
Pomona station is an isolated Metrolink node in Salford, raised above the canal on conrete legs. It serves the docklands and industrial areas and is errily empty.
This was taken underneath the track a fair distance down from the station, beyond a sign saying "Private road". You can see the charming turquoise/white colour scheme. I wonder what is in those pipes? Electricity cables? Coolant?

Here you can see the lonely ticket gate. It has no purpose anymore- as a control structure it relies upon other things remaining as they are (i.e. a blockage on either side) to stop acess.

A close up of a security camera. They are often empty, being simply decoys, so don't be put off exploring when you see one. If you have a camera you can snap photos of it which sometimes triggers an explosion of indignant whirring and strafing as they try to lock on to you. Not this one, though.

Everywhere they don't want you to go is covered in spikes, like some kind of sadistic monkey trap. Even the top of the camera gets this treatment.
Of course, the best way to disable a camera is not to grapple it down from it's moorings, though this can be fun, but to fire an air gun or spray paint at the eye, blinding it.

This was the Railway Inn. It used to be three storeys of fun at night time. People met their future wives and husbands here or had punch-ups with their uncle. Now? |