Jack Fear:
“So, to sum up your thesis: women and black people—they have secret arcane knowledge that white folks can emulate, but never truly understand”
Well they have been wobbling ‘round earth for so much longer, and most of the first spiritual knowledge springs from their minds, and it having something to do with the roots thing, like the Dogon tribe or …whatever
“Wonderful minds black folk have—so... intuitive, so naturally mystical... And women—so empathic so unbound by conventional logic...”
Empathic as in expressive significance?
Unbound as in infinite, that must be the colour of her skin speaking.
Conventional as dictated by the norm?
Logic according the science of reasoning? Seeking proof at all cost? Not bending to the linear thinking of male indoctrination? Or Logic as in Greek Logike? Or as in Logos?
But of course its very normal for a writer to create characters with skin colour resembling their own.
http://www.daghettotymz.com/matrix/matrixgallery12.html somebody should have asked the brothers what the signs and numbers stood for.
Jack Fear
“You kids today, You do not know the wonders held by the Barbelith of your fathers. We had proper lunatics on the board in our day, son.”
Oh yeh… the founding fathers of Barb understood the ways of the lunies, those were them days.
“Dude. The old-skool, original model, come to us from outside space and time to tell us The Truth.”
What can I say, my ship stranded and I was forced again to walk the earth in search of minds that I could convert.
“Why is anyone still interested in these films?”
Because they are about to bite... and creep into our real world
Our Lady..
“RRM, how do you explain the fact that the Wachowski brothers were all over the several hours long documentary The Matrix Revisited?”
Diversion…and Prevention
Because after http://www.daghettotymz.com/matrix/matrixgallery3.html (Only a few documents are free for the audience to read) it was of the utmost importance, for Warner to debunk any information coming out, and the best way to do this was to come out with Matrix Revisited. At that time they still did not realise that she never gave the brothers the original, which was a huge mistake on their behalf. At that time Warner was still convinced that they had the original work see their response letter to Sophia http://www.daghettotymz.com/matrix/matrixgallery4.html
“Surely if they wanted to pretend they had written it and not some woman they would have been more public in promoting the second two films?”
No, because they had not written it, they could not explain the content of these movies. With Reloaded and the Revolution they used her writings literally. They simply could not go out in public promoting their work, for they could not explain, they would have alerted the keen listener.. and if you did not write the story, then you not explain what the plot is, nor where you got the ideas. And what motivated you. And if one then asks you questions you would be nothing less then a mumbling fool, trying to dodge the questions. And a good journalist, especially those walking around in the movie world, know all about the falsehood of that world, and they know exactly what sort of questions to ask Also because of the case being in the rooms of lawyers already, they were not allowed to go out in public promoting the work as if it was their own, they could not handle more damage, than the damage that was already done.
Neo in Greek Neos, which means new as we all know. But Neo also means… Recast, lately found or… Invented.
In the Third Eye the character Neo is officially name I-Khan. One reminder was it not so that they were thinking of will smith at first for the role? Yet they choose the actor number 33 on the list, why? Because this is the number by which the one in the book was recognised as being the one. Also one thing, and to whoever don’t come with calling me a anti-semetic, the 2 bro’s are absolute jewish minds, so did nobody ever questioned the many christ-conscious references and christian myths and symbols? As well as the ancient Verdic myths/symbols? ???
“On the Matrix being derivative or outright stolen from other sources -
If it had been in the slightest it's own thing, instead of cobbled together from other (mostly - if not all - better) stuff, would it not stand to reason to expect it to, well, hold together better?”
Yep, If you did not write the story, then its meaning is not encrypted within your brain. And because they stole somebody else her ideas, they of course lacked the insights. And without the original insight, one can not create a understanding within the mind of the viewers, nor explain Reeves all about his character.
