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About The Barbelith #496 thread... (PICS)


Page: 12(3)45

bio k9
00:07 / 18.11.03
bio k9
00:09 / 18.11.03
Flux=The Dennis Rodman of Barbelith!
(Too bad you can't change your name for another month...)
bio k9
00:10 / 18.11.03
Santa doesn't post here, does he?
bio k9
00:11 / 18.11.03
bio k9
00:14 / 18.11.03

bio k9
00:15 / 18.11.03
Apple Picker!
bio k9
00:15 / 18.11.03
Page 3?
bio k9
00:16 / 18.11.03
bio k9
00:16 / 18.11.03
But soon.

Unless I run out of posts for the day first.
bio k9
00:17 / 18.11.03
I love you all!
bio k9
00:17 / 18.11.03
8===>Q: alyn
00:18 / 18.11.03
Blaire! Thtop baking pun of be!
bio k9
00:18 / 18.11.03
(I love this thread so much I'm going to take it to 10 pages.)

Mods- get ready to add [PICS] to the thread title!
bio k9
00:21 / 18.11.03
Are the rumors true?
8===>Q: alyn
00:23 / 18.11.03
Oh yes, they are definitely true.
bio k9
00:24 / 18.11.03
bio k9
00:26 / 18.11.03
We wrote the book!

8===>Q: alyn
00:26 / 18.11.03
bio k9
00:28 / 18.11.03
bio k9
00:31 / 18.11.03
OK, that last one was lame. I will try to redeem myself.

Joycore can admit and learn from its mistakes.
bio k9
00:43 / 18.11.03

Not even you, instead thread.
bio k9
00:53 / 18.11.03
Bio K9 public internet meltdown MKII

We go back like babies and pacifiers.
bio k9
00:59 / 18.11.03
Once again:

Break out the syrup!
bio k9
01:05 / 18.11.03
Hi Cholister!
bio k9
01:07 / 18.11.03

No pancakes for me, fucker!
bio k9
01:08 / 18.11.03
I'm running on empty here.

Hi Mordant!
Murray Hamhandler
02:16 / 18.11.03
I wondered how the thread managed to balloon to ninety-six posts.


Too many posts for one Bio to be postin'
Too many posts for one Bio
To carry on
You're gonna post ninety-six posts
You're gonna post ninety-six posts
You're gonna post, post, post, post, now
You're gonna post, post, post, post
Ninety-six posts c'mon and lemme see you post, now
Ninety-six posts
I wanna see you post
Night and day, yeah, all night long
Uh-ninety-six posts post, post, post
C'mon baby, let me see you post now, all night long
Uh-ninety-six posts! Yeah! C'mon now
Uh-ninety-six posts!
Jack Denfeld
02:33 / 18.11.03
at the scarwash
03:10 / 18.11.03
This thread has been the most beautiful thing I have ever seen on Barbelith. Indeterminate bassoons and tubas, rumbles of thundering tympani. Righteous string sections slice through the formless void. The oboes join in, muttering ominously and confusedly. Slicing, staccatto flutes, clarinets and violins, chattering castinets! Ascending minor chords on duetting pipe-organs as the conflict heats up--and then angelic choirs, jaw harp, rainstick and plastic shofar as everyone goes home. Lastly, a tone-deaf boys choir sings a recessional over steel guitar, banjo ukelele, and brushed snare and congas. I almost creamed myself.
Tryphena Absent
08:14 / 18.11.03
When I grow up I want to be a pancake bunny!!
Our Lady of The Two Towers
08:58 / 18.11.03
OK, here are the general rules for life in the Conversation, maybe they should be added to the wiki or something:

1) Anything Flux starts or says in the Conversation is almost certainly a lie. If you don't understand it, don't worry because he's only written it to be understood by three people, two of whom don't even know Barbelith.
2) About 50% of what Flyboy says in the Conversation is a lie. If it's in a thread started by Flux then it certainly is, likewise if Flux is the first person to reply to Flyboy then it almost certainly is.
3) Tryphena Spark's reliability depends on whether the thread was started by Flux or Flyboy and whether she's at work or not.
4) If you object, or ask for their threads to be marked out, you will be objected to as 'Borecore', 'Part of the Haterix', etc etc. Flyboy and Flux work these out every fortnight by PM before deploying them into Barbelith. These too can be ignored.
09:28 / 18.11.03
Yes, if you don't get it, only three people do! Damn and blast all those people who know each other and have a lark!


Feel the Christmas spirit.
09:36 / 18.11.03
God gave you the motherfucking rock and roll!

"Ghengis greatly enjoys twinkies because of the excellent sugar rush!"
Tryphena Absent
09:39 / 18.11.03
As you can see rule number 3 is very obscure. That's because I may or may not be lying in Flux or Flyboy's threads. I am bound to lie in a thread started by Nick, Haus or Lurid though. Everyone else is subject to the same kind of treatment doled out to the F's unless you're Paleface in which case I won't lie in your thread. Even if I do tell the truth it may become a lie later or vice versa and being at work may or may not make me lie to induce interesting conversation. It depends how slow the board is on any given day.

Flowers, you're part of the haterix.
09:45 / 18.11.03
Being part of the Hatrix makes you a pimple on Vincent Gallo's cock.

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