BARBELITH underground

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Photos: Pretty Pictures (PICS...many of them. You have been warned)


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foolish fat finger
21:59 / 13.04.06
trash left by unknown travelling occupants of a park-up, near Stockport city centre...

a guy lives under this bridge. this is his doorway. I saw his sleeping bag laid out and his rucksack... and then I got out of his house...

an ATC I made last year... Ziriconia #7
06:01 / 14.04.06
Finger, I think you're practicing racism with the "gypsy trash" comment. Why?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
07:29 / 14.04.06
Yes, please, finger, could you either explain or apologise and edit your title.
foolish fat finger
21:36 / 14.04.06
er, it was trash that was left by gypsys... or possibly new age travellers, but I think gypsys, because of the nature of the rubbish left behind. no slur intended, it was just what I saw. I totally respect the nomadic way of life. and I understand that they leave trash behind when they go because they don't pay rates and therefore are not officially deemed to merit an official rubbish collection like housedwellers.

it was certainly not my intention to offend, and I didn't really even consider that anyone would find it offensive. it's just a document of what I saw that day. perhaps 'trash left by travellers, either gypsy or new age' would be more accurate- a lot of old gas canisters, excrement, childrens clothing...

I will edit it with a new title.
I am not going to be on barb for a while- if anyone is still bothered by it, then please contact the moderator to have that photo removed, you have my permission- please refer them to this explanation. all the best, wnf
22:00 / 14.04.06
I don't know if people are finding the photo itself offensive, or what you implied about gypsies (leaving their trash/ gypsy = trash). I would be placated if the title of the pic was altered to simply say "garbage".
16:06 / 15.04.06
foolish fat finger
19:36 / 15.04.06
I dunno, I respect gypsy's and especially 'New Age' Travellers, but it is true I have often seen both groups leave huge amounts of rubbish behind when they leave a park-up. this was rubbish left by a travelling community. so that is why I titled it so. I haven't expressed an opinion about it, I am just saying, I have seen this with my own eyes. I don't consider this racist. and indeed, I lived on a residential gypsy caravan site last year.

I don't think this is a... actually, I am really not all that bothered. I have defended gypsies to the hilt with a friend who sometimes read the daily mail, now I seem to be accused of being anti-gypsy. well, I have met many gypsies, and a few other travellers, and I know what I believe... I am not motivated by hatred of gypsies.
foolish fat finger
19:51 / 15.04.06
... er, furthermore, I would have deleted this pic, as it seems to be causing some consternation... but I thought that might look like I was admitting I WAS prejudiced against gypsies... and hand-on-my-heart, I am not. I love gypsies- I listen to gypsy-punk music, I read books by gypsies, I lived with some of them last year, and I am thinking about buying a gypsy caravan to live in. the only problem is that it would have to be horsedrawn, I can't handle the mechanisation thing...

anyway, make up yr own mind. it's actually rubbish I don't like, who-ever leaves it. I got a few photo's of rubbish- it's just this one happens to be the most biggest pile of rubbish... the most/least photogenic.
13:23 / 16.04.06
And I think people are fine now. Thanks (non-sarcasm)
All Acting Regiment
09:51 / 17.04.06
Thanks for changing it, Finger.

Is that a self-portrait, Nathan Jones? Either way, you've captured the features well and the expression is one of those that says a lot. I'm unfortunately not very good at critiquing portraits but that's a good one.
foolish fat finger
17:46 / 17.04.06
cheers guys. it's been interesting defending a pic that is basically a load of old rubbish...anyway, back on topic- I like the pic of the stick, Nathan...
19:13 / 28.04.06
(right click and do "view image" to see them bigger)

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All Acting Regiment
19:21 / 28.04.06
Some flowers I spotted:


To us, it's a railway bridge- to the birds who live on it, under it and around it and in the nearby canal, it's a palace:


My cat, again. I indulge. She is hott:

All Acting Regiment
19:29 / 28.04.06
This is one of my other cats:



A security camera dwarfed into insignificance by the moon, drifting beyond all control.

