So then, what are the odds of gettin' you to distribute some Lottery grant money my way...
I bet that getting to the park feels great far more often than it doesn't! Readin' about it makes me happy that I went for a skate earlier--that's my Zen: concrete, wood, and physics.
Yeah, I recently moved, and it is into a nicer area off the downtown core. I was thinking that there has to be a Tai-Chi group here--there's a huge park down the street!
As for magic/k stuff at school--well, during my first three years I would make sure to at least write two or three essays on magic/k type stuff. I've written on on the Kabalah, on magic/k in temrs of social morality and religion (wrt Peter Burger's The Sacred Canopy), on alchemy ('cause I was in an English class on 17th c. alchemical poets), and I think there were a couple others, but those are the ones that I recall best. I have also written quite extensively on magic/k's twin, mysticism. Most of my work today is magic/kal at the core, but this isn't so obvious unless I spell it out; however, many of my threads here in Litherland relating my "philosophy(ies)" reflect the style of magic/k found in my academic work. My honours thesis, while on structuralism and mathematics, is really about the magic/kal/absurd necessity that parts and wholes are identical (an ancient and oft repeated "mystical" or "magick/kal" formulation), and that for any singularity there is an implicit structure that can unfold through a unit's relation to itself disguised as apparent "others". Or something like that. Again, thanks for the inquiry! |