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Photos: Pretty Pictures (PICS...many of them. You have been warned)


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Grey Area
19:44 / 25.06.04
I figure there must be a couple of photographers on this board. Even if you're not into it as a fully fledged hobby, you must have one or two photos you are very proud of. Post them here. Try and keep the file sizes below 1Mb. Otherwise people with dial-up connections will hunt you down with sharp sticks.

I'll start you off. These pictures were taken with either a Minolta X-700 or a Sony DSC-F707. The colour pics were taken in various places around the island of Ireland, but the b&w one's an MRT station in Singapore..

Comments? Criticism? Praise? Own efforts?
22:44 / 25.06.04
I think those are beautiful, GA. The last three in particular. I love the hydrant one for loads of odd reasons. My old man is a bit of a train nerd and I think it reminds me of some of the pictures that decorated the more patrified parts of my childhood home. It's really painterly. The colours are great. Just makes me smile.

I also really like the Jurong station one, but I'm a sucker of skeletal architecture. I wonder what it would have looked like in colour? If the roof was a similar tone to the platform and there was a slice of blue or green beaming out from the centre, I reckon it would look cool.

Not very sophisticated criticism, I know. This could be a lovely thread though. I'll have to pick out a favourite or two of mine (now I've buttered up at least one potential critic).
23:17 / 25.06.04
I like this one. It was taken in Trafalgar Square on one of the hottest days of last year.

08:54 / 26.06.04
A few examples of photos taken on my recent travels through Africa, linked to a webpage, since HTML seems not to be letting me call the images to the 'lith.
12:04 / 26.06.04
It's not my photography but I thought you camera geeks might be interested in looking at my Dad's, since he was a wildlife and nature photographer professionally. Lots of his pictures are on his site, here.

Like a lot of people photography was just his hobby until about 10 years ago, when he jacked in his proper job and became a professional photographer instead.
13:38 / 26.06.04
Wow - that Honey Buzzard shot is awesome.
Elegant Mess
21:20 / 27.06.04
Some really nice photos so far. Grey Area, I'm really taken with the fire hydrant one; it has a pleasing kind of flatness or lack of depth to it.

I bought my Canon Ixus 400 last summer, and it's been my constant companion ever since. I know absolutely jack about photography, so if you like any of the pictures below, full credit has to go to the Ixus, which can - miraculously - sometimes take decent photos, in spite my cack-handed ineptitude.

For what it's worth, the top one was taken behind the Glasgow School of Art, the one below that in the Clyde Tunnel, the one below that in the stairwell of my old flat, and the bottom one speeding across the Kincardine Bridge.
Elegant Mess
21:23 / 27.06.04
Oh, and Tezcatlipoca - the photo of the boats on your webpage is beautiful .
Jack Vincennes
12:53 / 28.06.04
Really like that one of the Kincardine Bridge -I go across it almost every day, so I know it doesn't look like that all the time! The smoke in the sunlight is lovely.

Grey Area, where's your one of the stained glass taken?
Grey Area
16:05 / 28.06.04
It's the middle section of one of the windows in St. Nicholas' church, Galway. Very beautiful, and the light conditions were just right on the day I took it too. It was my windows background for the longest time...
+#'s, - names
17:00 / 28.06.04

Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:33 / 29.06.04

17:39 / 05.07.04
This was taken this past weekend at a decommissioned thermal generating plant.

at the scarwash
23:56 / 23.11.04

i love my cameraphone.
14:51 / 26.11.04

18:04 / 26.11.04
These are all lovely. I especially like the deer because it's taken from such a clever angle.

However, *dons velvet, sparkly Mod Hat for a brief moment* I've just spent half an hour moderating posts for broken links and adjusting the size of the pictures so the thread sits proper like. Can you please check your links in the preview pane before you post to make sure that they are working, and can you also moderate the size of your pictures so they're not huge? It's easy to do this (it's all in the Barbelith Wiki under formatting images) but for quick reference:

If your image is large, then you can make it fit on the page by inserting width="500" into the code, like this...

{img src="http://www.whatever the URL of the image file is" width="500"} - but replace the { sign with the usual < or >.