(Recognise this place, metro.tramp?)
All Acting Regiment
03:22 / 29.04.06
Wow- TeN, you're back, in Ultra form! Those are ace!
03:51 / 29.04.06
muchas gracias, Legba.
I figured after my last experience with photography and Barbelith I'd have to BAM! Kick it up a notch!
foolish fat finger
20:01 / 29.04.06
I really like the photos, TeN, esp the wrekked car...

I like yrs too, Legba. the flowers look sad. wasn't certain of the places- the bridge is somewhere nearish to where the Comedy store is, and the other, 'moon' pic, is it just off Oxford road? well, I am presumin it's Manc anyway, ha ha!
foolish fat finger
21:11 / 29.04.06

my friend entitled this 'Vlad's foot in beast's mouth'. I am Vlad, and that is my foot...

Chinatown, Manc, by night...
All Acting Regiment
18:23 / 30.04.06
Thye bridge is just near Deansgate station, Waggles, and you were right about the Oxford road one.

Ten- what kind of camera/other stuff were you using for those?
18:31 / 30.04.06
all of them are 35mm, shot with my pride and joy - a Nikon F SLR bought second hand by my father in the 70s and handed down to me
I can't remember what film, but it was all 400 ISO
All Acting Regiment
00:12 / 07.05.06

This lives on Prince's bridge.


A different one on the next bridge to the east.
07:10 / 08.05.06
TeN, those are brilliant - did you use extra lighting for the portraits?

Got some newish ones on the flickr page...

a random selection:

found in a bin round the back of college...

boat party

creeper at the allotment

MNAC window
10:25 / 08.05.06
TeN, those are great.
Jack Vincennes
20:14 / 08.05.06
Indeed -were they for a project you're working on, or just things you wanted to take photos of?
22:15 / 08.05.06
thanks, guys
no extra lighting on any of them
the first two are to accompany an interview in a zine i co-edit
the rest are just me having some fun
jeed - i really like the 1st and 3rd shots
16:07 / 11.05.06
Cheers, random/lucky snappage really...

I'm intrigued by the colours you got in yours though (especially the carwreck ones), what film are you using? Any 'shoppage?
18:02 / 11.05.06
I think the film was Kodak High Definition 400ISO Color Negative for the color ones, Kodak TMax 400ISO Negative for the B&Ws

the colors are for the most part just what I happened to capture, no strange processing or anything like that.
the one exception to this is the clouds - the color on those were achieved by holding the lens from a pair of tinted sunglasses up to my camera lens at an angle

I did some minor photoshopping, but only with brightness/contrast, nothing color-related

the color in the car photos are pretty much how I remember them in real life. that was a pretty remarkable find. me and my girlfriend (she's the one standing on the car) were walking through the woods and just stumbled upon it.
All Acting Regiment
08:38 / 15.05.06
I like walking along the canals in the early morning when there's no-one around.


This bridge is like something bees might make.


Dracula's Castle


And finally, look at that big organic confluence of bricks, stones, different eras and different conditions that makes up the canal bank.


I really want to get in and have a look at the underground Salford Junction Canal
Korso Jerusalem
17:11 / 16.05.06
Trisexual Christ, we have some good photographers here.

Here's some of my meager offerings:

All were taken with a Nikon D50. I love that camera more than words can describe.
20:11 / 16.05.06
some nice shots there, Phallicus
what's written on the candleholder in the second pic? (if that is in fact what it is)
Korso Jerusalem
22:42 / 16.05.06
Oh, that says "Don't be afraid of the night air", I think.

I should have given more detail on that shot. That one was taken at Jack Kerouac's grave, and that "candle holder" is actually a coffee cup that people leave whiskey in, as a kind of offering to the beat master.
23:57 / 16.05.06
my first thought was that it was a coffee cup, but figured that didn't make much sense
that's really cool
01:11 / 24.05.06
wow. just spotted this thread.

Excellent work by all.

And yes, legba, I recognise the exit from Geoffrey Manton all too well. In fact i took my final 'walk of freedom' that way not two days ago...

Manchester sure is an ugly place. But some of that ugliness sure can be beautiful.

I especially like the empty battered buildings that edge onto the canal.
12:14 / 26.05.06
13:14 / 26.05.06
Squirmelia, that's incredible

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