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Lateshifting 'Round the World


Page: 12345(6)78

21:16 / 16.02.04
Fine thanks - bit sleepy. And I have to bring my passport and P45 into work, these being a couple of the fairly small number of things I own that can demonstrate my identity, so I will no doubt get a bit tense about that.

Ah well. Sleep well all - would love to stay and chat but 3 hours' sleep last night is eating my head.
21:20 / 16.02.04
Alright, or what?
Saint Keggers
21:25 / 16.02.04
Congrats to Rant on his/her first post!!!!
Now let the ass-candling beging!!!
21:27 / 16.02.04
A plank, if you please...
Saint Keggers
21:31 / 16.02.04
Im sorry but we have rules and regulations that must be observed to the letter. You will be ass candled...however you may chose the colour of said candle.
21:33 / 16.02.04
There is something in the water this week. Sheesh.
Saint Keggers
21:34 / 16.02.04
Yes. I believe it was Nemo. heheheheh
21:36 / 16.02.04
But where is Anna de L. when we need her? Or were you candled by someone else? She is the best, you know.
Saint Keggers
21:41 / 16.02.04
Excuse me Gb! I'll have you know that I wa featured in Ass Candling Digest and was the featured ass-candler for the 2003 issue of Parafin Penatrations. My technique is still the subject of much reverence by may practitioners of the art. The whole birthdaycake maneuever...mine!
21:51 / 16.02.04
I prefer the variation. You know, the one with the trick candles that won't blow out.
gotham island fae
21:54 / 16.02.04
Mono and Stoatie hitchin' up hardcore! What a lovely couple. I didn't catch it either, gb.

You know I never received my own ass-candling. I guess it was always assumed one was there, intermitantly. Welcome, Rant!

Good to see such fine spirits, Keggers! Keep on, Zir.

There always a little somethin' in the barbe-water, Maz. Sometimes strycnine (sp) sometimes LURVE-potion #9.

Thirty-eight hours without nicotine-tinged smoke. EEEEE!
Saint Keggers
21:54 / 16.02.04
Yeah..that's always nice for a change. What you dont want to do is go for the exploding candles. No matter how much they may deserve it..its such a oain in the ass to clean up!
Saint Keggers
21:58 / 16.02.04
that should be 'pain not oain.

Mono and Stoatie could name their kids either Montie or Stoano. (Im going for Montie 'cause the other sounds like something you use to clean the drain)
But either way... Congrats to them!!!

ps Fae Mage: Im a he, not a zir
gotham island fae
22:05 / 16.02.04
I'll be certain it's Sir, next time, Kegz.

[waits to see if Keggers really hates all that neo-language crop (read: bad spelling/Z-shit) or just prefers it not be used directed his way]
22:06 / 16.02.04
Oh, sorry Keggers. I obviously didnt experience your candles, you being the 2003 champion ass-candler, whereas Anna de L. was clearly in her prime earlier, and owned the title when I was a newbie in 2002. So sorry to be mistaken, though I hope to reach those giddy heights of glory this year, once she's trained me up nicely.

Evening Mae. I do hope the 18 inches was for both sides together, and not just one by the way. Even so.. I have to say, I would love to have seen her face. Ang is a genuis.
gotham island fae
22:18 / 16.02.04
From head to head, gb. I picked up the smaller one, explaining I wanted to compare it to my own little pink, slightly sloped model. Though hirs and mine are the same size, hirs comes to an evenly sloped point whilst mine angles a bit. Folk found it funny.

And it was a lot of fun, personally, to have my bonds come out of the bedroom and spark discussion.
22:30 / 16.02.04
hey bunnies, 'sup? just got home from work, too lazy to make anything to eat... shame on me, I should be writing something, *anything*, to flex some feeble muscles, but the Internet won't let me! ack...

congrats fae mage, that's veeery nice! keep it going!
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:31 / 16.02.04
"Thirty-eight hours without nicotine-tinged smoke. EEEEE"

well done sir. I'm on two days, but feel much less of a smoker than i did.
gotham island fae
22:33 / 16.02.04
Oh, Jade! Why do you have to come in right as I'm leaving for rehearsal?

...pouts/scuttles out...
gotham island fae
22:36 / 16.02.04
And BiP here too!!! Why do the godz hate me so to tease me with these?!?

