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Doctor Who returns?


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09:28 / 26.05.04
Oh God, please let the "two hearts - and both are capable of being broken" stuff be bollocks...
12:50 / 26.05.04
The Autons were one of the few Dr. Who enemies that actually frightened me as a child, so I agree, this sounds great.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
13:19 / 26.05.04
Says the Media Guardian: "Hiring Russell T Davies to pen the BBC's new run of Dr Who was never going to produce anodyne scripts, and Monkey hears the Queer as Folk writer has turned the satire up to 11. In one episode, the members of the cabinet are displayed, Body- snatchers-style, as aliens hiding under human exteriors who only reveal their true selves when they lie."

I agree that the Autons are by far one of the best visual monsters. The scene where storefront dummies burst from their windows and gun down old ladies is amazing. I think Russet T is going to do a very good job if even one of the rumors I've heard is true.

So long as that rumor is not regarding the return of K-9.

With "Aliens of London," a modern-day Dalek Invasion of Earth two parter, and a rumored Mark Gattis-penned Cybermen tale, I think we have a lot to look forward to. I've heard that they are well aware that they have to be careful with the series and it's 'look.' So hopefully the CGI Daleks will jive well with what we have seen (look at the Dalek Invasion DVD for some very nice new effects of Dalek spaceships!


"White on black, ink on paper"
independent sci-fi comics
Mister Six, whom all the girls
18:38 / 02.06.04

Award-winning comics artist Bryan Hitch, the man behind titles such as The Authority and The Ultimates and winner of last year’s SFX Reader Award for Best Comic Book, is the concept artist for the new series. Says Russell T Davies, "This is entirely thanks to SFX. The Head of Drama at the BBC had talked about getting a concept artist right from the start, so we were already beginning to think about it. Then out of the blue Nick Setchfield at SFX got in touch, saying that Bryan Hitch had heard about the new series of Doctor Who and wanted to help. Now, I’m an old comics fan... and I couldn’t believe this was the Bryan Hitch. I’ve got the Ultimates collection, and that beautiful hardback of The Authority. It’s just brilliant... I showed Julie and Phil [producers Julie Gardner and Phil Collinson] the comics, they went mental, we summoned the Hitch, and here we are... Now Bryan can give us concepts and wild ideas to spark us off in new directions. Thank you SFX, it’s really appreciated!” Hitch will be in charge of the signature look of the new series, working alongside production designer Edward Thomas; the two will develop the TARDIS interior, new aliens and technology for the series. Hitch's previous Doctor Who work was a one-issue comic strip in DWM 139 and the cover for Mad Norwegian's "I, Who 2". More details are in the new SFX, due out June 9. (Thanks to SFX Magazine)
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:45 / 02.06.04
You must mean this:

Award-winning comics artist Bryan Hitch, the man behind titles such as The Authority and The Ultimates and winner of last year’s SFX Reader Award for Best Comic Book, is the concept artist for the new series. Says Russell T Davies, "This is entirely thanks to SFX. The Head of Drama at the BBC had talked about getting a concept artist right from the start, so we were already beginning to think about it. Then out of the blue Nick Setchfield at SFX got in touch, saying that Bryan Hitch had heard about the new series of Doctor Who and wanted to help. Now, I’m an old comics fan... and I couldn’t believe this was the Bryan Hitch. I’ve got the Ultimates collection, and that beautiful hardback of The Authority. It’s just brilliant... I showed Julie and Phil [producers Julie Gardner and Phil Collinson] the comics, they went mental, we summoned the Hitch, and here we are... Now Bryan can give us concepts and wild ideas to spark us off in new directions. Thank you SFX, it’s really appreciated!” Hitch will be in charge of the signature look of the new series, working alongside production designer Edward Thomas; the two will develop the TARDIS interior, new aliens and technology for the series. Hitch's previous Doctor Who work was a one-issue comic strip in DWM 139 and the cover for Mad Norwegian's "I, Who 2". More details are in the new SFX, due out June 9. (Thanks to SFX Magazine)

Well this is just... neat.
Eloi Tsabaoth
19:13 / 02.06.04
Just think, in some horrible parallel universe Mark Millar and Warren Ellis are writing the new scripts.
20:52 / 02.06.04
Oh, crap. SFX. Responsible for the biggest, most expensive, shittiest convention ever have a hand in Who. Whoop. Te Doo.

