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Lateshifting 'Round the World


Page: 1234(5)678

22:39 / 14.02.04
*pokes jade in return, enjoying it a little too much*

I've had a similar sort of day, though I bought a cool tshirt that has 3 VW campervans on the front. A tribute to the conception of my siblings.

Tomorrow Im going to have to get up at 8am, which I havent done for a long time, cause Im going to gym training with another team. Im bricking it. I know nobody there, and when I called the guy to ask if it was still ok, he said "you know.. we do lots of conditioning..." and once I've called his house to ask about it, I can hardly go "fuck no! I cant be arsed with strength training, I dont mind being a pathetic wuss."
So Im currently praying for my survival for the next 14 hours.
22:59 / 14.02.04
Bedhead: It's "The Last Castle", and I hope sometime into it (the flick) someone mops the kitchen floor with redford's face. Just for you...

Off now, back later.
23:02 / 14.02.04
You'll kick ass, Ging.

Just taped "Dead Man" and "Ghost Dog." Having this free digital cable trial is working wonders for my video collection.
23:13 / 14.02.04
That'll only be if I get to bed soon... and Im not feeling extremely tired, due to getting up at 1.30pm today, and having a nop from 7.30 til 9.

Has anyone seen the advert for out-the-pack,into-the-wok noodles? It strikes me as just fucking lazy. "No boiling needed!" -because you have to boil noodles for all of 4 minutes. Where do they find these people? *tsk*
Whereas pot noodles.. now they're good wholesome food, and I prepare them nurturingly. I dont think I'll leave this one for another penicillin experiment, lest I get a bollocking for not helping with housework.

Oh. And if that guy says one word about how I havent been doing those stupid leg-holding-up excersizes he told me to do, I will kick some ass, and show him my legs are plenty strong enough. RARGH!

Night night my lateshift lovelies. x
20:04 / 15.02.04
Hmm. He didnt moan too much about my conditioning. He did however recommend I do 20 hours of gym A WEEK. But its ok: I wouldnt be going on a friday!

In my club, all the coaches think Im a star, and I work so hard etc. I got to the other club today, and during the warm-up... I dont know what it was. I think I might have had a panic attack (short of breath, suddenly really sweaty, dizzy, felt like I was going to vomit, but from my lungs, not my stomach). Dont know if it was that, and because I was nervous, or whether the warm-up was too much for me. Surely not.

Anyway- those girls are about 12, and made me feel so pathetic. They just kept goingandgoingandoingandgoing forever.

Good evening lateshifters. I am a revitalised person. Of sorts.
Cat Chant
20:32 / 15.02.04
Twenty hours a week, gb? When would you sleep?
Cat Chant
20:36 / 15.02.04
And I don't suppose you know offhand what NEWTs Hermione is doing, do you?
20:55 / 15.02.04
I'm racking my brains, Deva, but I'm not even sure it is mentioned, Hermione not being Harry and thus important..

On books, I found the happiest thing in the world over the weekend (actually, the third happiest, the happiest involving shrews and the second happiest involving the destruction of a copy of "The Beach"). That thing was "Flesh and Blood", by Graham Masterton. I have never read anything by this man, but I feel I have now explored his darkplace just by reading the back of this book. A man kills his children, because they have been possessed by the Green Traveller (OK). However, one of the dead kids is the donor in an attempt to graft human genetic material into Captain Jack, the world's biggest pig (the size of a small car, we are helpfully informed).

Well, bugger me. I have just one question. Why? Why, confronted with a pig the size of a small car, does one attempt to graft in the genetic material of a dead child? Why, in fact, does one have a pig the size of a small car to start with? It's just *brilliant*.
20:57 / 15.02.04
No, cant think offhand. My sisters had my book for the last 6 months and claims she still hasnt read it. I know she started it.. so how it is possible not to finish?

Im thinking, 20 hours a week is a lot, but I dont have a job just now, and could do with something keeping me sane. My parental units might go insane, however. What with that being 6 x 50 mile trips per week, 3 of them being to a barren dump with nothing to do, whilst hanging around for 4 hours.
21:23 / 15.02.04
Mental note to self- buy acopy of that Masterton book tomorrow. It sounds awesome.
21:43 / 15.02.04
I just ate shortbread. I have a funny shortbread story.

At christmas time, my dad went to my sisters house when she wasnt in. He'd been told that my niece had made him some shortbread, and that it was on the kitchen table.

So he ate some; and thought 'fuck, that was awful!' & nearly broke his teeth on the stuff.

Later, my sister asked him why he hadnt eaten any of his shortbread. Simoultaniously my niece asked where her christmas tree decorations had gone. Her 3 year old, varnished christmas decorations.
Cat Chant
21:55 / 15.02.04
Keep us posted on the Masterton book, Haus!

I looked up where it tells us what Harry has to do in order to become an Auror, which was the only place I can think of that might have Hermione's NEWTs choices in, but to no avail. Plus every time I open it I find a line like "Snape eyed Harry, tracing his mouth with a long, thin finger as he did so" (love that ambiguous "his", the slash writer's joy and despair) and get distracted.

I just wrote a not-to-be-sent letter to, like, Keith Fell In Love With A Girl's girl. (Except my version of same [some years down the line], obviously. I am not stalking Keith and his girl.) Eating shortbread would have been a better decision.
22:06 / 15.02.04
Foolishly, I did not purchase "Flesh and Blood", so we are just going to have to imagine what a pig the size of a small car would do when possessed by the genes of a child, which is in turn possessed by the Green Traveller. I reckon shortbread will be involved. Tenebrous shortcake.