“I certainly believe the script has symbolic meaning and a message that's important for our culture/society, and some arcane/occult things thrown in here and there... but I doubt it was designed a mystical hypersigil”
Absolutely, aim of the whole story was to make people aware of our current reality…and the situation of our current affairs and what will happen if the people do not act and change this reality, her story is about explaining and predicting… that what you think you see is not that what you think you see… to make people aware of the many realities within the realities perceived by the bulk of the people…to try to make the people understand that we are the co-creators of our reality…that thought manifestation is real, and not some wishful thinking of new agers and not some nonsense coming from the way of ancient indian etc believes , the story is about warning the peoples and at the same time giving solutions which are very real and can be accomplished , its trying to make people understand that what you choose will define your future, as well as that what you cause will have an effect, and at the same time its trying to make people understand who the rulers are and what they are trying to achieve… its trying to tell the peoples certain things, which our rulers do not want the peoples to know, not yet anyway. The story is about creating an awareness in such ways that would make the people recognise that its not about just being some mystical movie, but that its actually about us, the here an now, hoping that people would understand how dangerous our society is evolving and that if we do not do any, meaning stand up and fight that what our rulers are planning for us ( which is actually manifesting since the last few years) we will become the machines. Fighting against the machines means nothing else than to fight against the technology that is surely and fast enslaving humanity. Its trying to tell the viewers that everything is put in reverse a long time ago, and that we are living our lives backwards, and its trying to tell you that there is no messiah, that christianity for instance has been used to fool the world, and that religion has been using the tale of a messiah in order to be able to proceed with their plans for absolute w-domination. That the messiah tale is used to make people sit and endure all the wrong doings of our leaders. For if a flock believes that a messiah will come to safe their sorry asses they will not stand up and resist, but wait for this messiah to come and safe them, not. Its trying to make people realise that we all are and can be messiahs, if we would just understand that we are all a part of the universal god, is source, to whom we are connected with through our heart, and that we all can create a different world, if we would just understand that we are the co-creators of our world and its affairs. Neo is not a messiah, rather he represents all of us. The symbols names and numbers if decoded , tell you all that they do not want us to know. But most of all the story was meant to make us recognise and understand, that we are not free peoples, and to create a absolute resistance within the mind of the viewers, against the system we live in.
To sum it up, look around you, do not look at the movie as being some fantasy tale, but look at it and pull it directly into the here and now, wake up, go back to the source, and get up and do something, fight for your freedom …
Sooner than most people realise we will be walking around like absolute controlled slaves of the new system that is being created by our world leaders right now. The world has been birthing new resistance groups for these last few years, everywhere, in the western worlds. These are the peoples who are trying to fight the system, which is creating absolute police states everywhere, meaning in the UK and the Netherlands as well. The year 2005 will confront many of us with absolute new control laws. The tracking of people has been openly announced this year already, the UK started with this last September and the Netherlands started with this last October. The new scanning pass-ports/ID’s have been introduced already. Why I am saying these things? The Matrix is not about the far future but about now, and the architect is not about one master mind but about all the few families who are pulling the strings… and we are their puppets, no matter what you believe.
“The aide (a senior adviser to President Bush) said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your *judicious study of
*discernible reality.'
I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and *empiricism. He cut me off.
'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an *empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality – judiciously, as you will –we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too,
and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors ... and you,all of you, will be left to just study what we do." –
Ron Suskind, New York Times Magazine, Oct. 17, 2004.”
Merge the Matrix with the here and now…
If not, we will be singing happy 1984, hello you brave new world, walking around and resembling the characters in Brasil, while saluting to the ways of Machiavelli ,discovering that what John Locke wrote was taken into consideration by our world leaders, and used to pull the blinds over our eyes, and wandering how come we did not see, all of a sudden remembering what Friederich Engles and Karl Marx said a long time ago.
Of course many of you will frown and will not be able to resist the temptation of telling me that I must be nuts, as well as not being able to resist the temptation of ridiculing moi
But as Jack fear and all who belong to the old school know very well… I enjoy a good ride.
How many satellites hang above your country? How many cameras hang in your country? How many mast are in your country? How many mobile phones? How many security measures and new laws have been added to your system? How much is done to ‘protect’ the peoples from terrorist attacks?
How long do you think you can enjoy the internet? Not that much longer
At the information-technology security conference in Washington they said;
"We still think the Internet is a free and open society with no control or accountability,but ultimately the Wild West must give way to governance and control.
How much ‘protection’ is needed before one can sing good morning 1984? |