[Still waiting for an apology from SFX for that fiasco last year. On the Sunday morning even the stewards told me "Don't bother, it's fucking shit." I took his advice and found a cheap bar.]
Haus of Mystery
10:10 / 04.06.04
Ellis Dr Who - chain smoking bisexual cynic, handy with automatic weaponry, prone to continual and verbose expletive riddled monologue/rants. ugfh.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
19:36 / 06.06.04
Hitch speaks! From

New series concept artist Bryan Hitch spoke to the readers of the Outpost Gallifrey forum today and made some comments about the current state of affairs on the new series. "Ed [Thomas, series designer] and I attached to the project around the same time in very early pre production and we've both been active on the game for about six weeks to two months," Hitch posted. "The crew is all set (just about) and major design work with the whole design team has been running about a month. A series this ambitious doesn't get done quickly and something as iconic as the TARDIS design is a lengthy process of approvals (though it actually went swimingly.) And to clarify, as Production Designer Ed's genius is employed in overseeing and coordinating the overall visual scope of the series from locations, costumes, lighting, set construction and of course design. He's a member of staff, I'm freelance. As Russell puts it, I'm more of a "consultant" who rushes into meetings, flings ideas and sketches at anyone and everyone and runs out leaving folks scratching their heads and looking shell shocked. I do have specific design duties such as the TARDIS set and other key wonders I can't say anything about. And the TARDIS is looking just doozy." Hitch also mentioned that, from all the speculation in the OG Forum, what he's seeing on the new show "is beyond all of your expectations. There as never been a more visually ambitious show made in this country and the BBC has never done anything like this before. I'm not teasing here either, Russell has it nailed." Finally, a joke about the TARDIS: "We are going for something completely different this time around by making the TARDIS much smaller on the inside than on the outside, sort of a novelty really; inside it will be the size of a poodle kennel." Or is it? Time will tell! (Our thanks to Bryan Hitch)
12:58 / 07.06.04
How much can you really improve on the classic Tardis design (police call box shape)? I'm hoping they're talking about changing the interior layout as opposed to the outside of it.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
18:43 / 22.06.04
The music web zine Kerrang today has a statement regarding the recent press reports that UK band Slipknot were in talks to record the new series theme tune (which OG already noted was not true.) "Slipknot are not in talks to record the theme tune to the classic TV show Doctor Who," says the article, "despite a report in a tabloid last week. The Sun 'revealed' that the masked metallers were working on a song to be used for the show’s comeback at the end of the year, but a spokesperson for the band denied the claims when contacted by Kerrang!" (Thanks to Steve Tribe
Mister Six, whom all the girls
19:38 / 20.07.04
Filming has begun in Cardiff.

Lots of exclusive pics here:

Apparently the first episode opens with a kind of salute to Jon Pertwee's 'Spearhead From Space' with a 'possibly alien' body delivered to Albion Hospital. Also, Eccleston's 'costume' is a T-Shirt and leather jacket.
11:29 / 21.07.04
god damn pipped with my only bit of solid geek news. during dinner with pal last night ('tier 2' doc who fan) he gets a call from a friend of his ('tier 1' doc who fan, 'gay mafia' apparently) who reports on the leather trenchcoat, DMs, battered t-shirt and jeans, as well as the 'spearhead from space' homage info. quite exciting to hear, but i've been beaten to it in the passing. never mind.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
16:53 / 21.07.04
First on the set pic of possible villains/monsters.

16:56 / 21.07.04
A bunch of crash test dummies?
Mister Six, whom all the girls
17:00 / 21.07.04
Good lord, Finder, have you NEVER watched Who?

18:41 / 21.07.04
I have, but waaaay way back in the day (i.e. 7th grade for me, I'm in my early 30s now). I have what I thought was a decent working knowledge of Who stuff, but I guess not thorough enough -- who are those guys?
19:07 / 21.07.04
A bunch of crash test dummies?

Don't be a fool. Clearly the bad guys are mannequins from the Gap....
19:09 / 21.07.04
Click here to uncover the hidden fiends who exploit our fear of plastic.
19:26 / 21.07.04
ahhh, I see. I think maybe I remember these guys. Thanks...
Mister Six, whom all the girls
19:30 / 21.07.04
Finder, I actually wasn't testing your Who knowledge, only saying that the monsters in Dr Who are absurd. I was watching a Davison story, Kinda, recently and at one point a native runs out wearing a silly mask which caused me to pause thoughtfully. I mean... it could be an intentional mask, or is it a bloodthirsty alien warrior?

