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Barbelith Wandering Song/Album


Page: 123(4)5

01:53 / 14.04.05
well, I was thinking that maybe it would be more fun if it were a surprise, but if you really want to hear it, i can send it to you (I have no way of hosting it at this time).

soulseek username?
aim screenname?
send any of those and I can get it to you.

let me assure you though, the song is pretty gosh damned awesome (but my drum samples do need to be replaced with better ones).
20:13 / 14.04.05
Just got the mp3. Let's see, how shall I put this?

[squeal of schoolgirl delight]
[/squeal of schoolgirl delight]

I like it.
21:59 / 14.04.05
Should I start track 2, or does somebody else want naming rights?
22:34 / 14.04.05
lekvar - 'tis awesometastic, ain't it? I think grant's accordian is what really kicks it up that extra notch from "just plain regular good" to "make me stain my pants good."

grant - I figured it would be best if the second track started at the end of the list (with Withiel) and went the other way (up the list, as "Libertine" simultaneously went down the list), thereby providing the least amount of thumb-twiddling time for everyone. my hope was that eventually everyone (or at least everyone who wanted to) would have the opportunity to begin a track. If Withiel doesn't want to start one, maybe Paleface will, and if not him, perhaps telyn, and so on. but yeah, starting it from the top of the list again isn't as efficient, imho.
01:29 / 15.04.05
You're sweet.

I'm just trying to goose people into starting some music action. Actually -- how many of us are there? What if each person started a track and sent it along the list in a different order?
02:23 / 15.04.05
sounds good to me

(there are 8 people signed up right now)
18:48 / 15.04.05
What if each person started a track and sent it along the list in a different order?
I'd like to suggest that anyone who starts a track could, maybe should, indicate an order so that the tracks don't stall due to confusion as to where they're to go next. I think that if they go out all nimbly-pimbly it could lead to confusion and lost tracks, Wandering Notebook 2-style.

The order could be something as simple as a hand-written note slipped into the jewel case, or as thorough as a wiki entry.

What do y'all think?
21:08 / 15.04.05
I think we should go with the "as thorough as the wiki" method, and have everyone start a track. if no one minds, I'll make the lists and add them right now.
21:22 / 15.04.05
actually, screw that... no that i think of it, so long as now everyone is going to be starting a track, we might as well keep the current order, but just make it loop back up to the top and continue until everyone has contributed. for that, we'd just need to stick a little note in the jewel case, or put a file on the cd indicating the order for that cd.

um, on a related note, in order to keep things all neat and organized, I structured the contents of the CD very specifically and wrote instructions and things like that. now that everyone is starting their own song, should I post the layout and instructions and all that junk on the wiki for everyone to copy?
18:34 / 18.04.05
If you think it'd help.

If there are only 8 of us right now, it also wouldn't be hard to come up with 8 random orders (my high school did this with class schedules -- it was hell trying to remember on Monday if it was an "A" day or a "G" day or whatever).

I was originally thinking it'd be nice to have track two (sorry, song two) starting at the bottom and working its way up -- but if there are 8 songs, then we could do a variety of things to keep everyone busy instead of just sitting and waiting for months.

Whatever maximizes involvement.
19:20 / 18.04.05
just FYI - the CD came back to me in the mail yesterday because it lacked enough postage (even though I could have sworn I'd put more than enough) and because apparently you're now required to label the contents of all packages over a certain size (all in the name of homeland security, pfft). not to worry though, it's back on it's journey again, but it should be a little delayed is all.
The Strobe
20:03 / 18.04.05
Am I still involved with this? I'd still like to be. Not sure what I have to be doing, you see. If I don't appear to follow this thread very much... PMs don't half wake me up.
20:50 / 18.04.05
well Paleface, you're number 7 on the list (see the wiki here), so as long as you still want to be involved, then yes, you are.

as for what you should be doing - I guess it's fair to say the project is a little bit in flux right now. the first song, "Libertine" has been touched by three members now (lekvar, grant, and myself) and is headed toward Phex as we speak. now there's a bit of discussion over whether we should wait till that song is finished before starting the next one, or go ahead and start other songs. if we can assume that the second choice is unanimous (which it so far appears to be), then there's still a bit of discussion over how that's going to be done.

so, i recomend you read up a little on the thread to see our ideas so far and throw your ideas in the hat. or if you're really anxious to do something with this, you can start working on your track now, and by the time you finish, we'll have hopefully decided who it is you'll be sending it off to.
Phex: Dorset Doom
09:58 / 22.04.05
I got the package yesterday. It all sounds great and there's barely anything I'd want to do to 'Libertine' except some minor mixing and effects. So, with the band's permission of course, I'd like to lay down the bare bones for a new track or two. What does everybody think?
19:31 / 22.04.05
Go for it.
01:21 / 23.04.05

is it just me or do we need to make a final decision on how to go about doing the rest of this thing before it falls apart?

I personally think that there are still plenty of things that can be done with the current song. Whether or you personally are able to add anything that hasn't been added is another story all together and I think therein lies the problem.

If you want to start your own track, I say go for it, but I don't think we should abandon this one just yet either.

