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Late Shift I


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23:37 / 04.09.03
I lost count. But I'm still bored. How'd everyone do today?
Saint Keggers
01:55 / 05.09.03
How could you loose count?? How? I mean some thing soo damn simple. Its obvious we're at you see...and then carry the 2....


Im doing great...spent the whole day playing StarWars Galaxies and if I play anylonger Im going to have the complete lyrics for a wookie version of "I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General"

I am the very model of a wookie stuck in outer space,
Im the biggest furball who isnt of the bantha race...

(I think odd thoughts when walking from Anchorhead to Bestine...)
02:02 / 05.09.03
Keggers you silly man! Hrm... what could then next verse be...

But I'll be damned if ever I haul my ass back to Tattoine?

I gotta be at class early tomorrow, so I gotta go to sleep. Normally I'd just stay up, but this is the one I'm, and I think the students are already thinking mutiny. And since tomorrow's the first Friday of the term, they might be super antsy. Or, they might not show up at all. We'll see.

Anyway, good night, brave gamer. May flights of wookies sing thee to thy rest.
19:15 / 05.09.03
I know its not technically late but my Kiwi friend has passed out in the living room (she was doing fine till I added a big bowl of noodles and glass of wine to her jetlag), my boyfriend is out on the lash, and I'm alone in my bedroom with a half empty bottle of wine. Amuse me, oh barbelites.
Mourne Kransky
19:19 / 05.09.03
Will and Grace is on, so you don't need me, Ariadne ma chère. But I'm here and I am working my way through some Shiraz with Mataro blended in. What the ****'s Mataro? Matar is Spanish for kill (as in Matador) so I am a bit concerned.

Ganesh is on call so we can't go out but I have been amusing myself recording a tape for the tube full of wonderful old choonz.
19:30 / 05.09.03
What count as wonderful old choonz, I wonder? I spent the morning downloading choonz for my mobile, like the wrinkled teenager I am, and I have a delightful Dean Martin ringtone specially for when my beloved calls.

Will and Grace, huh? I have no telly, so it's you, me and the Hawkes Bay Chardonnay. Which is now finished, I note with alarm. I may have to sneak past the sleeping Vicki to raid the kitchen for more liquor.
Mourne Kransky
19:59 / 05.09.03
Ganesh has gone to bed to "read", so it's you and me and the killer Shiraz Mataro. What were my favourite choonz? I hate those lists coz they probably mean zip to anybody else but it's mostly Patti Smith, old Faith No More, older Bowie, bit of Led Zeppelin, Gomez, Massive Attack, then a soupçon of Strokes, Flaming Lips and other young people's music to which Ganesh has introduced me.
Mourne Kransky
20:01 / 05.09.03
and tAtU currently blasting, which always makes me think of our own (lovely, lovely) Bear.
20:09 / 05.09.03
Hey Ariadne, hey Xoc.
20:14 / 05.09.03
Well, that all sounds thoroughly listenable. Except maybe Tatu but I've never actually heard them so what do I know. I'm listening (quietly, cause of the slumbering Kiwi) to Laura Cantrell The whisky makes you sweeter than you are. Actually, it's probably whiskey but I need to introduce her to the real stuff.
20:14 / 05.09.03
Hey Mazarine! Hello there.
20:16 / 05.09.03
Oh dear. I had forgotten my tendency to sing along to Laura C. So much for the sleeping friend. She'll have terrible dreams of wailing Scotswomen.
Mourne Kransky
20:16 / 05.09.03
Hello Mazarine, no Late Shift without you, Cherub.

The odd thing, Ariadne, was I had Rage Against the Machine on then followed it with tAtU and you barely would notice the join. I am such a superstar dj in the making. Inventive, unorthodox, happenin' dude. That's me right enough.
20:18 / 05.09.03
Crikey. Must have you round for my next happening, man. Xoc the DJ.
20:20 / 05.09.03
Acshuley, it's been hundreds of years since I saw you, Xoc -- are you cming out on Sunday? (And Mazarine, too, though I think you live too far away?)
Mourne Kransky
20:22 / 05.09.03
I'm trying to decide on the wisdom of including my current favourite song ever which is Jeff Buckley singing Hallelujah. Thing is, I always, always cry when I hear it because it's so wonderful and I don't want to be sitting on a tube train listening to the walkperson and suddenly weeping buckets to an inaudible stimulus. Eastern European people will approach me to comfort me and before you know it I'll end up having to talk to someone and I've managed to avoid that for a whole year so far.
20:26 / 05.09.03
Oh. Never heard it, and have had too much wine to go kazaaaing. Can you send me it? Otherwise I'll have a look tomorrow. I smiled at a German family yesterday and paid for it by having their over-wursted son bounce on my lap the whole way home.
Mourne Kransky
20:27 / 05.09.03
Yes, me and the elephant will be there Sunday. Tooo tooo long since we caught up with our friends from Barça. I can't sleep at the moment for imagining Mordant with a tan, haha!

I'll be the fat Scottish person pestering Lurid Archive for sex. We both have busy days the next day so will be likely to arrive early and leave early though I see you and lovely Loomis will be arriving late, making your entrance again with your usual flair.
Mourne Kransky
20:31 / 05.09.03
But I hear only Scottish voices on this thread. What has happened to the marvellous Mazarine? Have we sent you to sleep, transatlantic pal?

