Can I just say, I don't mean to drag this back down...
But y'know, all those threads about barbelith dying/crying/frying/being important/pretentious/doing something I don't quite understand...
I find them all a bit alienating, and full of references I don't understand, and all a bit.. frankly... precious. Don't get me wrong, I like this place a lot. And I don't care about those threads, I don't read them. I guess I don't even pay a whole lot of attention to the way this place "works". But this place is more than accessing every little thing that goes on that I don't know about and/or understand - but so often they are held up as "this is good, we are important and making this place good". It's more than that, right?
It's all so serious... and seriousness has a place. Yes. But seriousness can also, you guessed it, take you over, make you part of the Hatrix, cause you to be unmoved by pop music and remain unaffected by pancake bunnies.
Nobody wants that. Certainly not this man.

Steve there, has the big new bible book of new rules, so if anyone has a problem, we ask him.
But for now, he says "Steve Buscemi fans unite!" |