My mistake was always to send the never-to-be-sent letters, which on the whole was a bad plan. Eventually, fortunately, I realised this. Was it originally a going-to-be-sent letter, or was it intended as therapy/catharsis, Deva?
22:12 / 15.02.04
According to Masterton's website the book features "eviscerations and decapitations aplenty".
22:18 / 15.02.04
Evscerations I can see (presumably the world's largest pig is a boar, and as such has tusks, which are basically pefect for your eviscerating), but decapitations? The only way I can see a pig the size of a small car decapitating somebody is by biting their head off. But pigs are herbivorous/gramnivorous, aren't they? So why the biting? OK, it's possessed by the Green Traveller, but did you ever see a traveller bite someone's head off? Many travellers are vegetarian as well, as far as I understand it...
22:27 / 15.02.04
Evenin' all.
22:30 / 15.02.04
On which porcine note I will wish you all good night - must get some work finished up then go to bed.

Night all.
22:35 / 15.02.04
'night Haus.
Hooray! I have about six and a half hours left before I finish work for a whole week! Yay me!
23:32 / 15.02.04
Hello, hello. Just passing by... gotta sleep early, having to work tomorrow and so on... Haus, the green traveller is going backwards in time through the boy's lineage. He enters the body at the moment of death, and is now in the boy. The Green Traveller will *become* the world's biggest pig. Then he'll stuff with face with shortbread...

(...cane ominously closer now)
Cat Chant
07:56 / 16.02.04
Was it originally a going-to-be-sent letter

No, luckily - more an attempt to stop talking in my head to her-of-a-year-ago, who, y'know, doesn't exist any more. Actually trying to write as if I was talking to her-now, who I've never met, was kind of useful. Just not the cheeriest note on which to end the day. Oh well.
08:23 / 16.02.04
re green traveller: it made incredible sense, at the time. you sort of had to be there. here.
17:37 / 16.02.04
Haus, the green traveller is going backwards in time through the boy's lineage. He enters the body at the moment of death, and is now in the boy.

Hang on - he starts out, from our temporal perspective, in the body of the boy. Then he ends up in the pig. From his perspective, the Green Traveller was in the pig, and was then in the boy. This makes sense, as the Green Traveller can look out from the body of Captain Jack the giant pig and think "Oooh! Opposable thumbs! In many ways, they are actually more useful for terrorising than being gigantic and porcine, since with the best will in the world a very large pig is only about as scary as a slightly smaller bear, and bears are, although savage and not to be trifled with, a piece of piss to deal with from a helicopter". However, it raises as many questions as it answers. For one, why did he end up in the body of an enormous pig to start with? TBH, I have to mark that as a bad career move from the Green Traveller. Second, if the Green Traveller is going back in time through the boy's lineage, why was it previously (from its point of view) in a giant pig? Did the boy give birth to the giant pig? If so, is this why his dad killed him, or *how* his dad killed him. It would at least explain why they decided to use kid's DNA in the graft (although not why they decided to graft any human DNA into an enormous pig in the first place. It's already an enormous pig. What more do you want?) - genetic compatibility. Like donating a liver.

Also, does that mean that the kid's dad already has been possessed, will in is future be possessed, or is a gigantic pig? I like the idea of a battle between two gigantic pigs, each the size of a small car, but one of which believes itself to be a human being and thus keeps trying to commandeer helicopters... with hilarious consequences.

My head hurts. Ooh, and I have a job!
18:34 / 16.02.04
Haus, baby, you see your 8-yr old give birth to a pig, I don't think you have that much options left. You either kill the boy as is fit to any average abomination before the Lord, or you teach him how to pilot an helicopter. From there on, it kind of explains itself... boy, and I thought Infinite Jest was complex...

so, how's the new job?
19:04 / 16.02.04
Well, I sort of have to remind myself that it's actually just the same as the old job, except I get paid about £20 a day less, and I get holidays and paid sick leave instead of overtime. When you look at it like that, it's kind of unexciting.

Hoom. Still, now I know I'm there for a bit, maybe I can finally get the Hell into the office gym, which I still haven't even bothered to locate, much less patronise.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:04 / 16.02.04
I've read that book. It is more deeply and irredeemably fucked than even you guys are imagining. There is no shortbread. There is inbreeding though.
19:30 / 16.02.04
Pigs or people?
Cat Chant
19:49 / 16.02.04
I've read that book.

See? I knew you had occult knowledge far beyond the imaginings of mere mortals!
19:52 / 16.02.04
I've been to Inverness, Aviemore, Perth, Newcastle, York and London today now that's travel, alright I was on the train but still....ahhh barbelith.
Cat Chant
20:02 / 16.02.04
Hello, Bear. I am happy because it turns out the AUT strike is on the day I teach my four hours of tutorials! Yayy! Day off + activist brownie points!
20:49 / 16.02.04
Evening all.
20:51 / 16.02.04
*takes offence and goes to hide in a corner*
Saint Keggers
20:51 / 16.02.04
Hey All! (and a poke to all of you who've missed out on the joys of a keggers poke; should we, perchance, still be doing that.)
21:07 / 16.02.04
Hello darls,

Late night last night, so off to bed shortly - just wanted to say hello to the properly late shift. How is everyone?
Saint Keggers
21:13 / 16.02.04
I dont know about everyone else (sticks out tongue and makes Phbbbt! noises at them) but im doing just great!

and you?
21:16 / 16.02.04
Fine, other than taking huuuggggee offence that Bear doesnt love me anymore.

How did I manage to miss the fact that Mono and Stoatie are getting married? Its so exciting!

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