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Photos: Pretty Pictures (PICS...many of them. You have been warned)


Page: 123(4)5

23:27 / 29.08.06
Slush Fund, I looked at your Flickr pages but I can't see the second one. Where is that?
23:59 / 29.08.06
Well to be absolutely honest, my dad took the pic of the snake eating the wallaby. BUT.... I have been present at a snake eating a small pig, and they are pretty harmless with a huge object in their mouth. Once it eats, it sleeps for weeks.
10:38 / 13.09.06
Thanks but I actually meant whereabouts is the location of the second picture. It looks a beautiful place but I can't find the picture on flickr to do the maplink.

Here is my first attempt at using the macro lens on my new camera:

It's a silver lily that I made.
16:54 / 13.09.06
Do you have a picture of the whole lilly? That looks stunning in a "I could never wear that because society judges my lack of womb" way.
18:57 / 14.09.06
Thank you very much! They're designed for wearing in the hair but they'd also look good in a buttonhole or as a brooch, so you surely could wear them if you were feeling bling. They're about an inch in diameter so they're quite big.

Here is a more explanatory shot of the two I have made so far:

But in terms of photos I like the first one best. The other one is good from a sales points of view, but I think the first photo is the prettiest.
23:37 / 14.09.06
Shit Olulabelle, today I was all excited about my idea to crochet wire into jewellry and now I've seen your mighty Jewel-fu I feel tiny and small.
You fucking rawk. The sad, weak, lowly attempts at jewelry that issue from my hands will be placed beneath an image of your Piper like face, and I will light candles in honour of your state of rawk. Through veneration of your image I will hope one day to be like you, then one day to be better than you.


By which I mean: those are really beautiful and is there some type of online boutique thing where I could go stare at your artistry?
21:06 / 20.09.06
Wow, you canon does photos well! I was too much of a scrooge to buy that camera, so far.

Here are some images I made last week:

17:57 / 12.10.06
These photographs are not technically or compositionally that great, I realize. I took them both the same day from the same place, a pulloff near the Great Smoky Mountains NP. I drove by in the morning, then at the end of the day. It's more just a glimpse of a beautiful place and day. The fall colors are just starting to crank up, you can see up higher on the mountains in the second, afternoon photo.
20:31 / 12.10.06
The first one's fabulous. Really ethereal.
20:38 / 12.10.06

I can't quite work out why, but I really like this picture. The most I can put my finger on is that I like the parrot's stance and the size she is in the frame.
electric monk
15:46 / 13.10.06
The muted colors and simple textures surrounding her seem to make my eyes focus on her tiny, off-center self. Very simple and very effective. Nice one!
22:10 / 13.10.06
Yeah, the light and shadow and clarity and complimenting colors...pretty sweet. Me likey.
22:26 / 13.10.06
Ahh, the light yes. It's beautiful morning sunlight so I suppose that's why.
12:47 / 22.10.06
Wow, great peacock shot. Lovely handiwork, Lula.

Here is my offering of pretty pictures for Barbeloids.

These are waterclovers. Notice how they are all four-leafed. I think this is my favourite.

Sunflowers early in the morning.

Here is the coyote I caught while he was catching his dinner.

The skull is from a muskrat.

Here is a smoke dragon that came around the mountain.

Hope you all enjoyed those.
12:49 / 22.10.06
Just so there is no confusion, the peacock comment was meant for Mist. I do realise that last bird is a parrot.
23:38 / 27.10.06
I like the smoke Dragon the best. What is one of those?

13:40 / 28.10.06
I have been trying to take pictures of reflections recently and I've got a thing about light, especially morning and evening light, so I went to the park the other day and took lots of pictures. I like this one:

and also this:

And these Autumn leaves:

The top tree trunk reflection; it's nice and it's on the thirds and the colours are good but there is something wrong with it and I can't work out what.
13:52 / 28.10.06
The smoke Dragon is from actual smoke from burning debris. Not garbage, but leaves and branches. For some reason, they like to burn stuff on the West Coast.

Here are some more photos, mostly of the sky

See, just smoke and water...and some crap hydro lines.

If you look closely at this sunset it will look a little like the Tree of Life, with the sun as Tiphareth, naturally.

