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The Late Shift II: The Muppets Tonight!


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01:13 / 24.09.03
You know what a tuque is.

Go on then. You know you want to.
01:15 / 24.09.03
Almost all of those apply to the northerly New York, too. Does a field hockey stick count?
Saint Keggers
01:17 / 24.09.03
Yes I removed most of the ones that only canadians would get..
01:28 / 24.09.03
So are Stoatie and I in, Keg? Can we join the maple leaf mafia?
01:29 / 24.09.03
Yeah, do I finally get to oin a clique My mother'd be so proud.
01:30 / 24.09.03
Damn! The way this keyboard keeps missing letters and stuff, I'd better be REAL careful before I send out any of my work tonight!
Saint Keggers
01:32 / 24.09.03
As far as Im concerned you're both in. Now you'll just have to convince the other people in canada...
01:51 / 24.09.03
Now you'll just have to convince the other people in canada...

(Starts writing letters)
Dear Neighbor to the North,

Hi there! I'm an American-- Wait, don't tear this up, I didn't vote for Bush, and I'm not gonna start next year, that's for sure! I live in Upstate New York. Can we be friends? I'm not crazy I swear, and I really like Kids in the Hall.

Thanks very much!

PS. I can drive in three feet of snow with the best of them, without four wheel drive.
Saint Keggers
02:05 / 24.09.03

PS. I can drive in three feet of snow with the best of them, without four wheel drive.

Better take that line out or you'll be flooded with marriage proposals.
02:26 / 24.09.03
Hmm. Good point. But anyway, I have to sleep. Good night compartiots.
Saint Keggers
02:27 / 24.09.03
Goodnight ,eh!
02:48 / 24.09.03
Mourne Kransky
21:25 / 24.09.03
C'mon and chat with me - if you think you're hard enough. I am snarky boy tonight!

Well, no, not really. It's all an act. I'm just going to be a few moments scrubbing off my rejuvenating Body Shop face mask and applying some Esté Lauder Youth Dew...
21:33 / 24.09.03
God damn it, wouldn't you know it, I'm at work again! And therefore awake. (Though that doesn't always necessarily follow...)
Awright, Xoc! How ya doin'?
21:52 / 24.09.03
Xoc-"yeah great thanks"

Well, glad that out of the way. You seem to be working.. all the time. Surely the RSPCA have something to say about working hours of furry creatures?

Yet again, a day of no employment. What is the world coming to? It was also slightly depressing, bumping into a friend who left school on friday, and began work yesterday. Hmph. I think it's a conpiracy.
21:52 / 24.09.03
I skipped my afternoon class, and I'm trying really hard not to skip school tomorrow.
21:54 / 24.09.03
There was more to that post. I don't remember what it was though. Ginger, Stoat, Xoc, good evening. How were your collective days?
21:58 / 24.09.03
Not bad thanks, I collected mine in an ice-cream tub. It wasnt very interesting, but contained no nasty suprises.

Are you still at school, university, or were taking the piss in some way that my slow slow brain is yet to work out?
22:02 / 24.09.03
Grad school. I just couldn't take Scandinavian Drama today. My mind is not for Norway, not today.
22:10 / 24.09.03
Evening all! It's not that I'm working the whole time, gb, just that I post a lot when I'm working. O rather, when I'm at work. There's something of a difference! Although right now it feels like I am working all the time. But as of Monday I've got 3 weeks off! Yay me!

Currently getting all irrationally cross about copy-protected CDs which won't play on my work PC, thus costing me a fortune in walkman batteries. Grrr.

