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Spiderman 2 news (PICS)


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20:12 / 05.07.04
I took the Doctor Strange joke as a quick tip of the hat to Steve Ditko, in addition to Peter's Russian landlord (who was named Mr. Ditkovich).

Henry Jackson was the kid helping Aunt May pack up her things to leave the house, and no, I don't think he's a character from the comics.

I saw it a second time the other night and noticed that Aunt May doesn't hit Ock with her umbrella when she hears Peter's voice - in fact when Spider-Man yells out for Ock to let her go, May doesn't have any reaction to the voice at all. She hits Ock when Spidey is catapulting towards him and Ock's tentacle sprouts the big spike - May's reaction to that is one of disgust (like he's "playing dirty") and it's then that she wallops him with the umbrella.

Having said that, yes, there's a definite feeling in her "hero speech" that she knows more than she lets on.
Foust is SO authentic
20:16 / 05.07.04
When did they mention Doc Strange?
20:33 / 05.07.04
When J. Jonah and Hoffman are trying to come up with a name for Doc Ock, they go through several names and Hoffman says "How about Doctor Strange?" to which Jonah says "Brilliant! But taken..."
wicker woman
23:34 / 05.07.04
Sr. Jade: No, no, please feel free to disagree with me. That was my basal reaction to a piece of work that didn't do it for me in any level whatsoever - I don't have to "prove" anything - unless you really wanted it, but please, let's not do this. You liked it, cool...

You're right, you don't have to prove it, and at least in some ways I didn't mean to come off so aggresively. Apologies, but still feel free to elaborate if you want.

FinderWolf: I think Spider-Man/Peter didn't say anything about how he didn't actually kill Harry's dad because it was Norman's dying wish that he not do that. That's how I read the hesitation on his part, at least.
02:22 / 06.07.04
Okay so we gushed over the movie enough. what didn't you like? Some of you have already said and I'm in agreeance with most. 3 situations I could have done without:

1) Harry's "I'm ruined" dialouge.
2) While I appreciate the nod of Spider-Man being "just a kid," something that Brian Bendis loves to throw out there in his book. I don't know if I like the "Jesus" moment. Too much unmasking on the writer's part. I think the scene was a bit unnecessary.
3) The one shot of MJ running through the park after the wedding. A bit too cheesey.

If they had replaced these with Ock arguing with his tentacles or mourning over the death of Rossi, I would have had no problems with this film.

Great movie nonetheless.
No star here laces
07:22 / 06.07.04
Can i add that one of the main reasons this film is so great is the absolutely GENIUS and CONSISTENTLY GENIUS casting?

Everybody is pretty much spot on, and there are no absolute clunkers in there unlike virtually every other comic book movie...

Especially having Jameson played by Schillinger (don't know the guy's name, he'll always be Schillinger to me...)

I keep expecting him to call Parker "sweet pea" and then anally rape him. Adds so much menace to the character!
Lord Morgue
10:52 / 06.07.04
"It was also annoying the way Spidey and Doc Ock's bodies repeatedly walked away from poundings that by rights should have killed or crippled either one of them."

Eh, every time I saw Doc go through a wall or into a car, it seemed to be back-first, so the tentacles would take most of the shot. As for getting punched by Spidey, Spidey's powers WERE going fritzy, and perhaps he was holding back some, I mean, he can't be walloping every thug he fights at full power, or he'd have killed more people than the Punisher by now. And as Alfred Molina pointed out, Octavius has to be a big, strong man to support the tentacles in the first place. And come to think of it, having your nervous system taken over by a psychotic A.I. probably does wonders for your pain tolerance.
And as for Spidey, do you have any IDEA how strong his skeleton, muscles, tendons, sinews, interstital tissues etc would have to be to lift as much as he does without his body just folding in from it's own power? Not to mention tensile strength, like holding the cable car in the first film, or stopping the train in no.2. His whole body is probably laced with the same long-chain polymers that make his web. In the bones, probably built in some kind of geodesic lattice for support strength, considering he doesn't seem to weigh more than an average guy, it can't be a straight material substitution for calcium, and he didn't get any strange cravings for titanium powder or whatever before his powers kicked in the first time. And when his powers were failing, I doubt his body was reconstituting back and forth, like the Hulk. He could still take a fall like Wile E. Coyote, just not generate superstrength, shoot webs, or exhibit E.S.P..
14:46 / 06.07.04
Or, to put it another way, in a story about a kid who has the abilities of a spider after being bitten by one, who puts on a costume to fight crime and combats a mad scientist with mechanical tentacles, "realism" isn't exactly priority one.
15:06 / 06.07.04
One thing that was funny in a 'groaner' type way - the women with the violin/fiddle singing the 1960s Spider-Man cartoon theme song. But it kind of made me wince at how stupid it was, too.
16:58 / 06.07.04
I just wish the moment wasn't played so similarly to the first movie when a big Italian/Brooklyn looking guy says "You'll have to go through me".

