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Barbelith Wandering Song/Album


Page: 1234(5)

at the scarwash
18:01 / 01.07.05
no, I was just about to ask. Let me PM you my address again.
Phex: Dorset Doom
19:36 / 03.07.05
The address in your PM is the same as what I put on the package, so we should probably leave it a while. If it still doesn't turn up (and it took about a month to get to me from TeN) then we may have a problem because I deleted the files (which took up about 700mb) from my computer to save space. Hopefully this won't be a problem.
12:39 / 25.07.05
I consider this a challenge.

If I start song 2, what should the order be?
at the scarwash
01:49 / 01.08.05

due to the fact that I have not yet received the song, and that I am shortly to undertake a move from the Gulf to the West of America's coasts, I must regretfully bow out of this project. If I receive Phex's package before I move (or am forwarded it), I will pm the next in line, and send it hence.
19:00 / 01.08.05
grant- I'd say announce and ask for contributors, let the order be determined by who signs on first, unless you have something more specific in mind, instrumentation-wise. My music machine is temporarily down, so I may have to bow out of song 2.

Good luck with the move, scarwash. What part of the Wast Coast are you coing to?
at the scarwash
00:20 / 02.08.05
San Francisco.

I certainly am interested in rejoining the project at some point further on. Once I replace my rather asthmatic-sounding hard drive.
01:46 / 02.08.05
Would you be interested in getting together for some jamming when you get here? I'm in the (far) East Bay, but always looking for an excuse to get closer to the water.
01:57 / 03.09.05


seriously though, what's happening with this? I'd hate to see such a great project go the way of the dodo
21:47 / 10.09.05
I'd love to get involved with this project. I'm a recording musician of some ten years recording. Deep undergound (I.E. No record deal and not rally looking.) I'd be into doing anything to any track on a strict no like-no keep basis. This to me is what boards like this are all about. Collaborative works are a whole new thing. We need to keep the energy up on projects like this.

For the future and just from personal experience why not have a five person limit. That way we get more finshed articles and they will get better as people understand their role in the creative process.

I'm happy to contribute in any way to any track being made in thsi way.

Love this board.
Phex: Dorset Doom
22:48 / 10.09.05
What's happening with this? Well: I fucked up. In sending the CD off to the next person in line I suppose I mis-wrote the address, so it's probably arrived in an Arctic research station, or deep in the jungle primeval where it's being worshipped as a god.
To further compound my fucking-up, I deleted everything on my hard-drive related to the project (700mbs) shortly after I sent the cd off.
I suggest you start your insults with 'who bothered to spawn you and why!?!' and go from there.
05:23 / 11.09.05
Well Phex, since you broke it, you have the responsibility to fix it. Go on, start a new one. Unless grant would rather have the honor?

Oh, if anybody is still interested in working on Libertine, I still have the original tracks and a mixdown of the work as it stood when it left TeN's computer.
09:35 / 13.09.05
I'd love to have a go.
I play guitar, bass, weirdo ethnic percussion. I'd be well up for having a listen and seeing what I could add to it.
21:03 / 15.09.05
Right. Seeing as I've finally worked out how to make the rubbishy little computer mic I borrowed off my ex record without drowning everything in static or distorting every time I raise my voice, I was thinking that (depending on what Phex does) I could either start the next track to get the thing moving again, or there could be Simultaneous Creation Aghahahaha! Or something.
What I've got at the moment is an almost hypnotic Hawkwind-esque two-or-three chord thing with a crazyfast 3-2-2 drumbeat going on. And the lyrics sort of remind me of Nordic verse (What little I know of it, that is to say). Anyway...thoughts?
22:13 / 15.09.05
I say we add edshift to the list, send the first track to whoever's next on the list and wants to participate, and have Tarquin start track number two.

I also think it would be nice if we could host the file somewhere so people can listen to it and see if they have anything they'd like to contribute. I agree that the element of surprise is important, but I'd be willing to sacrifice that if it meant people didn't get their discs in the mail and be completely stuck for ideas and feel like they can't contribute. If we did it this way, we could have multiple tracks going on at once, and people could decide which they'd like to contribute to and when.

I know it's been brought up before and considered but never implemented. But now that the project is in a rut, I think it might be wise to actually get moving on doing something like that.
01:19 / 16.09.05
I've got webspace, but you'll have to be gentle to my bandwidth since it shares bandwidth with my side business. I'll also have to figure out how to set up a secure ftp folder, (you all have ftp software, right?) but it's certainly doable.

I propose that we have sugnups on the Barbelith Wiki page. Whoever wants to start a tune can post their intentions, and whoever wants to contribute can sign up there. That way we can track, from a central location, who's doing what where whith which song and who gets it next.
11:16 / 16.09.05
If anyone wants to put up mixed mp3s of the tracks so far, PM me and I can use my webspace, which I have a gig of and unlimited bandwidth, thanks to zenADSL.
13:26 / 16.09.05
just to confirm, nothing's been added since my turn, right?
if so, I'll send you the file this afternoon
18:05 / 16.09.05
Phex did some work on it, but I believe it was mixwork. TeN, do you need files from grant or me? Or do you still have everything on your harddrive?
Phex: Dorset Doom
19:15 / 16.09.05
Yeah, I added some fairly extensive mixing that pretty much re-genre-ised the song. But it is all lost now... like tears in the rain... time to die...
00:26 / 17.09.05
*TeN sheds a tear
I hate it when good creative time is lost

but yeah, I still have all the pre-Phexified files on my HD
they'll be in Withiel/Tarquin's inbox in two shakes of a lamb's tail

i suppose we have to decide on a new system of organization, but I say that once the mp3 is posted, whoever calls it first gets the CD sent to them and can work on it. if we get multiple tracks going at once, anyone who wants to work on a track should be able to. what do you all think?
Phex: Dorset Doom
05:19 / 17.09.05
Phexified, tr-v: To make an item dissapear without a trace into some upside-down netherworld of the international postal system.
Usage: 'I'm sorry sir, but your important package seems to have been phexified.'