My day was okay... finished work, went and had breakfast in a cafe, went and had beer and video games at home, slept the best I've slept in ages, then got up to find someone had made me a packed lunch for work! It's all good. Apart from copy-protected CDs, obviously.
22:16 / 24.09.03
Jees Maz, you have confused me further. Grad school is... kinda like college/after highschooly thang? And norway? eh?
My brother is working in norway just now. He doesnt speak norwegian, and nobody else speaks english, and he's miles from civilisation that doesnt depend on feeding fish as a living. It sounds dire. From what i've heard, I want to avoid the whole of scandanavia. But perhaps im too easily influenced.
Saint Keggers
22:22 / 24.09.03
Hey all.
Its still rather early here but Im quite contented due to an over abundance of redwine at supper.
Any photographers here??? Im trying to figure out how to get a decent studio lighting set up using only the type of lights one would happen to have around the house...
Mourne Kransky
22:25 / 24.09.03
Norway is the sort of place best left at the back of one's mind, Maz. Time enough to go there when we're dead and the Winter is eternal.

Here in the lively, thrusting world just South of the Thames, I am thrilling to to late night camaraderie of the jolly old Lith and not in the least penitent about having spent the evening having a payday blow-out. I may be less pleased with my inebriate glow in the morning when I drag myself unwillingly from slumber and join the crowded, sweaty, miserable wage slaves on the bus to Camberwell.

But for now I'm chirpy as fuck and have stolen computer time as Ganesh goes strawberry hunting in the kitchen. Ah, he's back and I must surrender the machine. Oh well, have fun fellow barbelitos, chattering through the wee small hours.

I'm off to bed and hoping not to have the dream about the goldfish and the ichthyophagic salamander again. I blame that disturbed night on Frank Bruno because he was in my mind as I drifted off and I used to have two goldfish named after him.

*MWAH* Goodnight all.
22:25 / 24.09.03
Soz. I know nothing, NOTHING! I tell you, about photography.

Btw... [whisper] am I still secretly Canadian? [/whisper]

Where'd Xoc go?
22:29 / 24.09.03
In to the eternal winter.

I hope not. I think at one point, I had you down as canadian, so i reakon you probably are. I have to say, my exsister-in-law has given me tainted views on canadians (shes american) but then she had tainted views on a few things. *grrrrs* However, she was my underwear-fairy, so perhaps some alliegance still lies there.
22:29 / 24.09.03
Jees Maz, you have confused me further. Grad school is... kinda like college/after highschooly thang?

Grad school is post college/university. In my case, it's what you do to avoid real work. Of course, this is actually turning out to be a bit stressful, but it's slightly less depressing than my temp job was, because at least there's a purpose to it. The Norway reference is to a Norwegian playwright we're studying right now.

And goodnight, Xoc darling! Try to think of mammals.
Saint Keggers
22:30 / 24.09.03
Yes you're still secretly canadian! BUT DONT TELL ANYONE!!!

Im debating whether or not to put an add up in the local magick shop saying im looking for models for my tarot cards.
The possitive: people.
The negative: Telling most of those people..."You're not what I want!!!" and then trying to find a place to shoot those that I do want...
I think I might as well do my tarot dect with lego
Saint Keggers
22:31 / 24.09.03
oh yeah, sorry:
Goodnight Xoc!!
(I forgot)
22:31 / 24.09.03
I think at one point, I had you down as canadian

See! It wasn't just me!
22:36 / 24.09.03
Oh thank god.
But then, I also had Modrant Carnival down as a man. And Im still unsure about most. Rizla? People like Rizla make me glad of the word "ze".
22:39 / 24.09.03
Jesus! That is weird!

Kegboy... you may have been speaking in jest, but a Lego Tarot deck would be quite possibly one of the rockingest things ever.
Jack Denfeld
22:48 / 24.09.03
Fucking hell, why'd I sleep so late? I've missed like 11 days of class now, and school just started. If I withdraw and get my money back I won't get my extra pocket money from the Army every month, and I need that because I'm moving soon. If I don't withdraw and fail the classes, I'll have to repay the money the army gave me. Arrrgh.
Saint Keggers
22:51 / 24.09.03
Barbelith: home of the "what are theys?"
Baz Auckland
22:55 / 24.09.03
Mornin' all...

...Rizla's a guy I think...

...I think I met him once at an Alec Empire concert...

Jack: How long were you in the army for?
Char Aina
22:55 / 24.09.03
hey, kegboy, where do you live and what do you need?

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