Two more episodes aired in the US last night, so
The Warlord ep was... okay. It was a bad fit for 22 minutes, as it tried to establish two new Leaguers (Stars and STRIPE); introduce (and then dispose of) a new locale complete with its own history, heroes, and factions; give us a big rock of kryptonite as a Maguffin; and have no less than three villains, while tying the whole thing in to the Legion of Doom. They apparently decided to do all this by paring the actual plot back to practically nothing, which left the episode feeling both overstuffed and thin.
The other was a lot better-paced, and had some gorgeous fanboy-servicing moments—rendering the Viking Prince's story via what looked like genuine Kubert art, rather than animation; Wonder Woman changing into her costume by spinning around really fast (a nod to the '70s live-action show; J'onn entering human society (though I'm a bit disappointed he didn't reprise his quasi-beatnik look from the Gerard Jones miniseries)—and I sorta dug the reading from Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" for the funeral.
But the premise didn't hang together after a moment's examination. Odin made the Prince immune to metal, wood, fire, and water, leaving him utterly invulnerable... except to, y'know, a kid throwing a rock. Some invulnerability.
Sidenote: the Teen Titans / Doom Patrol thing was cool, too: the Chief has been written out, leaving Mento as team leader, which kinda bugs me, but—MONSIEUR MALLAH! THE BRAIN! In a mechanical body that LOOKS LIKE A DALEK! Fried gold. Second part next week. |