I just love pink clouds.

They call this "Big Sky Country". This is a light rainstorm miles away from us.

I am standing in Horsetail lake in Jasper National Park. The lake is 2km wide and 4km long. The entire lake is no deeper than a few inches and you can walk straight across it.

BTW, my headdress is just my son's soaking wet T-shirt and tiny baseball cap. Also, when one stand in the same spot the clay gives way and one ends up sinking a bit. The bottom isn't mushy, it is smooth, cool clay and you kinda have to work at sinking. It feels sort of like what I imagine a tree would feel.

This is a shot from the plane flying east and rushing toward the new day just peeking over the earth's horizon.

We found this orange velour rocking chair at a highway rest area. I also found some golden feathers there and we concluded that the orange velour rocking chair was the natural habitat of the Great Northern Prairie Parakeet.

I hope that was enjoyable.
14:04 / 28.10.06
The top tree trunk reflection; it's nice and it's on the thirds and the colours are good but there is something wrong with it and I can't work out what.

I think it looks off because there is a highlight in the reflection but not on the tree, as the highlight area was not framed into the shot.
23:08 / 26.12.06
some recent polaroids

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All Acting Regiment
14:31 / 07.02.07

Probably better full size. Quite like trees. Anyone know more about taking pictures of them?
00:26 / 08.02.07
Well, I've got about a billion pictures of trees that I've taken. But that doesn't mean I know more. They are sometimes hard to photograph. They sure are cool as hell, though.
02:20 / 08.02.07
Here is my bestest tree shot. A wee bit overexposed but no filter on my snappy Ixus.

It is called Herbig Tree, and the German Herbig family used to live in/under the root system.
All Acting Regiment
14:56 / 08.02.07
Just like in the Ring Cycle, huh?
19:21 / 09.02.07
I have started a new photoblog, in order to help me focus on improving my photography. One picture per day, if I can keep it up. All comments are welcome.
01:36 / 17.02.07
I love TeN's polaroids, and Ling-Ling's parrot. Mist's lobby picture too.

I'm just getting into photography and I still haven't decided what kinds of things I most like taking pictures of yet. I'm quite pleased with all of these for different reasons.

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I never really realised that pigeons could look so angelic.

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I have my doubts about this one, but everyone else seems to like it.

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A lucky snapshot this. Look at the expressions on the faces; all brilliant.

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The Carsten Höller slides at Tate Modern. It's hard to do them justice but high dynamic range turned out to be the best approach.

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I took this yesterday and it's my favourite picture at the moment.
14:11 / 18.02.07
I like that last one. I need to get more people in my shots. I feel that it's the key to an interesting photo.
13:26 / 19.02.07
I agree, cog. Faces are about my favourite thing to look at, and if I could get good at taking any kind of pictures it’d be pictures of people. Problem is that people generally look terrible when they’re posing and taking photos covertly poses it own (practical and moral) challenges. It’s much easier to photograph buildings, which is what I stick to most of the time.
18:38 / 19.02.07
I try and take 2 at a time and the second is usually better, after the subjects have relaxed from the 1st one. Also, I hold the camera away from my face, maybe at waist level. If you can line it up right, you get the surprise effect and an unusual angle. Which is why this -

is better than this -

19:47 / 19.02.07
That's good advice, well illustrated.
16:45 / 15.03.07
Pigeon apartments on a building in Leicester.

Sibelian 2.0
10:01 / 17.03.07

Around a fire on the pebble beach while staying at a cottage in Arran

And a shot of the road to the cottage
12:34 / 17.03.07
Sibelian, that beach picture is beautiful and a tough scene to expose properly. Really impressive.

I'm quite pleased with some shots I caught during a sudden shower outside Tate Modern the other day:

This one was a bit jammy really. It just fell into place in front of me.
Sibelian 2.0
14:01 / 17.03.07

Like a vintage Cartier-Bresson! Bravo, mon cher
17:50 / 17.03.07
Smoothly, I'd say that that last rainy one could do with the person being closer to you, but it's a nice shot nonetheless. And though not sure why, I really dig the pidgeon shot. I can't really point out how it works in terms of, you know, rules of quality or whatnot, for some reason: I just like it.

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