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The Snide Throwaway Post Rejection Pile


Page: 12345(6)78

paranoidwriter waves hello
11:04 / 21.08.05
That boy needs therapy.
18:08 / 21.08.05
So, where does one place snide throwaway posts in response to snide throwaway posts in the snide throwaway posts thread?
Jake, Colossus of Clout
02:09 / 22.08.05
Oh, yes. That is so much more important than trying to keep two groups of fanatics from murdering each other.
04:20 / 22.08.05
Sterling achievement. Do you give anything else?
Jake, Colossus of Clout
06:29 / 22.08.05
Mmm. Does it get any crazier than this?
Goodness Gracious Meme
11:19 / 22.08.05
Someone get Flybs away from his computer for a bit, eh?


That's quite possibly the most annoying thing I've seen on Barbelith in all my time here. Well done for dropping the standard through the fucking floor.
Tryphena Absent
17:42 / 22.08.05
Every single post you write is centred on yourself and I can't stand it anymore. Try talking with people instead of at them.
Jack Denfeld
17:51 / 22.08.05
Well, excuuuuuuuuuuse me.
18:37 / 22.08.05
It's good that we're adults. Pronounced with a short a and the emphasis on "dults". In order to demonstrate how insincere I am being.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
18:43 / 22.08.05
Hey, I'm still laughing.
Spatula Clarke
19:34 / 22.08.05
I dont like you and you smell funny but not funny nice hmm odd whats that its strange but I think I like it funny funny err whats that it smells nasty funny yeah right and you only ever post stupid things right but not stupid funny stupid thats funny like the first funny that I said before but stupid like the second thing yeah thats how stupid you are and I bet you never even read a book by this guy I read a book by once it was all about how people think yeah I bet you never read that book or any other book like it ever because youre stupid yeah thats right stupid thick stupid like you cant even read anyway so obviously youd never have read that book or any other book like it what with not being able to read and all yeah Im going to tell the entire world about how thick you are yeah only instead of doing it in a way thatll mean I have to face the consequences of doing that Ill do it where you wont know if Im talking about you or not yeah because obviously its better to call you thick somewhere where youll never read it rather than actually addressing you in person yeah because otherwise I might have to think about what Im posting yeah and whether or not it actually does any good or achieves anything and I dont want to have to do that because I just want to say how stupid you are without having to do anything to back that up or try and alter the situation and even if that just means that the situation gets worse because it looks like Ive got together with all my friends just to talk about how stupid you are but only in such a way that you wont know whether Im talking about you or not only you will because who else could I be talking about unless it was you well maybe those other people I think are stupid but then I dont really care if they think Im talking about them because in a way I sort of am and if I piss them off at the same time then thats just like a bonus right anyway it sure beats having to back myself up or think about how to try and communicate with you and we dont want to be aiding communication here do we no because youre stupid and whats the point of that its much better to make it look like Im talking with all my friends about how stupid you are and how you smell funny only not the first funny the second funny yeah.

Spatula Clarke
19:38 / 22.08.05
Alt: This thread's still shit.
20:46 / 22.08.05
Alt: Are you on drugs? This thread is great. It's like having a LiveJournal, but with _everyone_.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:32 / 22.08.05
Alt: This thread's still shit.

Fair enough. From now on I'll post such things in the threads in question...
Spatula Clarke
23:19 / 22.08.05
It just makes me feel deeply uneasy and seems to be nothing more than a means to have a pop at somebody while removing their right to reply. I don't see what possible, decent purpose it serves.

Somebody upthread said that it makes the thoughtful people here think about the content of their posts more, wondering if the comments in this thread are aimed at them. Well, surely they're not the ones that any of this is meant for?

