The smoke Dragon is from actual smoke from burning debris. Not garbage, but leaves and branches. For some reason, they like to burn stuff on the West Coast.
Here are some more photos, mostly of the sky
See, just smoke and water...and some crap hydro lines.

If you look closely at this sunset it will look a little like the Tree of Life, with the sun as Tiphareth, naturally.

I just love pink clouds.

They call this "Big Sky Country". This is a light rainstorm miles away from us.

I am standing in Horsetail lake in Jasper National Park. The lake is 2km wide and 4km long. The entire lake is no deeper than a few inches and you can walk straight across it.

BTW, my headdress is just my son's soaking wet T-shirt and tiny baseball cap. Also, when one stand in the same spot the clay gives way and one ends up sinking a bit. The bottom isn't mushy, it is smooth, cool clay and you kinda have to work at sinking. It feels sort of like what I imagine a tree would feel.
This is a shot from the plane flying east and rushing toward the new day just peeking over the earth's horizon.

We found this orange velour rocking chair at a highway rest area. I also found some golden feathers there and we concluded that the orange velour rocking chair was the natural habitat of the Great Northern Prairie Parakeet.

I hope that was enjoyable. |