the problem with yousendit is that if your inbox isn't big enough, or your email provider doesnt' allow you to accept large attatchments, it's pretty much useless (as I recently discovered while trying to receive my scans from Wandering Notebook 3).
and besides, it doesn't really solve anything. it's just one more option for transferring the files over the internet - no better or worse than any of the other options. if someone has a 56k modem, they're still not going to be able to get those files unless they're willing to download something for several days.
there's no reason for this to be a black and white issue. the files can be made available online in a variety of ways, and anyone who is unable to access them for technical reasons coud also have the option of them being sent snail mail.
in the coming month or so, I'll probably have an FTP up, and I'd be happy to let it be used for uploading and downloading files (to the extent that my bandwidth allows).
the whole project needs a major revamp, I think, and I'd be happy to be the one to do it... just not right now. I have some major things I'm working on and until November, will be swamped in work.
so if it's okay with everyone, my recomendation is that for now, anyone who wants to start a track can go right ahead and do so. also, we're waiting for Tarquin/Withiel to post the mp3 of "Libertine" on his hosting service for all to enjoy. once that's been posted, anyone who wants to call next on that song can do so, and I will get the files to them using whatever method they prefer. then, once my busy schedule has subsided, I'll get around to getting this thing in order and hopefully off the ground again (new/updated wiki page, several systems for file distribution including my FTP, etc.).
so yeah, that's how i see it going down.
any objections? |