Recently, Eccleston was interviewed on Breakfast time. BBC has a clip at:
but here are a few excerpts...
Sian: Yes you've got to have a thing.
CE: Oh I've got a thing but..
Sian: Have you? What's your thing? Can you tell us?
CE: Off Camera (laughs)
Bill: (laughs)It's gonna be a surprise
CE: Scarves and hats won't be part of it
Bill: Right
CE: No I mean.... No, that's all to be decided - what he's going to look like, what he's going to wear but I don't think he's gonna be quite as eccentric and as foppish as he was in the... in some of his incarnations.
Female presenter (while showing a clip from Inside the Spaceship): Some of us... Some people have been writing in today, well actually lots of people have be writing but one person said that they think that with you in the role he might be a bit more machievellian
CE: ermm...
Sian: or that he might have a bit of a dark side.
CE: I think he should have a slight dark side but you know I think it'd be quite nice to bring out perhaps something in me that I've not done a great deal of which is the lighter stuff as well so it'll be a combination of the two. I mean... he's written in the first episode there's the line about most of all this is a man who enjoys himself so he's a man of fantastic enthusiasm and curiosity erm...
Bill: Sidekick?
CE: Sidekick - they're meeting lots of people at the moment..
Bill: so he will have one?
CE: He ... yes he will have a... Rose Tyler is her name...
Sian: Can she do more than just run around screaming cos.. you know...
CE: Well Russell... I mean that's the sort of thing that Russell's on board to do you know...
Sian: it would be nice would...
CE: exactly yeah...
Sian: Give her more of a role for heaven sakes...
CE: I'll be doing the running around screaming (laughs)
Sian: oh ok (laughs) She'll be sorting things out.
CE: She's going to be much more er... intelligent, sort of.. proactive
Sian: yeah.. In a way, you know, it's quite difficult to be scary these days because we get so much of it don't we? I mean...
CE: mmm
Sian: Are you going to use a lot of computer graphics or trickery like that in order to create that or...
CE: I would imagine so I mean technology has moved on so much and so quickly that you know there's great things to be done. I don't tend to get too concerned... I leave that ... but I'll be concentrating... I leave that to the people who know, I'll be concentrating on the character and... my concern will be that without becoming soap boxing and pompous that we can sort of address social issues with.. and address what's going on around us to a certain extent for young people and whoever else is watching...
Sian: That's an interesting thought...
CE: And again I think that's why... I mean you can parallel things with science fiction...erm...scenario you can parallel certain world situations and things - threats to mankind can always be you know highlighted.
Sian: That's a really interesting point...bringing up social issues...
CE: And I think... yeah I think that's what Russell will do, not just international but also national... and I think that'll probably be addressed by the casting of Rose and where Rose comes from and why she chooses to time travel...there's gonna be quite a strong emotional story for Rose I think and why she chooses....
Male Presenter... Oh hang on, hang on...surely not love interest
CE: I would hope so
Bill: Oh really...
CE: yeah I would hope so...
Bill: and do you...
CE: he's got two hearts, doctor who, so you know...they can both be broken....
Sian: (laughs) room for more than one woman.
Bill: Did you watch when you were younger?
CE: Chris (over clip of time and the rani): I did yeah. I remember Patrick Troughton....
Bill: yes
CE: ...he's the first face I remember of it... the music and that face, that haunted face,
Sian: this is sylvester...(clip changes to The Movie).. oh no you see...you're just seeing sylvester mccoy and here we are, Paul McGann...
CE: Paul McGann...
Sian: mm hmmm
Bill: And the other question we're interested in... you're from the north of england but you can do all... I remember shallow grave you had a fantastic scots accent but will he be received pronunciation like most of the doctors have been or...
CE: No... I don't wanna sound like a member of the royal family no... erm.. nor will I be perhaps, my accent be as strong as it is now.. I think it'll just be my voice, you know my accent has been poshed up since I became an actor...so he'll sound like me... we're not gonna do anything too clever either way...
Sian: Will you be revisiting old enemies?
CE: Yep... I think so...
Sian: Really?
CE: yeah...sont-
Sian: bring back the daleks?
CE: The one's that frightened me were the ones that looked like baked potatoes...Sontarons or the sontarins? Do you remember them?
Sian: no you see I got completely freaked out by the ones that came out of the sea...
CE: ohhh I remember that...
Sian: cause when it was announced that you were doing it we had this .... they were called the sea monsters and when I said they were called the sea monsters lots of breakfast viewers wrote in and said that no they're from the Silurian Race...so you've gotta get these things..
CE: Of course...you should have known that... |