Thank you!
11:13 / 27.11.04
The following are unedited, except for size of course:

19:07 / 10.10.05
I like to take pictures. Here are some of them:

I took this picture in a museum in Berlin-Wannsee at a Walther Benjamin exhibition (although it was not allowed to take pics ).

I took this on the Museumsinsel in Berlin, it´s a mosaic in a fountain.

I took this in London, Greenwich on a ship, that is a museum. This is its compass.
21:07 / 10.10.05
xenosss - I love your style
23:58 / 10.10.05
Some random photo's I've finally got round to sticking on Flickr.





Great Wave

Anyone else have a Flickr account? I'm still excited by the Serif letters on the Tag index page, it's just got so many cool little details .
wembley can change in 28 days
12:37 / 11.10.05

Frozen baltic, helsinki 2005

Atro's warmup

Antigone poster

Kissa ja tyyny

Pietarinkatu Rooftop

Eeva warming up

Sea day, near Grand Cayman
Super Boiling Hero RamenKing
03:08 / 18.10.05
Nice work all of you.
02:09 / 23.10.05
Belle Olu photos by your father, following the link, are absolutely AWESOME. What a talent. He's right up there in the top ten of any I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing that with us!

On a totally different topic.... My contribution to this thread. Composite pic of Anna's juvenile male hummingbird preening on the rim of a tomato cage in my back garden. In adult plumage, all his head feathers will be the color of the gorget (brilliant magenta, when the light hits it right). You can see some of them starting to come in, looking like spots on his face. (More of my pics on flickr.)

10:59 / 23.01.06
AAarrgh, it´s cold! Last night we had - 20°C! I need to go outside (it´s still - 16°C, "subjective temperature" being - 22°C), but I´m still procrastinating. Maybe my shopping will marvelously arrive at my door step without me having to go out and actually get it from the supermarket?

Anyway, here´s are two pics of icecrystals I discovered on my window this morning.

00:21 / 13.02.06
Image hosting by Photobucket
19:23 / 12.03.06
Some great photos here people. Really like the icecrystals Mistoffelees and your theatre shots Wembley.

I've currently got a bit of an obsession with statues of angels in cemeteries and took these a couple of days ago in Abney Park Cemetery in Stoke Newington. They may be slightly twee i'm afraid.

21:38 / 12.03.06
That last one looks like a petrified Drew Barrymore.
21:55 / 12.03.06
You're right, it does look like Drew Barrymore. I don't recall telling the statue to do a 'disappointed but saucy english teacher' look.
All Acting Regiment
18:14 / 25.03.06
Oxford Road in silver light:


19th century factories, 21st century tower block:


Roman walls and trench, 21st century tower block:


Clock Tower:


Early morning trees:


19:48 / 25.03.06
Love the Oxford road shot Legba. Great contrast and the perspective works a treat. Beautiful photograph.

Can't see much going on in the Clock Tower pic though i'm afraid.
All Acting Regiment
23:51 / 25.03.06
I know, it's weird- are you using an LCD monitor? I find if you stand up and look at the picture form above you can see the shape better. Don't know why that should be, but I can definitley see the clock tower when I do that...
09:45 / 27.03.06
Yes, that´s true, I tried it: you can even see windows up in the tower!
All Acting Regiment
13:41 / 27.03.06
That'll be my spooky stylin'. Optical illusion in a world of ghosts, slap that drum, hit the outer edge of that ripplin' clothlike shit!
12:22 / 29.03.06
I recently got a digital camera (that didn't take pics like I got it free with a packet of Cornflakes) Hopefully I'll get better but here are a few from a recent trip to Swizerland

I quite like the last one, sort of Skull Island vibe going on (Skull Island with Snow).
All Acting Regiment
16:52 / 06.04.06
Those Switzerland pics are amazing! They remind me of the landscapes in Herzog's Nosferatu.

Here's a shot I took of an abandoned building. I think it used to be the government employment agency. It's condemned, but I want to get in and have a look, am I naughty?


Here you've got Picadilly tram station, the lower orifice of the impressive glass structure of Picadilly train station. Seems half finished and spooky. Intersection between banal plastic walls and deep wiring and pipes.


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