So I went to the [east] Berlin zoo today, and took hundreds of pictures, and these I like well enough to post them.

A giant hall for lions, built by socialists.

There were many flying hounds in this hothouse, but they were too fast for me, so here are some flowers.

My friend told me, that guy started posing the second he saw my camera, just like her cat at home.

Like most photos, this is only about 20 % of the original picture. Most animals were at least ten feet away.

Don´t know what his problem was. It was 30°C at the time, so possibly going for some heat reduction?

Another poser, living in a giant sandcastle.

Shaggy wolf, probably feeling the coming thunderstorm.

Just two camels, enjoying each other´s company.

Dude crossing the zoo lane.

There were many of these floating around, he was the most photogenic.
If you want to see larger versions, reload them in a different tab (or there might be more ways to see them enlarged). |