Seriously, may your eve's be blessed and gay, LUVed ones. I need now head away to Roman Forums where much Funniness occurs and fidelity is thrown about like a rag-doll.
22:40 / 16.02.04
Night Fae. Oh and I think keggers dislikes Zs and LUVz no matter which direction they go in.

*pokes Jade* Good evening young man. I've made you some food. That'll save you some hassle.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:43 / 16.02.04
well, i've just realised that it's definitely time for bed, and knitting awaits.

hope the roman forums are suitably amoozing...
Saint Keggers
22:52 / 16.02.04
G'night B.I.P!
(goodnight john boy!)

Keggers dislikes the use of the 'Z' when an 'S' is required. Especially if its used in such crap words as "skool or rulz"
Lets face it: anyone who is oldschool doesnt have to say it. And they dont have to misspell it!
22:57 / 16.02.04
Dang it, I always wander off at that half hour when everyone I haven't talked to in an age both arrives and leaves.
23:11 / 16.02.04
bye then, Fae... we catch up later, I guess

and gingerbop, re fixing me this fine meal, that is some big nasty spoilage you're doing there, hun... I'm not used to that! xx
23:20 / 16.02.04
So where are you? It's getting cold!

Keggers, I share your contempt of this.

Oh, and we have a newbie called King Ginger. It must be ensured he is thoroughly ass-candled for naming himself thus. And a Be-Wop-Bop or someone similar joined a while ago. I panicked, sent a PM asking who the hell was gonna be Bop now, and then they changed their name. Oh well. Unintended, but someone else would have been Bop, and King Ginger would be ginger... and I'd be pushed out of the whole social system. *sniff*
Saint Keggers
23:32 / 16.02.04
Oh Gb! Dont be so melodramatic..we'd never let that happen to you!
You're our resident young'un!
23:47 / 16.02.04
ginger bop, panick you not. you're always be the 'liths #1 source for gingery boppishness...

(yeah, right, go on and laugh at the foreign with the syntax problem...)

damn housemate is late! we had agreed on watching a flick together, now I'll have to go to bed in like half an hour and he's still not here... damn... on other news, the brutal heatwave is gone. Now we're soaked in humidity, but at least is a little colder...
23:51 / 16.02.04
You know, my dear, I am by no means the youngest young'un! I could name at least 3 younger young'uns than I. But do they count as resident if they merely lurk?

I see myself more as a Youth Ambassador.
Bring me my Ferrero Rochers.
Saint Keggers
23:55 / 16.02.04
No...lurkers dont count.... They're like pond scum. You know its there but it doesnt affect you as long as you swim deep.

And, maybe they're better over there, but here, Ferrero Rochers are horrid things.
23:58 / 16.02.04
ooo, housemate here!

people, see you tomorrow, nice being around, as always. ginger: well, you know ir!

Oh and a wacky story: was rolling a homemade cigar when noticed ants crawling on the slice of weed I have, they've been chipping off the thing! I noticed them tiny crawlers all over me just now, and they must be tripping really hard! hehe, they must think I'm a moving mountain, or something.

But, maybe, just maybe, that's how they see us already, right? And no, I didn't smoke yet. See ya!
00:10 / 17.02.04
Wow! What fabulous ants you have. Goodnight my dear, shall send over your dinner.

Well, I love them, but my mum insists they're foul. Nut in chocolatey goop with wafery layer and more truffley chocolately goop, then a chocolate shell with bits of almonds or something in them? My dad's patients used to give him lots at christmas. MMMmmmMM.

I have a friend who lives in a house owned by americas who are never there. The only request of the americans is that they answer the phone "Hello Ambassador House?" His dad insisted on a small ferrero rocher pyramid by their front door.
00:43 / 17.02.04
(Bows before ms bop as he enters)

Oh, great, now I've been reduced to "pond scum". I mean, you could have said something foul-mouthed and excessive and allow me to get childish and curse repeatedly at you, but this way, I'll just have to nod and return to the cave I crawled out of.

Oh, and I happen to be fifteen. Younger than bop, the old hag. Sheesh.
But then, she *is* the lither youngsters representative. So I'll hush. And I'll hide. And I'll luuuuuuuuuuurk.

(Bows before ms bop as he leaves, returning to the shadows from whence he came...(whence? is that a word at all? if it is... i know it?? oh my))
Saint Keggers
00:45 / 17.02.04
I feel old.
00:45 / 17.02.04
Off to bed, pondscum. Return only once you have 100% in your german test.

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