er, it was trash that was left by gypsys... or possibly new age travellers, but I think gypsys, because of the nature of the rubbish left behind. no slur intended, it was just what I saw. I totally respect the nomadic way of life. and I understand that they leave trash behind when they go because they don't pay rates and therefore are not officially deemed to merit an official rubbish collection like housedwellers.
it was certainly not my intention to offend, and I didn't really even consider that anyone would find it offensive. it's just a document of what I saw that day. perhaps 'trash left by travellers, either gypsy or new age' would be more accurate- a lot of old gas canisters, excrement, childrens clothing...
I will edit it with a new title.
I am not going to be on barb for a while- if anyone is still bothered by it, then please contact the moderator to have that photo removed, you have my permission- please refer them to this explanation. all the best, wnf |