrastinator.
The good news, however, is that I should be ready to ship out the CD VERY shortly. I started to export all the proper files and organize the whole thing tonight (and it's turned into quite the task), but it's late, and tomorrow is Easter, so I'm going to hit the hay and finish up on Monday. Be expecting it soon, however.

As for the idea of sending another song the other way up the list - I'm all for it. I always kind of invisioned that if this first song worked out, that we'd have a couple going at once - eventually everyone getting to start their own. But it's a good idea to start now, as I can imagine the people on the bottom of the list may be getting bored.
13:23 / 27.03.05
In response to lekvar, yes. Piping up now.
I'd like to offer my services in the realms of playing clarinet, harmonica, little whistley things, vocals (although probably backing ones, as my voice is a bit shit really), or playing with things in Jeskola Buzz. I'd really like to be able to contribute in some way.
15:02 / 27.03.05
great! welcome aboard. I've added you to the participant list on the wiki (along with Paleface, who for some reason never got added, despite having signed up long ago)
Phex: Dorset Doom
19:33 / 27.03.05
Wow, eight members now.

One more and we can start picking masks
00:18 / 08.04.05
Knock knock.
Phex: Dorset Doom
13:51 / 08.04.05
Who's there?
17:53 / 08.04.05
jesus fucking christ.
i feel terrible for doing this to you all.
I will have it in the mail by monday... I PROMISE!
if not, you have my permission to start a "TeNsuckswtfheissuchaprocrasinatorandmakespromiseshecan'tkeepihate him" thread, where you can insult me till your heart is content and I will humbly take your beatings.
in all seriousness though... alot of shit has come up recently, both personal and school related, and no offense, but this hasn't been on the top of my to do list for quite a while.
I will however rush to get it out ASAP.
Phex: Dorset Doom
19:08 / 08.04.05
Jesus fucking Christ who?
01:36 / 09.04.05
jesus fucking christ myself. I wasn't criticising you for being impatient, I was criticising myself for taking so long. Sorry if there was a misunderstanding.
02:51 / 09.04.05
That wasn't a very good knock-knock joke, was it?
03:57 / 09.04.05
hahaha, i didn't even realize that i completed the joke (albeit with a terrible punchline)
18:07 / 11.04.05
I could hug all of you.
23:01 / 13.04.05
it has been sent.
00:58 / 14.04.05
TeN, Phex, any chance of one or both of you upoading an mp3 of what we have so far? A rough mix should be fine.
I burn with curiosity!

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