If we're going to start mailing stuff around again (and I'd still prefer an online approach, if such a thing could be found) then maybe we should split up into countries or continents to save on international shipping, or do it so a CD goes around everybody in, say, the U.S then gets sent to Europe. I'm in America right now, where y'all at?
12:23 / 17.09.05
Gottit. And love it to little bits. Who's on the vocal?
Will be up later this afternoon.
21:58 / 17.09.05
American here. I thought the whole point of the online repository was to avoid the mailing of CDs. And as to organization, are there any objections to using the wiki? I think that would be easiest since anybody can view/edit.

Oh, and that's grant on vocals.
23:02 / 17.09.05
the reason we decided on mailing it was because the files get rather large, and we didn't want anyone with a not so great connection to be forced to sit it out
Phex: Dorset Doom
05:40 / 22.09.05
Good news everyone-
I found a place called that lets you send large, up to 1gb files. This would mean that those of us with faster connections could transfer finished songs much more quickly than if we were to use mail. What does everybody think about this?
17:56 / 22.09.05
the problem with yousendit is that if your inbox isn't big enough, or your email provider doesnt' allow you to accept large attatchments, it's pretty much useless (as I recently discovered while trying to receive my scans from Wandering Notebook 3).

and besides, it doesn't really solve anything. it's just one more option for transferring the files over the internet - no better or worse than any of the other options. if someone has a 56k modem, they're still not going to be able to get those files unless they're willing to download something for several days.

there's no reason for this to be a black and white issue. the files can be made available online in a variety of ways, and anyone who is unable to access them for technical reasons coud also have the option of them being sent snail mail.

in the coming month or so, I'll probably have an FTP up, and I'd be happy to let it be used for uploading and downloading files (to the extent that my bandwidth allows).

the whole project needs a major revamp, I think, and I'd be happy to be the one to do it... just not right now. I have some major things I'm working on and until November, will be swamped in work.

so if it's okay with everyone, my recomendation is that for now, anyone who wants to start a track can go right ahead and do so. also, we're waiting for Tarquin/Withiel to post the mp3 of "Libertine" on his hosting service for all to enjoy. once that's been posted, anyone who wants to call next on that song can do so, and I will get the files to them using whatever method they prefer. then, once my busy schedule has subsided, I'll get around to getting this thing in order and hopefully off the ground again (new/updated wiki page, several systems for file distribution including my FTP, etc.).

so yeah, that's how i see it going down.
any objections?
00:16 / 14.11.05
ok, ignore everything I said about yousendit. that was wrong. it would definitely work for this purpose.

oh yeah, and BUMP.
why is this still not moving?
Phex: Dorset Doom
04:57 / 14.11.05
Well, given a week or two I could probaby yousendit the bare bones of a new song out, probably just a beat, samples and some synthy stuff seeing as I'm without a mic/musical talent. An even quicker way would be for me to throw all the samples and arrangments (probably in FLstudio format) into my Gmail account, which I never use, and give y'all the password (hint: he's bald, pierced, armed, nice, and smooth). That way everybody can get at the files quickly and without fuss. Though yousendit is also an option.
Shall I begin?
09:29 / 14.11.05

I am a Terrible Human Being and a Waste of Skin, and seem to to have somehow completely ignored TeN's email. However, the bumping of this thread has reminded me, and I have (finally) uploaded "Libertine". Which is here. Furthermore, I have shiny new sound tools, and something to work with, which I will upload later today for critique/stealing and using...
23:44 / 07.03.07

What's the crazy?
03:47 / 08.03.07
Just checked my link, which has died since I reorganized my music storage, but should soon be back. I'm in for Stuff if others are, essentially, and have bits of a track right now that people could have...
03:39 / 13.03.07
Hey there,

I think with a bit of organization we could get this going. I'd love to participate. I've been writing music for years, and currently play in a couple bands - mainly vocals, but keyboards too. My keyboard is quite lovely and can make many interesting sound variations, and it's also equipped with a direct line-in to compy, so quality is good.

Also, wouldn't it be easiest if everyone used the same editing program? (Like Adobe Audition/Cool Edit?)
RichT's boring old name
18:42 / 21.03.07
If anyone wants some material to play with- I've got a load of improvisations I put up last week on freesound

all in 48KHz .wav format, mono.
(username: richtcello)

Might be quite interesting if you used one of these as a starting point for a song, although hardly conventional- or sample some weird noises and maybe process them (which would be the usual thing to do).
21:00 / 29.03.07
buddhatomic, it certainly would be easiest, but not everybody's going to jump at the chance to buy new software, which is why I initially suggested Audacity.

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