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The Lateshift: Its just like confetti for your brain


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01:04 / 13.07.04
I just made a rainbow trout. Yummy. I have a japanese dressing for it.
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:05 / 13.07.04
pshaw, the garlic is the triumph.

bollocks to proper sauce, i fried garlic in butter on a v,gentle heat, added milk, then cream, heated gently. then added chopped cheddar/wine.

If there are lumps, they'll melt out in the oven.

tho' I'm a veggie, and eat not your steenking fish, Keg, salmon on toast sounds lovely. And fabulously decadent for a breakfast in bed...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
01:05 / 13.07.04
I have to go with the classic of ice cream and white wine...
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:07 / 13.07.04
I can feel my arteries crying, mind you.

May: sling a beer or three over here, will ya?
01:08 / 13.07.04
We are drinking Keggers homebrew.

It rocks! More please...
Saint Keggers
01:10 / 13.07.04
Thank you. I thought you'd like it. Only 25 bottles to go...
01:15 / 13.07.04
*passes one to Plums*
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:23 / 13.07.04
Our Lady Has Left the Building
01:25 / 13.07.04
Gah, I'm now playing that mystery of time and space game tht Plums recommended in the flash games thread, how do I get the sodding disk out of the box?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
01:26 / 13.07.04
Aha! Done it!
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:31 / 13.07.04
Oh god. Flowers, I'm so sorry. the bloody thing's huge. and addictive.

Do you want a link to a walk through. I've only peeked on a couple of things tho....
Our Lady Has Left the Building
01:32 / 13.07.04
Not yet, I'm trying to work out what to do with the tiles now...
the cat's iao
01:36 / 13.07.04
Geez, I guess I missed out on the food and booze. Well, one resume ready to be faxed!
Our Lady Has Left the Building
01:40 / 13.07.04
go you!
Saint Keggers
01:43 / 13.07.04
Go get'em!
Jack Denfeld
01:55 / 13.07.04
I rode my bike to and from one of my jobs today. It was about a 2 hrs worth of riding. Tomorrow I'm gonna do both jobs, which will be about 4 hrs of riding. I also almost got jumped by some thuggish guys when riding to work (it was dark, about 4am)
Our Lady Has Left the Building
01:59 / 13.07.04
Right, I'm going to attempt to sleep, I may be back if this insomnia is going to be an all-nighter, if not see you all on the other side, BiP, I'll phone you tomorrow, erm, later today...
the cat's iao
02:12 / 13.07.04
Hey g'night Flowers, and thanks for the support & good wishes (you too Keggers)! Just got back from actually faxing the resume. Sigh. It used to be, a few years ago, I could say I landed every job I applied for, but now I've applied for jobs and never heard back. At least I can still say I've got every job I interviewed for [knocks on wood]--let's hope I get an interview for this one!
the cat's iao
02:14 / 13.07.04
I shall now celebrate this small victory with some scotch on the rocks!

Jack Denfeld
02:23 / 13.07.04
Cheers Cat! And good luck!
02:26 / 13.07.04
Cheers Cat's IAO!

Jack Denfeld
02:28 / 13.07.04
Night everyone. I'm exhausted.
the cat's iao
02:38 / 13.07.04
G' night Mr. Robot. Thanks to you and May for the good wishes!

Saint Keggers
02:41 / 13.07.04
Cheers Cats IAO! (says keg who's now home and into the rose wine)

and A goodnight to Lady and Mike.
the cat's iao
02:50 / 13.07.04
YAY! Cheers to all of youse wonderful lovelies!

Well, I'm a bit burnt after the 5:30 am wake up, I think I shall relax with a bit of reading and then off to bed. G'night all & have beautiful dreams or no dreams at all!

Saint Keggers
02:52 / 13.07.04
Good Night TCI!
Saint Keggers
02:27 / 14.07.04
Ok world! Amuse me!
02:33 / 14.07.04
I'm doing a little dance RIGHT NOW. Just for you, Keggers. At my desk.
Saint Keggers
02:36 / 14.07.04
Yay! Its a desk dancing partay! How ya doing!
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:38 / 14.07.04
I'm daning to Scottish music in my chair in my office, mostly to annoy the little thugglettes I work with.

But it's Ashley MacIsaac, so it's worth dancing to.
02:39 / 14.07.04
I'm dancing to Tindersticks at the mo, having just rediscovered the joys of their first album (just been re-released with a bunch of demos and stuff).
Saint Keggers
02:43 / 14.07.04
Ah good ol Assley. The Avril Levine of the celtic scene.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:55 / 14.07.04
All I know is that it gives me a happy, and when I play it in a teenage boy's room, he gets his ass out of bed and off to school to get away from it.

I had no idea anyone knew who he was, to be honest. His stuff is impossible to find here in the states.
Saint Keggers
03:09 / 14.07.04
Well he is Canadian...He was big here a while back and then he let it all go to his head and developed a bad boy attituted (or Diva if he were female)
I havent heard any of his never stuff as I got fed up with him after Hi! How Are You?(tm)

back in bit
Saint Keggers
03:40 / 14.07.04
Jeeeze! I leave and the place goes dead.

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