As I said in my message to Flux, which you appear to have read, I care about this for a fairly simple series of reasons: I wasted time I didn't have to find Tom and alert him to the fact that there might be (another) problem with the board. He then investigated, found out that there wasn't, and that this was some kind of involved game/prank. Tom expressed a degree of displeasure at this, and that apparently is unreasonable. The cry is going up, as ever, "What, you can't take a joke?"
This strikes me as obviously and simply rude. If your reality game includes a threat to Barbelith, it de facto includes a threat to Tom. He's first in the firing line. Anything which has consequences for the board in general - anything which implies that anyone should be scared - must first and foremost affect him. It would have been a simple courtesy to say, in advance, that there was no real threat. Certainly, having fucked up someone's day for no particularly good reason, it seems appropriate to say sorry.
Barbelith is a community, and this strikes me as akin to ringing 999 for a laugh. |