There's just enough bile, mistrust and paranoia on here without having to have a thread dedicated to stirring more up, y'know? If you want to call somebody a cunt, do it in the thread. If you're out of order, others will tell you. If not, they won't argue. Either way you'll have got some sort of message across.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
15:31 / 16.09.05
What, serious head trauma again, Nurse? That's the 10th case we've had today? Put him in examination room 4...
Yes, this case is just like all the others... The victim seems to have brought their head into sudden violent contact with their own arse with such remarkable force that appears to have been lodged there for quite some time. What terrible force drives these fools to such a wilful act of self-harm? TELL ME!
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
15:41 / 16.09.05
See, now my post makes even less sense...

Arriviste, wh'appen???
15:45 / 16.09.05
If you want to call somebody a cunt, do it in the thread. If you're out of order, others will tell you

Word, I'd rather Flyboy call me a twat in the relevant threads so I can figure out why.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
15:45 / 16.09.05
Gah! Now Smoothly as well! What's with the vanishing posts?

And now I'd have to move to have all three of these one's wiped to get back, er, 'on topic'.

I'm getting my coat.
Lilly Nowhere Late
16:38 / 16.09.05
It's funny how I think the same thing everytime I read one YOUR posts.
Lord Morgue
11:32 / 21.09.05
I consider Arachne to be the unofficial patron of political cartoonists, but that's a bit specific.
Every time someone mentions bringing the muses into it, I see rollerskates and Olivia Newton John, and every time Xanadu comes into it I think Frankie Goes to Hollywood, and then it's Robbie Coltrane striding out along that sea wall with the waves pounding around him, swinging that guitar case, on his date with destiny and mistaken identity. I challenge any of you to find a pair of underboobs better than Jennifer Saunders'.
12:01 / 21.09.05
Lord Morgue
09:08 / 22.09.05
And another thing- Spam Turkey! If Spam is a contraction of Spiced Ham, shouldn't turkey Spam be Spurkey?

You know it makes sense.

Hey, what are all you people doing in my Livejournal?
ibis the being
14:15 / 08.10.05
I wonder how your friend would react to your thoughts about how his gangsta attire causes racism and prejudice? But he's not really your friend, is he? He's actually just a guy in your Art History class you talked to once when you told him he jacket was fresh and now you sometimes say hello in the halls, isn't he?
17:07 / 08.10.05
Don't try to be snide, friend. There are people here much much better at it than you. And one of them is me, which is a sad, sad thing.
ibis the being
02:05 / 09.10.05
Me? I thought this thread was the equivalent of screaming into your pillow. If I can't scream into my pillow without hearing a critique on my screaming technique, I think I'm fucking done.
02:08 / 09.10.05
(No, that was a throwaway post. One which I unwisely resurrected, here, thus spitting on the basic mission of this thread, which was to keep easily-annoyed people like me from hurting tender feelings... oh well. )
ibis the being
02:14 / 09.10.05
Oh, sorry. Such is my ferocious self-loathing, I suppose.
02:20 / 09.10.05
(Nawt'tall. Incidentally, I thought it was quite a good scream.)
Jack Fear
02:41 / 09.10.05
(For purposes of clarity, might I suggest that further off-topic or metathread commentary be enclosed in parentheses, thusly? It worked fairly well for avoiding confusion—for the first couple of pages, anyway; the habit seems to have fallen by the wayside, but I reckon it's worth resurrecting, wot?)
Lord Morgue
13:06 / 09.10.05
Maybe we need a snide throwaway thread for snide throwaways from the snide throwaway thread. Like a metasnidethrowawaythread. Sort of thing.
13:11 / 09.10.05
That suggestion's not without precedent within this thread. It wouldn't be Barbelith without aspirations of meta-ness.
Jack Fear
10:39 / 12.10.05
(Parentheses, people!)

(And one cheap shot I've gotta get in):

Well, it certainly doesn't seem to have done you much good...
Jack Fear
15:53 / 13.10.05
Or, alternately, you could buy two copies of the trade as printed and do the job yourself with duct tape and a Stanley knife.
Lord Morgue
13:28 / 16.10.05
And you have the insufferable insouciance of a man who has had two vertabrae removed so he can suck his own penis.
You cunt.

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