Actually, I find this thread far more interesting as drama and as comedy than the original thread. From the first post to the "sincere apology", Flux has adumbrated basically the same points.
1) If you don't get the joke at once, you are stupid.
I'm sure that none of you needed to be told that, but just in case you were concerned that Barbelith was really about to be taken over by Mob Hackers, you need not worry about it.
I'll admit that it was very insensitive for me to work out this plan and not realizing that Tom may take even a ridiculous and clearly unbelievable threat to Barbelith seriously.
2) If you don't know all about these merry adventures, and thus locate the thread immediately in context, you are not spending enough time on Barbelith, should not be talking about Barbelith and are not fit to express an opinion *about* Barbelith.
We're writing a story, and I'm sure all of you who regularly read the Conversation forum (or have been involved with Barbelith in even the smallest way over the past few months) are aware of our fictional NYC adventures.
It isn't surprising to me that the three people who are reacting the worst to this particular situation are all people who have not been active in this community lately and can rather easily be accused of being very out of touch with the current culture of Barbelith.
3) Therefore, although you are free to contribute to these threads or not as you wish, it is incumbent upon you to read them and pay attention to them, lest you not be genned up enough on them to fall into trap (2). They are, in fact, the only threads on Barbelith you *must* read. However, you must also *not* read them if you are likely not to enjoy them, even though you must also read them as if you do not you are not spending enough time on Barbelith, should not be talking about Barbelith and are not fit to express an opinion *about* Barbelith
I'm sure all of you who regularly read the Conversation forum (or have been involved with Barbelith in even the smallest way over the past few months) are aware of our fictional NYC adventures.
If you don't like it, then don't read it.
4) If you feel others may not have been following all the other threads, and thus might not immediately "get" this one, then you are being patronising and assuming that everyone else, like you, fulfils condition (1). Obviosuly, everyone else has, because otherwise they would fulfil condition (2). As you do.
One would think that the inherant ridiculousness of our previous stories combined with the silly presentation in the #496 thread ("Lo! There Shall Be A Reckoning!") would be major hints that it was all a fiction, but Tom Coates and Nick have strong doubts about how smart/gullible the lot of you are
Why do some people have to insist that a) some people here are gullible idiots with no ability to suss out reality from completely preposterous fiction
Well, obviously we have to mark everything, because apparently we're a bunch of drooling idiots around here.
The addition of "Hey, it's just a joke. If you don't get it, you should at least not complain about it" (see point (3))clears things up for me; this whole thread is an opportunity for the boys to have as much fun as the lovers of Matrix Revolutions are having in that thread: constant repetition of a few points, logical incoherence, suggestions that the haters are defective both as readers and people, and the belief that others just don't get it. Next up, we get "Oh, I suppose I'm not *cool* enough to understand why this is a controversial action. I just enjoyed a good, fun thread with some great effects and an interesting philosophy", and the gag will be clear. |