Here's my suggestion:
start your own track. if you want, add something else to "Libertine" (you said you can do some programming and drumming... maybe try adding a synth track or some live drums in addition to the programmed ones I put in there). if not, then just pass the two cds together (Libertine being unaltered) on to the next person... or pass them on to two different people... i don't know, what do you all think?
01:35 / 23.04.05

it seems like the problem here is in the mailing and in the order of the mailing. as long as we're all willing to sacrifice the surprise element (I personally like getting the CD and not knowing whats on it, but I'd be willing to give that up if it means the project working out better), why don't we do this....

each person can lay down a track and post the mp3. then, whoever feels they have something to add to the song PMs the creator of that track and they'll send them the CD (like we've been doing thusfar). that person adds something, and they post the new mp3 for that song.

i figure the mp3s can be hosted for free on a site like Ourmedia or Opsound or Rapidshare or Internet Archive (or a combination of them) and linked to from the wiki. we could even post all incarnations of the song, to show it's development.

i honestly think this could solve all our problems, and makes the whole process alot less complicated and allows for more meaningful contributions from all of us, as we won't be getting something in the mail and thinking "there's nothing i can do with this." if you can't contribute to one track, contribute to another.

what do you all think?
20:04 / 24.04.05
I would personally like to keep doing things the way they are being done now, so that there only ends up being one "Libertine" floating around out there (minus the final-mix variatiuons, of course.)

If a contributor feels that ze has nothing to contribute, as Phex feels, the cd should be forwarded to the next person on the list.

If a contributor feels like starting a new song, I think they should take names, perhaps via PM in order to keep it organised, start the tune and ship it off either with the order inluded on a slip of paper in the cd case or added to the wiki.

I certainly wouldn't mind seeing multiple tracks running around. I would, however, like "libertine" to go through the rest of the list as it is.
20:19 / 24.04.05
I would personally like to keep doing things the way they are being done now, so that there only ends up being one "Libertine" floating around out there

using my method, there still would be... people would just have the option of which songs to contribute to and when, thereby maximizing the quality of input and minimizing the cost of postage (it seems silly that Phex has to pay to ship this thing out again without even adding to it).

perhaps we should finish this one track the way it's being done now, and when that's through, begin discussion on how to continue?

but I do think that things can't continue the way they're going right now. we have to find a better way to do this so we can get rid of some of the problems we've been having and/or I anticipate we'll have in the future (i.e. people getting bored because they're on the end of the list, confusion about multiple tracks and order of contributions, people feeling as if they're unable to contribute further, spending needless amounts of postage, etc).
Phex: Dorset Doom
22:04 / 24.04.05
It's not so much that I have nothing to contribute to 'Libertine', it's going to sound radically different once I'm done processing the mix and effects, it's just that I wouldn't want to add synth-lines etc. because it'd get too busy. Instead I'd like to lay down the bare bones for a new song which can then be played with and expanded upon just like Lib' was. Of course whoever gets the CD next is more than welcome to add something to Lib' if they feel its necessary. I just think that this way we'd get more done. But ultimately we're all in this together and if the rest of you decide it's a bad idea then I'll gladly abide.
22:23 / 24.04.05
well my vote is that you go ahead and add something... even if you do think it sounds too busy, that can be remedied when we each do our final mixes. no one ever said that everything had to be used in the final mix... we'll all be able to pick and choose. whatever you add will just create more potential directions to go in further down the road.
17:56 / 25.04.05
Like a "Libertine" remix?

Why not just call it a different song? Camper Van Beethoven had a habit of putting old instrumental songs on new albums backwards. They'd call it a new song, which it was. They might even have added a track or two. But it was always some old song, played backwards.

The freaks.
Phex: Dorset Doom
21:41 / 05.05.05
Well, I've had a tinker with 'Libertine' and its sounding filthy. The way I've mixed it and laid down effects sounds radically different from the last incarnation, it has this dirty, sexy vibe followed by the twinkly guitar parts.
I'm having trouble with re-processing the drums though. Every time I mix down the track I get these harsh clicks coming in. Something about the acoustics means they collide badly with the bass-heavy guitar parts. I'll sort it out though.
22:56 / 05.05.05
and don't worry too much about the drums... i was hoping they would be redone somewhere down the line
23:04 / 13.05.05
any progress, Phex?
Phex: Dorset Doom
14:31 / 26.05.05
Sorry I've not posted for a while, It's jut that Audacity is doing my head in. The song, when I preview it in the mixer, sounds killer, but when I come to mix it down into an MP3/Wav/Ogg something in Audacity screws up. I get long passages of sine waves, extra vocal tracks, random cutting of tracks...
I'm trying to work it out using another program. Probably Acid 4. It'll be a bit difficult for the next guy to use Audacity, but at least the track will be done and sounding good.
16:42 / 26.05.05
once again, i'd like to state my suggestion of scrapping the audacity idea, and just including wav files of each of the individual tracks instead. it makes everything so much easier.
Phex: Dorset Doom
19:02 / 26.05.05
I second that motion. With lotion. In the ocean.
19:25 / 26.05.05
I have no problem with wavs, as long as all the raw data's there.
22:14 / 26.05.05
Motion carries. Wandering album now to consist of .wav files.
Phex: Dorset Doom
10:38 / 28.05.05
My versh is done and the Wandering Album is ready to go to its next recipient. If y'all would like a preview PM me with a way to send it to you. Oh, and I'll need the address details for the next guy too.
18:50 / 09.06.05
Any update?

Will Phex steal scarwash's family fortune?
Is grant really TeN's long-lost brother?
Can Paleface reconcile hirself to Withiel's cold indifference?
at the scarwash
22:00 / 09.06.05
Phex has my address, am waiting (little bit scared, as I have no idea what I will contribute) excitedly.
Phex: Dorset Doom
08:35 / 10.06.05
Previously on 'Red Hot Loners'

"Dammit grant! Your shoot-first-ask-questions-later methods have no place in this department! YOU'RE OFF THE FORCE!"
"Dammit pHEX, this donut shop is ruining our marriage. There is only one hole you can't fill will chocolate- the hole in my heart!"
"The CD should be in the post Monday Scarwash"

And now, for the concluding part of 'Death is sugar glazed'...
Phex: Dorset Doom
16:51 / 01.07.05
Hey Scarwash, has the album arrived? I put it in the mail a few weeks back.

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