And will bring the Jeff Buckley cd for you Sunday, if I remember! You will looooove it, you woman of rare and refined tastes you. Cherry Bomb and sleazenation both have it too so it must be good! Shame he drowned himself in the Mississippi and will make no more beautifully strange music.
20:32 / 05.09.03
I'm going crazy, for two seconds of your love

Sorry, channelling Laura. (I think that can translate as 'I'm drunk').I am VERY happy you'll be there and will endeavour to get there before you leave.
20:32 / 05.09.03
Nope, no Sunday for me, wrong side of the ocean. Someone take pictures. That is quite the amazing cover of Hallelujah. I felt like a traitor for prefering it to the original, but I just couldn't help it.
20:36 / 05.09.03
Oh, and look forward to the CD. And hope sleaze and Cherry can come. CB and I were working together until last week and I miss her.

I'll take pics for you Mazarine. I tok pics at Loz's (our lady, whatever xe's called today) birthday, but don't know how to post them.
Mourne Kransky
20:47 / 05.09.03
If you have a picture phone, pm me your number and I'll send pics, Maz, but don't have a scanner and we've lost the lead for the digicam. Otherwise you will have to continue to believe that we are all just figments of your incredibly vivid imagination.

She tied you to a kitchen chair ... and taught you how to sing the hallelujah Filling up, just writing some of the words here. I can't listen to Cohen coz he always makes me cry too. My mother has the same problem which is why she only listens to Country and Western. Must be in the genes. Not that I listen to C&W, I hasten to add (except with the curtains drawn and the sound turned down).
20:56 / 05.09.03
I listen to C&W, I'm not afraid to admit it! I'm from the west of Scotland it's in the (eu)genes.

The lovely and drunk Loomis just called and says he's very pleased at the chance to see you again, M. Xoc, so you must hang about till we get there.

Oh, and hey - I have a pic phone and can't send the pics. As a tech journalist, this is shameful. An idea what I'm doing wrong? It just claims it can't find the server.
Mourne Kransky
21:00 / 05.09.03
That is shameful, A. Actually, our friend Hana bi can send 'em to Ganesh but not to me which is curious. You on Vodaphone? I am coming round to thinking they suck.
21:03 / 05.09.03
Tell me about it. Luckily, noone in my tech-journo office is any better. We all got them at the same time and we're all rubbish.
I'm on O2. Tell me how to work it and the porn is yours.
Mourne Kransky
21:11 / 05.09.03
You can keep the porn but I'll have Loomis and his secret stash of vegan sausages. Unfortunately, I am a technothickie so probably of no help at all. I find that keeping the phone in my pocket next to my groin helps but otherwise, I have no helpful hints. Keeping your phone next to my magic loins would probably be quite awkward for you.

With huge sadness I must report that, under the terms of the Vauxhall Concordat of 2003, I must now surrender the computer to my favourite pachyderm. I may be back later, if I hit him over the head with a rolled up copy of Boyz often enough.

Hope to see you Sunday and will contin ue to flirt virtually with the lovely Mazarine another time. Now I'm off to read the latest chronicle of Dune (The Machine Crusade) and drink more killer Mataro wine. *MWAH*
Mourne Kransky
21:13 / 05.09.03
p.s. I thought Cherry Bomb was in Chicago at the moment, no? If not, I want to know why she is ignoring my texts!
21:15 / 05.09.03
Em... that might explain why she's ignoring my PMs too. Ah well. You keep your hands off Loomis's sausages and all will be well come Sunday.

hello Ganesh!
21:51 / 05.09.03
Ta Xoc, you magnificent piece of Scottish heaven.

Nope, no videophone, I'm afeared. Imagination it is. The contrast is up and the hue's slightly off, and I don't really know what the British Isles look like, so the Wonka Chocolate Factory it is.
22:07 / 05.09.03
1) Lovely Jeff Buckley.

2) Ooh, new Dune book?

3) Wookie songs, yes!

Waves. Huggles to all. Bed for me, earlyish for once.
01:54 / 07.09.03

yes that was "pah" and I'll say it again - Pah! I remember the dark old days of late late shift, perhaps a bit like thge late late breakfast show, but hopefully not too much. God bless you cross Atlanticians for never having seen the shame that is Noel Edmonds (sorry for anyone curious who actually searches for 'that' but it probably serves you right)

Anyways - I've just gotten in from a good nights dancing and a little bit of singin too. What's everyone else up to?
02:00 / 07.09.03
You know. Nothing much.

I'm trying to think of ways to creatively use audblog. I've posted rambling about insects and skunks already, but I bet there's some really obvious cool thing I could be doing with it that I'm not.

Apart from that, it seems to be Giant Bug Saturday on the Sci-Fi Channel.
02:06 / 07.09.03
Well, I do respect your knowledge of the natural world, however I can't help but think there may be other blog topics that may be more appealing to the man/woman on the street.

(not that 'they' deserve any special favours of course)

I am attempting to kill an hour or two without turning on the demon TV before I shuffle off to bed - got any suggestions...
02:21 / 07.09.03
Apart from wanking?

You could always go out and try to wrestle urban foxes for kebabs. They're pretty wily, you know, they provide much more of a challenge than they might appear to.

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