You never could tell.
08:36 / 22.07.04
They'd really better not screw this up. I will allow the Billie Piper (most of the assistants were a bit crap in their own ways), but do not screw with the waxy ones. There was a great DWM comic about the Nestene by David Lloyd which gave me the willies for years. Hope they reprint that in the new TPB collections (you DO know they are collecting them don't you?)
09:03 / 22.07.04
yeah - knowing DR Who villains is definitely something you Auton know...
09:21 / 22.07.04
fucksake sleaze
14:22 / 28.07.04
Click here for hot TARDIS action. Look's good enough.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:21 / 28.07.04
I must admit that I'm not sure I like the sound of the Doctor wearing t-shirts and jeans and whatnot, I hope this would just be for the first story and then he returns to the colourblind Edwardian gent in a fancy dress shop look of his predescesors. That was one of the few good things about the TV movie, the Eigth Doctors costume.

And is Paul McCann's Doctor still in continuity?
18:19 / 28.07.04
So refresh me on the whole 'companion' thing -- from my days of Dr. Who watching, I recall the companions as being often lovely but the relationship between the female (or the one male companion, as I recall there was?) and the venerable Doctor was always quite chaste and nonsexual. Is it just a tradition for the Doctor to have a lovely female non-girlfriend friend?
Mister Six, whom all the girls
19:07 / 28.07.04
Ach, every time the show changes there are cries of 'it's nothing like ______' which is usually what came before.

You'll live.

At least you're not getting the Colin Baker costume and pantomime slugs.

Given that so much work has gone into this series this ime around (the SFX company that worked on Gladiator, Brian Hitch as designer, Mark Gatiss on the writing staff and a strong actor for the main role), I think it'll be a pleasant surprise this Winter.

Ofcourse who knows how long the US will have to wait to see it!

And check out that link above to the main news page ( for a nice pic of Eccles entering the TARDIS from the Daily Mirror.

And Finder, no, the Doctor and companion was never a romantic thing (on the screen in any case). It did look a bit like it with Pertwee and Katy Manning, but it was still viewed as a kid's show, so no romance for the Doctor.

As far as McGann being in continuity, there is a rumor that the story starts in a hospital, so this could be a regeneration from McGann to Eccles. Eyeofhorus has been adamant that McGann will appear in the new series, but Russel T Davies refers to this series as 'Season One,' and that the fans will figure out where it fits into continuity. But this new Doctor has been referred to as #9... ofcourse so was Richard E Grant... don't remind me.
07:33 / 29.07.04
the more i think about the new outfit the better i think it is: it's DMs, jeans, a t-shirt and a big earnest overcoat. think of a mid-eighties post-rik post-morrissey student who stepped outside the cheap pints in the union and got old suddenly with no time to change clothes. i just think it'll work.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:04 / 29.07.04
FinderWolf: there were actually loads of male companions, y'know.

I agree with Gambit - essentially I have a huge amount of faith Ecclestone and Davies, and if this is the way they want to play it, so be it.

13:52 / 29.07.04
I have to say that in my warped teenager brain, Dr. Who was having sex with some of his companions, although obviously off-camera. Pertwee with Jo Grant. Tom Baker and Sarah clearly (clearly, I say!) had some kind of relationship going on. You can even see where things started to go bad with them, leading up to his cruelly dumping her under the macho excuse of protecting her from his life. (hehe, I'd like to think this is the first time anyone ever used "Tom Baker" and "macho" in the same sentence.) I also think Tom Baker had frequent relations with Romana, occasional relations with Leela. I think Peri slept with both Peter Davidson and Colin Baker.

That naughty Zoe though.... always tempting poor Patrick Troughton, but never giving it up.... oh, Zoe, just let me touch that glittery jumpsuit once, if only for a moment.... oh....
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:40 / 29.07.04
I'm sorry, but Ecclestone looks shit! I'm surprised that with someone who's clearly got the big love for the Doctor that if this picture is anything to go by Davies has decided that his Doctor is going to rock the unemployed dosser look.

Not that it would stop me watching the show...
Benny the Ball
17:49 / 29.07.04
I worked with Billie Pipper recently, but she didn't really say much about the content of the show, just that there are a lot of night-shoots involved, and that she likes a beer or two. Nice girl.
20:27 / 29.07.04
On the "companion" thing, I'm 90% sure in the Peter Cushing movie (movies?), the companion was his niece. I have only a vague idea how those fit into continuity with the TV show, though.
21:20 / 29.07.04
the peter cushing movies are both remakes of storylines from William Hartnall's run as the first doctor - one of his companions was his grand-daughter, Susan...

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