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Late Shift I


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Saint Keggers
01:00 / 11.09.03
and a pogostick!
01:02 / 11.09.03
pogostick? I want a corndog

on a stick...of course
Saint Keggers
01:04 / 11.09.03
..ofcourse. With mustard. At the amusement park.
01:11 / 11.09.03
with an eyepatch. and a bandanna. Aaarrr!! I be cornholed!
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:19 / 11.09.03
Yeah, well we have to put in a certain amount of lateshift time or we get booted out and loose all our seniority

01:27 / 11.09.03
Oooh, 'ark at 'er! How ya doin, Roth?
02:03 / 11.09.03
Hell. I have to go to bed. Rothky, promise you'll hang out more, it's not the same without you.

Good night all!
Saint Keggers
02:08 / 11.09.03
G'night Maz!
02:11 / 11.09.03

I'm currently trying not to replicate my amazing "falling asleep at my desk" stunt from this time yesteday, so if I disappear for a bit, then wish me luck at not being caught by my boss.
03:29 / 11.09.03
I can see it now:

The newswire comes alive with the story of a fuckoff big American SUV loaded with explosives driven into No.10 at 5am this morning.

HEAD BADGER: MR. STOAT!! Where have you been!??
STOATIE: Em, I had a really long crap...?

(note to Blunkett: the preceding was SATIRE)
04:51 / 11.09.03
And I'm outta here! Remember the 11 September victims by raising holy hell against Bush and Ashcroft, lest we end up like the 3000-odd victims of that other 11 September, 1973 in Chile, lost mostly to secret arrests, tortures and executions. Piece.
—| x |—
07:49 / 11.09.03
It is late. I'm on the late shift. Yes it's dark. I'm on the late shift. The streets are quiet. I'm on the late shift. The rodents are awake. I'm on the late shift. The bats have left the belfry. I’m on the late shift. Cats are on the prowl. I’m on the late shift. The sky lets in the stars. I’m on the late shift. It’s past last call at the bars. I’m on the late shift. Chain smoking is a must. I’m on the late shift. This has been a bust. I’m on the late shift.
22:42 / 11.09.03
Is it late?

I've had a day of job hunting. In a sandwich bar, or a hotel-gym-pool place. But wingwalking's still top of my list.
Saint Keggers
22:54 / 11.09.03
Its always late if you want it to be. How do you go about geting a job as a wingwalker? Do you say " I want to be a wingwalker, train me?" Or do you go to some wingwalker school and then say "Im a trained wingwalker..hire me?"
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:06 / 11.09.03
Me, I'm ok. Going into slump. Going on trip soon. Hopefully to glean some clarity about what's going on in particular stakes. Here's hoping.

AC/DC's High Voltage album is helping, though.
The Strobe
23:08 / 11.09.03
It's too late for me - lousy evening. Cooking didn't work out, most people were out of the house, ended up eating simply and late because potatoes took too long to fry. And thus am only just bothering to go to bed. Am an idiot. Will pay tomorrow. Have a weekend to relax. Might need post-work beers tomorrow at this rate...
Saint Keggers
23:08 / 11.09.03
AD/DCs great! But for the slumps my fav is always Faith No More or Iron Maiden... Im just a classics guy I guess.
Where ya heading to Rothkoid?
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:15 / 11.09.03
I have three Iron Maiden albums as backup here.

I'm going to Melbourne. Crunch time.
Saint Keggers
23:19 / 11.09.03
Piece of Mind, Powerslave, Killers and Nuber of the Beast sadly waiting im my album rack...sans record player. Oh how I wish cd players could play vinyl...Damn you digital revolution!! Damn you straight to hell!
Eloi Tsabaoth
23:25 / 11.09.03
Had a pretty good day. Meeting for TV project, margaritas for lunch, met friend of Evan Dorkin, was gratuitously complimented, plus:
23:26 / 11.09.03
Well yesterday there was an ad on hotrecruit for a wingwalker, and i applied then, but i went back to see the ad and it was gone. Iv never done it, but they said theyd train. I said about gymnastics, and having good balance and fitness, and used to heights and loving to perform, etc. All sounded pretty good, I thought. Now im applying for a hotel leisure trainer too, and cant think for the life of me what to put. But its a fairly cushy job, if not as exciting as wingwalking.
23:28 / 11.09.03
can i remember how to link, after 6 weeks?This is hopefully my new job anyways. Its from Utterly Butterly.
23:32 / 11.09.03
But... but... where are the parrots?

Hello everyone.
Linus Dunce
23:35 / 11.09.03
Gingerbop. Do it.

Guernsey. Hehe. "50,000 alcoholics clinging to a rock."
Saint Keggers
23:35 / 11.09.03
Hey I.T.T.T.L.W.W.C.M.R.A.S.L.A!
The parrots? Hopefully not flying right at you! (especially in that pose)
Eloi Tsabaoth
23:37 / 11.09.03
Pfft. Wing'walk'er? more like Wing'Strapped-firmly-in-doing-aerobics'er. I want to see mobility!
Saint Keggers
23:40 / 11.09.03
Once again i bring up the subject of the pogostick!
23:51 / 11.09.03
But what is a pogostick without parrots?

Nothing. Nothing, I tell you.
Saint Keggers
23:53 / 11.09.03
But what is a pogostick without parrots?

A lot quieter I would imagine. A lot quieter.
Eloi Tsabaoth
23:54 / 11.09.03
Parrots! Always with the parrots! Already.
Saint Keggers
23:59 / 11.09.03
What you prefer wildebeasts or something else??
I'll give anything a consideration at least once.
00:00 / 12.09.03
What about those big rubber balls with the handles on them that one bounces on? Hopalongs, I think they're called. Do they have substance in the absence of a parrot?
Saint Keggers
00:01 / 12.09.03
I like if only they'd make them from the same stuffs as they make superballs.
00:03 / 12.09.03
Spacehoppers. (As in Julian Cope's classic "I got a spaehopper, baby, but it's strictly one-seater". Although I suspect that was actually about his nob.)

Parrots are optional, but being chased by angry bees is strongly encouraged.
00:19 / 12.09.03
Parrots are optional, but being chased by angry bees is strongly encouraged.

As fall approaches in the Northern Hemisphere, the bees grow too slow to give chase. How about voracious squirrels? (Especially the sleek black squirrels, as discussed in other threads. Or possibly thread.)

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