Yeah, the "every panel is widescreen" thing can get a little old after a while.
John Cassaday himself weighs in on the costume thing, from a recent interview at The Pulse:
>> THE PULSE: What kind of new designs or elements are you incorporating into the Astonishing X-Men?
CASSADAY: Actually, at the first meeting Joe and I had, I told him that if I agreed to do the book, I'd want to put them back in costumes and shake it up. And without me knowing it, that's exactly what Joe and Marvel were wanting. To that end, some of Joss' story deals with the "why?" of the costume argument. I won't go into it here, but the team has very specific reasons for suiting up in costumes. Costumes, not uniforms. I like the leather look of the movies as well as Grant's run, but for the comic, it's time for change. My designs deal with the costumes looking less like painted-on spandex, and more realistic. More like thicker protective material that a hero might truly wear. Still tight, but not paper thin. Then I start with the detail elements and patterns. Some of which, I'm sure you'll recognize. I'm keeping it as simple as possible. Early on, certain parties involved were looking to have the characters loaded up with all sorts of pouches and extra belts and ... stuff. Pointless stuff. I did away with practically all of that and did my best to streamline the outfits. These people are about what they can do, themselves. They don't need pouches and five armbands and headbands and six buckles on their head ... You get the idea. All along I wanted to bring the designs back to what they were in the first place. I think we've gotten too far away from the simplistic beauty of the original designs.
He also hints that maybe, just maybe, some other familiar members of the X-Men will show up and drop in during Joss' 12-issue arc. You heard it here first! Let the speculation begin! 
It is funny (and spot-on) how points out how stupid the whole 'let's add buckles and pouches galore for the hell of it' movement was, like Jim Lee's old Cyclops costume... |