Paleface - I really like your muting idea... I think that's the best way to go about it, as it allows everyone to have complete creative control, and at the same time, no one has to risk having their part massacred (although, as you said, Paleface, no one should be too uptight about having their work modified... it's part of the fun afterall). I already suggested "includ[ing] on each cdr an mp3 mixdown of all the previous versions," but inspired by paleface's suggestion, I think we should also keep all tracks, unedited, as part of the audacity file, in case anyone wants to use them as source material (we are doing this via cdrs through the snail mail, so size isn't really an issue). When you want to edit someone else's track, you can, as Paleface, simply make a copy to edit, and mute the original... if someone objects to to your edit, they can choose to use the original version in their own mixdown*.
Also, reading over all of the posts, I think the rules are getting a little bit too complicated not to have a central list of rules... so I think tomorrow/friday/this weekend (I have a ton of work ahead of me) I'm going to write up a rough draft of rules/guidlines/tutorial/whatever and host it on freewebs or something. If anyone who has an actual site, instead of an el-cheapo one like me, and would be willing to host this, that would be great. (other things that would go on the site: updatable participants list [because editing post in barbelith is sloooow... no offense to the mods], mp3s of all the finished songs, and coverart)
*as recomended by lekvar: "I envision that once a tune reaches a certain number of tracks everybody who contributed will receive a copy so they can mix down a version for themselves. Two reasons fore this- one, I think comparing mixes at the end of this that could be as much fun as recording. That's where you'd be cutting and pasting. Two, I think that each contributor's original track(s) should make it to the end in a clean state. I know I would be upset if my tracks were diced too early. That being said, I think that all's fair in love and the final mix." |