Oh, come on... things with spines are the *best*. Hedgehogs, for example. Hedgehogs have spines. Likewise porcupines. Both are incredibly cute. Although admittedly their arses, to the best of my knowledge, are spineless. A spiny posterior may cause a number of problems. Do wonders for your posture, mind.
I'm feeling like I'm spending more time thinking about the usability of Barbelith at the moment than actually participating in it. It's been an odd day generally - like yesterday, I didn't get to bed properly until very late, and kept sort of dozing off during the day; I think I may be going down with something.
Also, Channel 4 have made Sunday shit TV nirvana, which makes action very difficult. Fortunately, now I have a new laptop with a wireless keyboard and mouse, I can work in front of the TV. Just wish I could get the frickin' thing networked? does anyobe have any advice? Apart from "buy a Mac"?
Well done, Gingerbop - I think we should all come along to one of these things and form a cheering section. Although if we did half of us would probably get arrested, now that I think about it. |