Wasn't that guy Vincent Pastore a.k.a. Big Pussy from The Sopranos? I pretty much ran a whole Sopranos vs. Doc Ock scenario in my head when I saw that.
17:01 / 06.07.04
No - he looks a lot like the actor who played Big Pussy, and even sounds kinda like him, but it ain't him.
01:11 / 07.07.04
All I have to say to Lord Morgue is...Wow! I was thinking those things but I couldn't say them. Wow!
No star here laces
03:22 / 07.07.04
I'm totally with Cameron on this one.

To draw an analogy (that has been used before):

Arguing about realism in comic books is like running in the special olympics - even if you win, you're still retarded
Lord Morgue
08:15 / 07.07.04
Well, DeJerkface, THAT is the EXACT kind of attitude that gave us Batman Forever and Batman and Robin.
You know, the Batman films that, if they didn't treat the audience as retarded, you sure felt like it by the credits?
In Raimi's films, it's the little nods towards realism, like Spidey's web drifting UP in the hot air from the burning building when he lets go the end in the first film, that put it head and shoulders above condescending slaps-in-the-face to fans like Shuemaker's abortions, or Albert Pyun's Captain America.
And hey, as I recall, this entire community has its origins in a goddamned comic-book, so what the fuck are YOU doing here?
08:55 / 07.07.04
It's about suspension of disbelief (obviously). Now while I'm never going to join the legion of fanboys sitting in front of their computer arguing about how exactly a lightsaber would work or what the tensile strength of adamantium is, I do like my films to be internally consistent, within the frameworks they have set. So if your hero can dodge millions of bullets, John-Woo-style, one minute, don't have him taken down by a cop with a revolver the next.
That is why I don't really have problem with Spiderman and Doc Ock taking a pounding and walking away, after all they are superpowered giving a justification for that kind of power.
14:49 / 07.07.04
>>>Well, DeJerkface, THAT is the EXACT kind of attitude that gave us Batman Forever and Batman and Robin.
You know, the Batman films that, if they didn't treat the audience as retarded, you sure felt like it by the credits?<<<

You know, I think the Batman films went wrong for a lot bigger reasons than that they didn't treat the material "realistically."
15:25 / 07.07.04
Spidey sure did fall from great heights a few times. But I was ok with that.

On other topics, anyone else notice that the same Asian actor who played the evil Wolfram & Hart lawyer Gavin on ANGEL played the science lab guy who says "We have a successful fusion reaction, Doctor" in the big Dock Ock's lab goes blooey scene?
19:31 / 07.07.04
You've probably all read this by now, but...

>> Meanwhile, director Sam Raimi told the Irish Examiner that he's "flabbergasted" by the success of the new film, but that he's "too busy writing Part Three to relax and enjoy the victory. 'We were working on it at the hotel last night and this morning,' [Raimi] said. 'But I don't know what is going to happen yet.'"

I read one version of this paragraph where Raimi said he's writing it with his brother. Apparently not Ted, he's got another brother who writes?
20:01 / 07.07.04
Yeah. Ivan.
No star here laces
01:01 / 08.07.04
Um Mr Morgue, I k-lurve comic books with hot sticky fanboy lurve. And one of the reasons I like 'em is because they aren't real. In fact, the less real, the better.

So if you wanna look at the movie for tips on how to make your own web fluid, good on you, but really honestly that's not exactly the best way to enjoy it...
Lord Morgue
10:06 / 08.07.04
I can make my own web fluid, I just choose not to do so in polite company.
Jack The Bodiless
11:23 / 08.07.04
Gotta agree regarding internal consistency vs. realism... I'm not expecting Spider-Man 2 to be the model of Dogme, but neither do I expect to be treated like an idiot (not that I'm saying S2 will treat me that way, naturally). You wanna derail any arguments over this kind of thing with that tired analogy (which is also fucking appalling for a whole host of reasons, by the way), you're kind of missing the point about this kind of debate.

