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Photos: Pretty Pictures (PICS...many of them. You have been warned)


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electric monk
15:01 / 02.06.06

After a day with birds on the brain, I found this fragile little eggshell on my lawn. Saved it hoping to take a good pic of it. The next morning, working in the yard, I noticed heavy dewdrops resting on an elephant ear plant. "That's it," thought I.
All Acting Regiment
16:53 / 02.06.06
And you were right! Lorra lovely there, Monk.
19:07 / 04.06.06
wow monk, that's a beautiful shot
16:54 / 07.06.06
You can find more or bigger versions of here --> Fotologue

17:15 / 07.06.06
nice seeing you here, man

and amazing pics as always

I seriously wish I could afford a classy medium format SLR :/
17:20 / 07.06.06
Hi Ten great to see you here as well.

Heh you really don't need one to make nice photo's
The last three are shot with an 60 euro Olympus XA and cheap Kodak consumer film,
and these days you can get a great medium format system for less then 300 dollars.
foolish fat finger
21:51 / 12.06.06

stone pile, Beachy Head, UK
wembley can change in 28 days
14:15 / 14.06.06
Something recent; I believe it was just a good old Sunday morning:

All Acting Regiment
08:12 / 15.06.06
Vord! Er, it is nice to see you here. Very, very nice photos.
23:20 / 15.06.06
some experiments with rephotographing images from TV and computer screens...

edit: because some of these might be NSFW, I'm linking to them instead of posting them

All Acting Regiment
08:37 / 16.06.06
Are we gonna slap a NSFW on this thread, then?
22:57 / 16.06.06
Thanks Legba ^_^
All Acting Regiment
17:17 / 17.06.06
My NSFW comment refferring specifically to the nature of some of those photo's of TeN's, not a comment on quality. They are good, you've said something with them about violence on TV etc...
17:28 / 17.06.06
Suggestion to take it to policy, Legba? Not sure of the implications of slapping NSFW on a pretty unobjectional thread about photographs. Might suggest Ten supplied links to some of the photos with a NSFW tag instead. But any way policy debate imminent....
17:46 / 21.06.06

electric monk
19:32 / 21.06.06
Vord, I'm digging these color photos of yours and have to ask: are you doing any post-work on them in Photoshop or something?

Gorgeous, gorgeous stuff.
20:39 / 21.06.06
Other then contrast and color corrections they're pretty much straight scans,
these are scanned from film, they're not digital photo's... well they are now I guess.. but you get it.
03:50 / 22.06.06
I changed all the photos in my most recent post to links to avoid any potential NSFWness. (just waiting for the mods to approve the change) sorry about that, I should have thought of that when posting but it slipped my mind.

Vord - I really love the cloud reflection in the first shot. fantastic.
All Acting Regiment
21:18 / 24.06.06

Pomona station is an isolated Metrolink node in Salford, raised above the canal on conrete legs. It serves the docklands and industrial areas and is errily empty.

This was taken underneath the track a fair distance down from the station, beyond a sign saying "Private road". You can see the charming turquoise/white colour scheme. I wonder what is in those pipes? Electricity cables? Coolant?


Here you can see the lonely ticket gate. It has no purpose anymore- as a control structure it relies upon other things remaining as they are (i.e. a blockage on either side) to stop acess.


A close up of a security camera. They are often empty, being simply decoys, so don't be put off exploring when you see one. If you have a camera you can snap photos of it which sometimes triggers an explosion of indignant whirring and strafing as they try to lock on to you. Not this one, though.


Everywhere they don't want you to go is covered in spikes, like some kind of sadistic monkey trap. Even the top of the camera gets this treatment.

Of course, the best way to disable a camera is not to grapple it down from it's moorings, though this can be fun, but to fire an air gun or spray paint at the eye, blinding it.



This was the Railway Inn. It used to be three storeys of fun at night time. People met their future wives and husbands here or had punch-ups with their uncle. Now?
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:33 / 26.06.06
Shot with a point-and-shoot at a couple of different times.

20:23 / 28.06.06
Some new ones from the flickr page:

after fiddling with some weird lightboxes, and some strange film...

20:50 / 29.06.06
I love the pictures posted in here so far. Especially the naked one but that is just me. Here are some of my photographs:

Would love to hear if you guys have any comments.
22:04 / 29.06.06
jeed - those are really interesting; what are they, exactly?
07:54 / 30.06.06
This is going to kill the mystique slightly, but it's just clingfilm (well, sciency clingfilm), on a UV lightbox (normally used for checking DNA gels) with a polaroid camera attached.

Lab art!
All Acting Regiment
09:00 / 30.06.06
Liking those a lot, Lilly. Is that New Orleans?
13:53 / 30.06.06

Yes those are of New Orleans. All except for the last one, which was taken at the Cloisters in New York.

I really love taking pictures at the graveyard for some reason. I may do my final photo portfolio based solely on death. It would be great to see that listed on my college transcript.
15:07 / 30.06.06
By the way, I love taking pictures of people and am trying to get used to working with strangers. Does anybody in my area (NJ / NYC) need pictures taken?

Email me if you want to discuss further.
electric monk
23:40 / 01.07.06
Playing around with the "low-light+" setting on my camera produced these:

foolish fat finger
19:00 / 02.07.06
I really like your latest set, legba. there's a great contrast between new abandoned Salford, and old abandoned Salford, both left to go to the dogs in their different ways...

monk, I really like yours as well, especially the first and the sixth...

Trolley wasteland, Stockport

me and my shoes in springtime

me and my shoes and my shopping...
22:34 / 05.07.06

17:37 / 08.08.06
I was taking a walk today in Reinickendorf (the district were I grew up). I made 237 photos at Tegel, Lübars, Hermsdorf and other places and these seven pictures I would like to show you.

12:52 / 29.08.06
This was taken at Las Fallas festival in Valencia in March.

This one in Barcelona.

Valencia again.

22:51 / 29.08.06
Vord, what I love about your pictures is that you are making very ordinary people doing ordinary things look fascinating. I can't work out what it is about them, but there is definitely something very beautiful about the light and the colour.

Thank you for posting them here.
23:10 / 29.08.06
Excellent Photo's! Great stuff everyone! I am a flickr addict now... Here's a few I have posted to the above link. I have Geotagged them all too so you can see where each photo was taken. Hit the Map link.

23:23 / 29.08.06
Thanks Slush, I now may have to moderate the thread title from "Pretty Pictures" to "OHGODOHGODOHGOD".

*Regains Composure*

How close were you?

Edited to include: THE SNAKE, I like your pictures, though.... but THE SNAKE... casually browsing... and then THE SNAKE!

What is it eating?


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