And, if I can defend the good Lord Morque for a moment, he wasn't saying that the last two Batman movies sucked because of their failure to be realistic, he was saying they sucked because the makers treated the material and their audience with contempt, and that the attitude "comics don't have to be realistic" was what told them it was ok to do so.
19:35 / 08.07.04
As for Spidey 3, who knows what they'll do , but I definitely expect Black Cat (not Gwen Stacy, she's too normal - i.e. not a super powered character) to be in the next film as a romantic complication for Peter & MJ.

I agree that the Lizard might be boring - he's like the Hulk, just a guy who turns into a mindless vicious beast every now and then. Not much conflict there beyond Jekll & Hyde. I'd like to see Kraven as the villain.

If they can get Venom, I bet they use him as the main villain, with a small Harry as wanna-be Hobgoblin appearance.
19:36 / 08.07.04
>> I can make my own web fluid, I just choose not to do so in polite company.

Nice one
23:39 / 08.07.04
If they can get Venom, I bet they use him as the main villain, with a small Harry as wanna-be Hobgoblin appearance.

i don't know if they can or can't get Venom, but it's a moot point because they don't want Venom. Raimi has said many times that he thinks that the whole concept of Venom is stupid and he refuses to do a movie with the character.
06:46 / 09.07.04
Good. I agree with Raimi. If you're going to Venom, do something much more interesting than whats been done in the comics...this the one time I don't mind deviating completely from the comic.
18:02 / 09.07.04
Silly people.

Everyone knows the villain for the third movie will be Galactus.

Dressed as the Sta-puft Marshmallow Man.
No star here laces
18:17 / 10.07.04
Question: are effects now good enough to actually do a Silver Surfer movie?

With Jude Law as the surfer, and Salma Hayek as Shalla Bal. Johnny Depp as Mephisto and Gerard Depardieu as Galactus.
18:36 / 10.07.04
So, better villain?

Willem DaGoblin or Doc Molina?
17:36 / 12.07.04
I saw Spidey 2 again and it was even better the second time. All the little nitpicks I had the first time just
went out the window for me. It was just so terrific. My eyes were welled up with tears half the time, either because it was so moving or because it was just so damn good.

Your Silver Surfer movie cast is kinda brilliant, BTW.
Foust is SO authentic
18:29 / 12.07.04
100th post in this thread!
20:49 / 12.07.04
? It's obvious she has a crush on Peter, but the scene is meant to display something, all I have is my own speculation. What about you guys. what do you think.

Black Cat. Almost definitely.

But also a nice way to show that Parker wasn't ready to give up on MJ.

I'm guessing the next film will have Hobgoblin be a bad guy, then turn into a good guy, then lose it at the end and attempt to zap Spidey. Because, if I remember the comics right, his shtick is that he's really nuts.

Who else would love a Spidey/X-men crossover? Even just for one scene?
21:58 / 12.07.04
Mommy, I'm scared...


You're a good man, Peter Parker. According to a report in Variety, Marvel and producer Tony Adams ("Victor/Victoria") are planning to turn Spider-Man into a musical.

If that doesn't send your spider-senses into overdrive, the creative line-up will: the book writer would be by Neil Jordan ("The Crying Game"), and songwriters Bono and the Edge of U2. Award-winning Julie Taymor (B'way's "Lion King", Frida) is on board to direct.

Neither Marvel nor Adams would comment.


Hopefully this will just go away, like the proposed Batman musical by Meatload some years back...
22:01 / 12.07.04
Grant, I like your thinking on Harry's upcoming Hobgoblin arc. He definitely won't fall into the cliche villain mold in Spidey 3, whatever happens...

that anorexic geeky-cute girl can't possibly be the Black Cat! Plus her last name's not Hardy, and I expect they'd at least keep with the name Felicia Hardy.
22:12 / 12.07.04
Rumor from

>> 'Kazman' pointed us to News Askew which have posted the following rumor...

>> An interesting rumor has surfaced that Eliza Dushku, who read for the Mary Jane part in Spidey, might return in the third film as The Black Cat. Just a rumor, folks, but a neat one at that.

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